The Law of Attraction: Signs Someone is Thinking About You

Have you ever caught yourself wondering if your special someone is thinking about you? Well here you can find your answer. The law of attraction can be used to recognize signs that someone is thinking about you, making it easier to manifest them into your life.

If you catch yourself thinking negatively about your love life, put your past where it belongs–behind you–and begin to manifest the love you deserve. In this article, we dive into how the law of attraction can give off signals someone is thinking about you and how to use it to win that person’s favor.

What is the Law of Attraction?

Defining the law of attraction

Lets start by defining the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction has many different definitions especially when it comes to what someone is trying to attract. We will get more into that later.

The most basic definition is that, like attracts like. So, when you send energy into the universe that energy is reciprocated back to you, whether negative (like fear, guilt) or positive (joy, love, gratitude).

Diving further into the meaning

The law of attraction supports the theory that if you are a positive, upbeat person you will attract positive and upbeat energy in your life. This also coincides with negative thoughts.

If you are someone, or you know someone, who is constantly thinking of the negative outcomes or complains about whatever situation they are in, they will continue to attract negative outcomes into their daily lives. This can also lead to attracting negative people into your life.

The law of attraction in positive energy

Attracting a positive life starts with you! A person's thoughts can have a huge impact on the outcomes over the course of their journey on this earth. Utilizing the powerful tool that is positive energy can transform your life for the better.

When one thinks more positively about their dreams, goals, relationships (professional, personal or romantic), medical conditions, etc. the outcomes of those situations become more positive. Positive thinking is scientifically supported to healthier living, a lower risk of disease and a longer life.

The law of attraction is not just a coincidence. This phenomenon occurs due to brain chemistry. Rewiring your brain to think more positively can create clarity during stressful situations, increase likelihood of positive influences on your life, create a better reaction rate, and having a better outlook on life. These all lead to living a happier, healthier lifestyle and more clarity when it comes to life's obstacles.

When someone is manifesting negativity even in their subconscious mind, this can lead to deterioration of their spirit which can then lead to the deterioration of their physical body.

Look at it like this, when you are exercising or doing something that is hard and you tell yourself, "I cannot do this for much longer, I will not be able to do this." Your body is getting the signal from your brain to quit. Therefore, your body will feel more tired and sluggish, thus not allowing you to finish the hard task.

If you were to turn you thinking around, "I can do this, I am strong and I believe in myself," Your body is getting the message that it is strong and can do anything. Your mind will remind you, you can make it through this, you are stronger than you think you are. It really is mind over matter.

Now, if you are wondering how does the law of attraction affect romantic relationships, we have got the answer for you.

The Law of Attraction in Love

When attracting a romantic partner, one must portray themselves as what they want to attract. This means falling in love with who YOU are and emitting a positive vibration into the universe.

If one is insecure, suffers low-confidence or does not believe they have much going for them, they are going to attract someone who may not be the best influence on them. This can actually lead to toxic relationships. Someone who feels that they are less than worthy of a healthy love may fall for someone who is controlling, narcissistic or abusive.

This is not on purpose, this is the subconscious mind at work. That is why it is so important to love yourself, support yourself and begin thinking more positively.

Becoming someone who is confident, who loves who they are, sets clear boundaries and thinks positively will allow you to be someone who does not allow negativity to enter your aura. If you know who you are, are confident in who you are and you are constantly thinking of how to better yourself, you will have no room for negativity or toxicity in your life.

Continue reading below to see how you can begin to love who you are so that you can attract the love you desire.

How you can attract the best person for you

As mentioned earlier, the law of attraction allows you to attract the same energy you give out to the universe. So, if you are negative, unfortunately the more negative your life will be. This is why it is so important to begin thinking more positively.

To manifest the right person into your arms you must begin with the love you feel for yourself. Here are some ways you can begin falling in love with yourself-

  • Start journaling

  • Begin to recite self-love mantras daily in front of a mirror

  • Keep a journal

  • Exercise

  • Eat healthy

  • Keep yourself disciplined

  • Write to-do lists and mark a check when you complete a task

  • Have self-care days

  • Talk positively about yourself

  • Remind yourself you are worthy of anything and everything you wish to attract

  • Learn how to accept praise from others and yourself

  • Remind yourself that you are someone to be proud of everyday

Starting today, tell yourself three things you are proud of yourself for. You may feel funny or weird for the first couple of days or even weeks but if you start today, by the end of the month you will feel more confident in yourself.

You do not need to start to do all of these things today but start with one or two and add more as you feel fit. Once you start using the law of attraction for your benefit, your life will begin to blossom.

Now that we have covered how you can use the law of attraction for your own benefit lets dive into how you know that special someone is thinking about you.

How You Know Someone is Thinking of You

The law of attraction can also send you signals when someone is manifesting you! Opening yourself up for the possibility that someone is sending you energy can lead you to the love you are attracting for yourself.

Below are some ways the subconscious mind is sending you signals.

How the Subconscious Mind Sends You Signals

There are subtle signs the subconscious sends when someone is thinking about you. Some common signs include:

  • Having a dream about a specific person frequently

  • The person randomly pops into your head

  • You feel the inexplicable desire to suddenly text or reach out to that person

  • You suddenly feel a magnetic pull toward a specific person

  • You feel arbitrarily strange feelings and emotions

These are just a few things that may occur when someone is sending energy your way. Each of these happen due to the psychic signs that someone sending while manifesting your love.

When you notice these signs happening, it is time to interpret them. If you keep reading below, we go more into depth of why these signs may occur.

How to Interpret Subconscious Attraction Signs

Subconscious occurrences of the law of attraction signs someone is thinking about you all have their own meaning and include psychic signs that one may not draw attention to normally.


Dreaming about someone frequently is a psychic sign that someone has been thinking about you a lot recently. This occurs when someone has a deep connection with you, you should not ignore this sign.

When you are in a dream state, you are more susceptible to the vibrations and energies the souls within the universe give off. You are literally connected to the network of the universe. If you have a hard time remembering dreams keeping a dream journal may help you to figure out who may be thinking about you.

If you know the person you are repeatedly dreaming about this is a happy sign that they are also thinking about you!

Someone pops in your head

When a person suddenly pops into your head, this can mean that that specific person is sending energy your way. It is hard to miss interpret this sign, it will literally tell you who is thinking about you.

The Desire to reach out

When you feel the inexplicable desire to text or reach out to someone, we recommend speaking to that person, they are definitely thinking about you! When you become aware of this signal realize that it is a good sign that someone's thoughts have transferred energy to you.

IRRESISTIBLE magnetic attraction

Feeling a magnetic force of attraction toward a person is a psychic connection between the two of you. Your energy fields and vibrations may be on the same wavelength. This a powerful sign to be aware of and could mean you should spend time with that person. This is one company you may want to get to know.

A strange feeling

Having random bouts of strange feelings and emotions is another sign that may be new beginnings of a relationship may occur. While this sign may be more subconscious than the others and does not give you a lot of insight, it means your intuition is in tune with the universe around you.

Do not pass this as nothing, this experience may be the most powerful connection. Ask yourself what type of feelings you feel when this random burst of strange emotions happen.

While subconscious signals that someone is thinking about you seem self-explanatory, we must be aware of them when attracting the love we manifest. We want someone who is thinking of us the same way we are thinking of them.

Typical Physically Present Attraction signs

There are many signs someone is thinking about you, some are subconscious like mentioned before and some are physically present.

The physical signs of attraction that someone may experience when someone is thinking of them are less self-explanatory than the subconscious signals. Although, they should not be ignored, they are energy transfers from one company to another.

Here are some physical signs that are common when someone is thinking about you:

  • You get goosebumps

  • You experience eye twitches

  • You get random hiccups

  • You see a white feather

  • You feel a non physical touch

  • You bump into someone often

If you are questioning what some of these signs of attraction mean or have to do with the law of attraction, below we go into depth of the meaning of all the signs someone is thinking about you.

How to Interpret a Physical Attraction Sign

When you begin to feel one of the above signs for supposedly no apparent reason it could be a strong sign something is thinking about you. While there are natural reasons for all of these occurrences, there are times in which psychic power is taking place.

Each of the physical attraction signs can mean you have a strong connection with whomever is thinking about you.


The sensation of goosebumps is a strong sign to notice. Getting goosebumps for seemingly no apparent reason can signify an energy transfer from someone whom you have a strong emotional connection with. They are thinking about you in a positive manner.

Eye twitching

Eye twitching is a powerful sign that can mean someone had a passing thought about you. It is said that if the twitch occurs in your right eye it signifies that someone thinks positively about you. If the eye twitch occurs in the left eye it can mean that they think of you negatively.


Getting random hiccups is an old fashioned saying used in the past that signifies that someone is thinking about you. This is a connection of vibration, similar to getting the goosebumps.

The white feather

Spotting a white feather is a signal from your guardian angel that your soulmate is thinking about you. This can also mean that your guardian angel sees you are on the right path and they want to see you happy and flourishing.

Non physical touch

Feeling a non physical touch is a deep emotional and psychic connection that offers you a sense of comfort and reassurance. This occurs when someone you have a deep connection with is thinking about you.

Repeatedly bumping into the same person

Bumping into the same person frequently, especially in the same place, can mean that this person's thoughts revolve around running into you at this location. When they go to this place they think about you and are probably hoping they run into you.

This could be your local coffee shop, the gym, the grocery store, etc., if they think about you when they enter this environment it signals you. Your energies are connected, give them the time of day, the universe may be sending you a sign someone is thinking about you more than you know.

How to Use the Law of Attraction to get Someone To Think About You

Now that you know if your person is thinking about you, lets plunge into how you can get them to think about you using the law of attraction.

Reviewing law of attraction

As mentioned, the law of attraction means that whatever you focus your energy on can and will effect who and what comes into your life. That can mean when you think of someone, they will get the signals and think about you just as much.

Although, the energy you receive back may not be exactly what you thought it would. The universe has a way of making our wildest dream come true without us even knowing they are our dream.

How use the law of attraction to your advantage

When you have a sense of what the law of attraction is and how it works, you can use it to your advantage.

When you think of someone there are psychic signs that transfer energy to the person you are thinking about. The attraction signs someone feels when you think about them are hard to miss. So when you start putting the positive vibration out into the universe, the universe will have your back and give it back to you.

When you rewire your brain to create a more positive outlook on life, you can attract anything you want! Use your positive vibes to send the right signals to who you want to receive them.

Now, because you are using the law of attraction for your benefit, your soulmate will begin thinking about you. The energies within the universe are on your side.

It is not a linear process either so have hope and be patient, your dream will come true if you continue to manifest positivity.

Remember, the vibration you give out is the vibration you receive. Make sure it is positive and uplifting!


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