Manifestation Affirmations

Everyone desires more abundance in their life.

Maybe you wish your romantic options were more exciting, or that you had more money coming in. Your manifestation practice can bring you into alignment with these desires which will bring them into your life.

You can use affirmations to focus your energy and power of intention on bringing your heart's desires to fruition. They put the vibration of your desired life into your subconscious and out into the Universe.

No matter what you desire, affirmations can be used to speed up the process of getting it. In this post, we'll share a variety positive affirmations that will help you manifest your dream life. 

What Are Positive Affirmations and how do they work?

Affirmations are declarations of what you desire to manifest. They are a sort of personal wish list that you send out into the universe by stating them in the present tense. As you state that your desires are true, you program your subconscious and submit that energy out into the Universe.

By repeating these statements to yourself, you will change your mindset and start to believe in what you're affirming. You will increase your Will to Have which is an important signal to the Universe that you are deserving of your manifestation.

Be Specific

Your affirmation should be as clear and concise as possible. For example, if you want to manifest wealth to buy a house, simply state “I am receiving my dream house.” Do not get tangled up in details such as a specific amount of money or worry about the “how”.

The Universe does not understand dollar amounts nor the restrictions to your desires that you devise in your mind. If it is meant to be, and the strength of your intention is strong enough, your wish will be satisfied.

Speak in the present tense

Another tip is to make sure your affirmations are in the present tense. From a metaphysical standpoint, if you are saying that you want something or will get something in the future, you are putting yourself in a state of desiring, needing, and not having. By affirming that you already have, you align with that reality.

Saying something is true is referred to as affirming it. Affirmations work similarly to gratitude diaries and the law of attraction (or law of assumption) by using your energy of intention like a magnet. It does not matter how you speak it so much as how you change your state. You can even whisper your affirmations for a successful outcome.

Focus your energy on the positive

An important thing about affirmations is that they don't try to "repair" anything. They do not focus on the perceived negative of a situation, or what is “wrong”. Rather, your manifestation affirmation is said to invite positive energy in.

Focus on the good you are bringing in. This not only means for your affirmation itself, but also for its underlying attention. Does it make you feel good, or is it a matter of satisfying an egotistical desire or insecurity?

Manifestation Affirmations

Does Manifestation Work to Produce Your Dream Life?

Manifestation, stemming from the law of attraction, is rooted in the belief that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts, people can bring positive or negative experiences into their life. Manifestation is often cited as an example of how affirmations can work.

The theory is that by repeatedly affirming something, you can program your subconscious mind to believe it and eventually see it manifested in your life. Or that if you focus on positive thoughts, you'll attract positive experiences and circumstances. Similarly, if you focus on negative thoughts, you'll attract negative experiences and circumstances.

According to the law, your thoughts and your feelings create your reality. So if you want to change your reality, you need to change your thoughts and feelings. This is where affirmations come in. By repeating positive affirmations, you can change your thoughts and, as a result, change your reality.

The Science Behind it All

There's no scientific evidence that affirmations can specifically manifest things into existence. However, there is evidence that affirmations can help you achieve your goals.

A study published in the Journal of Research in Personality found that people who repeated positive self-affirmations (such as "I am a lovable person") felt better about themselves and were more likely to achieve their goals than those who repeated negative affirmations (such as "I am a loser") or no affirmations at all.

Another study, published in the Motivation and Emotion, found that people who affirmed their intelligence before taking a difficult test performed better than those who didn't.

The bottom line is that if you believe in the power of affirmations and are willing to put in the work, you can use them to manifest abundance in all areas of your life.

Manifestation Affirmations for Positive Energy You Need To Try Today

While there’s a spiritual belief that affirmations help the Universe manifest what you want, there's also scientific evidence that they can help you achieve your goals by changing your mindset. And even if they don't work exactly as you hoped, repeating positive statements to yourself can drastically improve your overall outlook in life.

With that said, here are some manifestation affirmations you need to try. Write down a handful of these affirmations that particularly speak to you from this list and keep it with you at all times. I believe in the universe. It provides me with just what I need at the appropriate time.

  1. I am worthy of abundance.

  2. I am grateful for all the abundance in my life.

  3. The Universe is taking care of me.

  4. I am capable of manifesting my deepest desires for my future self.

  5. Everything is working out for the best.

  6. My thoughts, beliefs, and actions are all aligned with my desires.

  7. I am confident in myself and happy with my reality.

  8. For me, everything works out flawlessly. My ideal existence is being built by myself.

  9. I have the ability to pursue my dreams and make them a reality.

  10. I am surrounded by abundance.

Once you've written down the statements that resonated with you, allow these manifestation affirmations to permeate every cell in your body. Feel them, and truly believe them. If you pair these affirmations with the appropriate action, you'll be well on your way to realizing your goals.

Final Thoughts on Manifestation Affirmations

The course of your life can drastically change thanks to affirmations. Manifestation is not bad, rather it is an effective instrument for attracting prosperity into every aspect of your life. Repeat an affirmation for a few minutes each day while gazing in the mirror or placing your palm over your heart.

Don't let the affirmations you read in this post or elsewhere online limit you. You don't have to pick the "perfect one" for your affirmation to be worthwhile; keep in mind that affirmations are very personal. Simply choose the ones that are most comfortable or fitting for you.

If there isn't anything on the list that struck home and didn't speak to you, remember that you can always create your own manifestation affirmations. List a few aspects about you or your life that you find unfavorable or that you would like to change. Then change that assertion into a declaration of success. These can help reduce limiting beliefs and even help to manifest money, attract money, and start manifesting financial prosperity overall.

Building a Manifestation Habit

Make it a habit to say your affirmations every day and you will see results within a few weeks. Consistency is most important, as it takes time for the Universe to respond to your request.You can also engage in a manifestation circle with friends to keep each other consistent.

Manifestation affirmations are more than just positive statements that sound good. They channel positive energy into your life that can produce meaningful changes over time. That said, you can't expect to attract money and your dream job in a day. So, instead of focusing on when you will see your desire manifest, focus on enjoying performing your affirmations!


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