Law of Attraction Sex Influences

The phrase "like attracts like" is the simplest connotation behind the principles of the Law of Attraction. Each individual is responsible for attracting positive and negative influences into their lives, whether they are aware of it or not.

One can actually use the law of attraction to attract the sexual experiences they seek. One of the most powerful sources of energy that we humans can tap into is our sexual energy. When you realize the vast potential of your sexual energy, you can channel it into creating whatever it is you most desire in the world.

What's The Law Of Attraction?

According to the law of attraction, one's thoughts attract the positive or negative events into their life. It's predicated on the idea that one's thoughts are like kinetic energy and that energy is emitted then received as one in the same. One can increase their chances of material, interpersonal, and spiritual fulfillment by being grateful and optimistic.

It is widely held that one's state of mind directly affects reality, with negative thoughts drawing in unpleasant events and positive ones bringing about pleasant ones.

These assertions raise the question, is the law of attraction real? Although books like "The Secret" have brought an abundance of attention to the law of attraction in recent years, the lack of scientific evidence for its claims has led to its dismissal as a pseudoscience. But, even though science has been unable to confirm it, there are incredibly many practical instances that support its existence.

A Brief Overview Of The History Of Law Of Attraction

The concept of the law of attraction has indeed gained much popularity in recent years, but that doesn't make it any less veracious. Napoleon Hill named the long argued theory, The Law of Attraction, in 1928 in his book, "The Law of Success in 16 Lessons."

The philosophical school, known as "New Thought," developed from these ideas in the early nineteenth century. The film "The Secret," released in 2006, was adapted into the best-selling book of the same name in 2008, and its sequel, "The Power," was released in 2010, all of which contributed to a resurgence of interest in the concept during the 20th century.

The Laws Of Attraction for Sexual Energy

How exactly does one put the law of attraction into practice? What you experience in life is created by the energy of your thoughts. This means that the opposite is true: happy thoughts bring about happy outcomes. Those who believe in the law of attraction argue that it is based on three universal principles: Like Attracts Like, Nature Detests A Void of Positive or Negative Experiences and Perfection Exists Only In The Present.

In the following text, we dive into the explanations of the three universal principles.

Like Attracts Like to Manifest Sex

This principle explains that similar entities are drawn to one another. This means that we are naturally drawn to those similar to us. It also implies that our thoughts and actions have a recursive quality that brings about similar outcomes.

Your thoughts and actions come full circle, so when it is said that like attracts like, one must dig deep into themselves. You may subconsciously be emitting an energy that attracts toxicity in your life. This is to no fault of your own but occurs due to trauma, past experiences and maybe mental health illnesses.

Nature Detests A Void of Positive or Negative Experiences

This principle states that clearing out the bad in your life can make room for the good. There is no such thing as a blank slate when building a new life. Be careful when making this adjustment that you are clearing out the bad to fill it in with good, not clearing out the bad for more bad to occur. Something will always fill this void, it might as well be something good.

Notice here we are speaking to "clearing out negative" but not to "chasing after positive." It is important to attract instead of chase.

Perfection Exists Only In The Present

An essential tenet of this law is that there should be no worry about improvement in the here and now. This is a way of eliminating limiting beliefs to achieve your desired sex life or a better sex life. Do not worry about the immediate present, for one to attract positive relationships they must first find acceptance of the present.

Even though it may seem like the present is flawed at times, this law suggests that instead immersing yourself in the feelings of dread or unhappiness, you should concentrate your energy on discovering ways to make the present the best it can be. You can have success with manifesting sex by not allowing perpetuating self-limiting beliefs set you back. You must focus on positive emotions and positive energy as well as self-love and healing if you want to improve your love life and attract sexual partners.

Cultivate your sexual energy by focusing on the positive of the moment, and on what you enjoy about yourself and your loving partner.

Sex And The Law Of Attraction

A sexual act is a fusion of the energies of two or more people. Considering that sexual energy is among the strongest energies a human being can experience, it is natural for this energy to become blocked.

Finding out what may have caused your sexual blockage is important. You can overcome this "challenge" and get back to enjoying your sex life once you figure out what is causing the blockage. Maybe you were dealing with a stressful situation at work or maybe you were worried about money or possibly you were worried about an external force.

Some individuals cannot get sexually aroused because they are not confident with their appearance or are going through some other form of insecurity. One may develop this barrier due to a traumatic sexual experience, while others' moral upbringing is to blame.

You need to do some introspection and research to determine the root of your sex lifes' standstill. Meditating can and will reveal the reason why. Your thoughts will become more focused during meditation, allowing you to find the problem and give a solution. The solution to your sexual problems will present itself to you after you have cleared and calmed your mind and spirit.

The Power Of The Law Of Attraction To Revitalize Your Sexual Life

We advise you to try combining meditation and affirmations to enhance your sexual life. To enhance your sexual life, you can try guided meditation, writing down affirmations, or visualizing the ideal sexual encounter. Remember you attract what you give.

Find a calm, comforting space, close your eyes, and picture yourself in a sexual situation. To begin, try to picture what it was like and all the details that came with it. Then, visualize yourself and your partner in the scenario. Think about the conversation, the atmosphere, the touches, the kisses, and the feelings of energy. Put yourself in the situation mentally and let yourself feel the sensations of the sexual act.

The Universe does not differentiate between your visualization, the energy behind it and your actual life. The universe responds to your feelings and vibration by sending you more experiences that match those energies.

You can literally create the perfect sexual experience in your mind, and then bring it into the real world with your sexual partner by raising your vibration. With the use of mantras or affirmations as well as your mental visualizations, you are sending positive energy into the universe for it to then return to you.

Adding other techniques based on the Law of Attraction to your visualization like positive affirmations can benefit your life completely. Make affirmations and practicing mindfulness meditation to your daily life and you will see the benefits immediately and over time. Your sexual life can be completely revamped by using the powerful tools and strategies provided by the Law of Attraction.

law of attraction sex

Putting The Power Of The Law Of Attraction To Use In Your Sex Life

Now let us dive deep into the 7 simple steps to follow when manifesting the sex life you desire.

Think Positively

Think only positively about the sex life you want, and leave out any negatives that may come to mind. For instance, if you find yourself begging your partner to stop being self-centered in bed do not give the universe the negative energy of stating the negatives of the situation. The universe does not understand the positives or negatives it just "listens" to the words themselves. Therefore, if you see yourself saying "I do not want you to be self-centered in bed," what the universe hears is "self-centered in bed."

Try expressing to your partner, "I want to orgasm everyday." At this point, you are sending the positive energy into the universe that you want pleasure and its showing that you are worthy of the sexual experience you desire.

Show Confidence and Courage

Use affirmations and mantras that state that you are already confident, fearlessly, and spiritually sexual and have everything you desire. If you are having difficulty try applying Michelangelo's creative mind to this problem. Michelangelo claimed that the finished forms of his sculptures already existed in the marble before he began carving them. You, too, are already carved into the stone representation of your ideal self.

Imagine Your Ideal Life Before Bed

Think about the energies of the thoughts you have right before you go to bed. When you lay down to sleep, focus on the positivity of what you want to bring into your life.

Try to remember the images, scents and colors you may see or feel while thinking these thoughts. Imagine yourself ecstatically praising the amazing sexual experiences you're having presently.

You could also imagine being touched in how you fantasize about being touched; focus on the hands as they caress your skin or listen to the whispered words of desire that fill your mind. Use that energy to emit into the universe so that you can make your fantasies into a reality.

Send Powerful Emotions of Excitement and Arousal

When manifesting the sexual life you dream of feelings of excitement and arousal should be emphasized. Participate actively in action. Feelings and emotions are the driving force behind the Law of Attraction so sending out a powerful emotional call to the universe will result in a swift response.

Act What You Want to Attract

This means one must transform themself by altering the areas that are at odds with ones aspirations. Suppose you want to be a siren but insist on wearing underwear that does not flatter you. In this case, you are sending the universe the message that you'd rather be recognized for comfort rather than getting outside your comfort zone to allow for your desired sexual experiences to manifest into reality. It may be time to put away the pajama bottoms and treat yourself to new lingerie that reflects your sexual desires. Be as seductive as a siren, and people will flock to you.

Overcome Aversions

You can only fully appreciate sex once you've overcome any aversions you may have had to it in the past. It can be very hard but it also can be entirely within your control to make that change. Get started on changing your negative sex-related beliefs. Remind yourself through affirmations and meditations that you truly deserve to enjoy sex, and that it's one of the most natural things God created for humans.

Law of Attraction Limiting Beliefs

When it comes to manifesting sex there are common limiting beliefs that may be hindering your dreams from becoming reality. This comes with avoiding negative beliefs and negative thoughts.

No matter your previous sexual encounters you have to find it in your heart and soul that you deserve to enjoy sex. You deserve a loving partner who listens to you and your needs. Do not let self limiting beliefs get to you, they are holding you back from the sexual life you dream of. Think positively and you will make it through your journey of experiencing sex and all of its benefits.


The more you study the Law of Attraction and practice its many useful principles and techniques, the more you will be able to change your life for the better and attract more of the good things you desire.

Regardless of what you hope to accomplish, the Law of Attraction can provide valuable insight and guidance to help you achieve your most prized dreams.


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