The Law of Assumption vs Law of Attraction: What's the difference?

We've all heard about the law of attraction and how it might help you achieve your goals. But what about using another universal law to do the same: the law of assumption? What is it and how does it measure up?

The law of assumption and the law of attraction are both terms that are relatively new. They both were coined in the 1900s, during what was called the new thought movement which began in the United States and it was the period of time of what we can say, the "spiritual awakening" where there were lots of writers, artists, and philosophers who became very interested in the concept of consciousness and how mind interplays with reality.

There are actually lots of good books that came out of that period of time. Among some really popular new thought writers that we may have heard of, include Neville Goddard who wrote: "Feeling is the Secret". He was actually the person who we credit with terming the phrase: the law of assumption.

Although the primary goal of both laws is to assist you in achieving your goals, they do it in different ways. You can use the principles of the law of assumption to bring about your desires if you understand its fundamental principles and how to apply them.

Learn more about the key differences between the law of attraction and the law of assumption in this article.

What is the Law of Assumption?

The law of assumption explains that if you assume something will happen, it is more likely to. Your thought energy is shaping the reality around you, so if you expect that your job interview will go wonderfully, it is more likely too.

The more thought energy of expectation that centers around something, the more intensely the law of assumption will take effect. If many people expect a certain outcome to, say, a sports game, it is more likely that outcome will manifest.

This is where the power of prayer comes from. If many people are putting their thought energy toward you succeeding at something, you have a better chance of doing so.

The takeaway from the law of assumption is that when you expect reality to be a certain way it will shift towards being that way. So, it helps you to always expect the best-case scenario.

What is the Law of Attraction?

The law of attraction is simple: like attracts like. Whatever is, attracts unto itself. Therefore, the law dictates that your reality is shaped by whatever you tune your own consciousness into. If you are emitting positive thoughts, such as gratitude, you will attract more positive things into your life to be grateful for.

The application of the law of attraction goes beyond positive affirmations or simply positive thinking. It is about aligning your vibrational frequencies with that of what you want. If you are constantly exhibiting positive thoughts and doing positive things, you will attract that which aligns with those thoughts and actions.

law of attraction vs law of assumption

On the contrary, the law of attraction can also work against you. If you fall into the trap of negative thinking, your negative thoughts will bring more bad things to you. When you give focus, attention, and emotion to your limiting beliefs, you inflate them. Negative thoughts attract negative outcomes, which is why it is so important to "let go" of misfortunes and frustrations--they will compound if you continue to give power to them.

The law of attraction and your inner power

The law of attraction has a certain truth and beauty to it. Whatever you concentrate your attention on will come back to you. According to the law, by focusing on what you wish to achieve, you'll emit positive energy that will draw those achievements toward you.

Due to these facts, the law of attraction is the basis for your inner power. The key to using the law of attraction or your inner power to get the life you want is to start by identifying your goals and then focusing positive effort and attention on them. It applies to everything from your career to your love life (and yes, the law of attraction even influences sex.)

Do everything within your power to ensure the goal feels attainable. Tune yourself into the vibration of your desired state. This is how you use the law of attraction to create your own reality. This is what it means to have inner power.

So, what's the difference between the law of assumption and the law of attraction?

There is a subtle but meaningful difference between the two laws.

Keep in mind that they do not contradict each other. They just describe slightly different phenomena.

The law of attraction explains how that which is attracts more of itself. Think of it like a magnet. If your magnet is tuned to jealousy, events will occur in your life which continue to make you jealous. If your magnet is tuned to success, you will be pleased to find things bending in your favor.

Put simply, the law of attraction explains that whatever vibrational state you are in, whether it be happy, sad, or somewhere in between, will cause an associated change in your physical reality.

The law of assumption, on the other hand, says that you will attract whatever you expect into your life. Under the law of assumption, you could theoretically be a dark-cloud of negative thinking, but as long as you genuinely believe positive outcomes will occur, they will.

The law of assumption speaks to how reality conforms to what your consciousness expects will happen. The power of belief is strong enough to influence physical reality, as long as

Put simply, the difference between the two is that the law of assumption focuses on expectation/belief, whereas the law of attraction focuses on state of being.

Both the law of assumption and law of attraction offer insight into how you can influence your life in the present moment. by changing your inner world, you can bring about a corresponding result in the external world.

There is no "better" or more correct law. They coexist nicely. There is no point in trying to split hairs to say that one is more impactful than the other. Rather, you should aim to honor both and use both of them to your advantage.

Using the Law of assumption vs law of attraction for changing your own reality.

How to Change your Reality though the Law of Assumption

The law of assumption states that you get more of what you expect. Therefore, you should rewire your expectations to be positive. Perhaps the most effective way to do this is through the Law of Assumption Affirmations.

You can start small by simply raising your awareness to notice whenever you have a negative expectation. When you think something unfortunate will take place, call yourself out, and replace it with a positive expectation.

This is hardest to do whenever you build up a positive expectation, and things end up not going your way. The feelings that follow are ones of disappointment, dissatisfaction, and sometimes, frustration. The reason for this is that you may be too invested in a positive outcome.

So, a master of the law of assumption would expect positive outcomes, but not be attached to them. The master would expect things to go in a favorable way, but be unbothered even if they dont.

How to change your reality through the Law of Attraction

Looking through the lens of the Law of attraction, the most important thing is your state of being, i.e., your vibrational state.

Whatever state you're in, you will attract a vibrational match to that state. If you want to move to a reality where you are successful in your endeavors, you should make it a point to feel like a winner. Truly immerse yourself into the emotions, thoughts, and attitudes of that state. Act as you would as if you had already made it to your objective. This will send powerful signals for the Universe to bring you that which you are emitting.

Note that the Universe is indifferent. It has no concept of "good" or "bad" or "fair" or "unfair." This is unusual for us, because ever since we are little children, we are instructed to make value judgments on things, or make sure everything is fair. The Universe does not have these concepts, it simply follows the laws of nature. One of which is the law of attraction.

So don't feel like you are somehow cheating the system. The Universe simply responds to your vibration in adherence to universal law.

Important note about the Law of Attraction

Understand that the Universe does not know positive from negative, it only knows magnitude. It does not know if you love something or hate something, it only knows that you are intensely syncing with its vibration and to bring you more of it. If you are focused on how much you do not like something, you will bring more of that thing just as if you had focused on something you love.

A good way to think about it is in terms of absolute value. Let's say your vibrational state has a range of 20, and it goes from -10 to 10. -10 means you truly hate something, and 10 is you truly love something.

Well, if you are at a -8 or an 8 towards loneliness, you will get more loneliness. This means that it does not matter if you are so enamored with being alone that you want much more of it, or if you are terribly afraid and uncomfortable of being alone that you never want to be alone again. The more time you spend in either state is attracting more loneliness.

Conclusion - law of assumption vs law of attraction

To recap, the law of assumption assumption states that whatever you expect is more likely to manifest. The law of attraction states that whatever you feel you will experience more of. Negative results come from negative feelings (vibrations) and positive results come from positive feelings.

Regardless of which of the two laws you gravitate to more, you should take care to focus on positive emotions, and cast out negative energy. Positive events will occur if you feel good feelings, think good thoughts, and have optimistic expectations.

So, take heed to be aware of your thoughts and start changing them to be more positive and expect better. As you do, your own physical reality will change to reflect it.


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