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Readings Offered: Standard 3-Card, $40 per reading. Includes a picture of the spread, a document explaining each card, and a summary of the reading.
1. Past, Present, Future: A general “vibe check” on the situation. Past refers to
the energies being brought over from (yes) the past—recent or not—to the
present. Present is where you are at in the moment—your current mindset
and path. Future refers to a singular, possible future (not a set-in-stone-
destiny etc.) of what energies you could end up being surrounded by if you
continue in the cycle of the past and the energies/mindset of the current
2. Situation, Action, Outcome: When you have a particular situation that you
feel stuck in, this spread provides an encouraging action to take to get you
back on the road towards a more desired outcome.
3. This, That, or The Other Thing: This spread is good for when you have
multiple choices that you need to think through. Each card represents a
choice and the energies surrounding the choice. Which one you take is
entirely up to you. This will only give you an idea of where that choice is
leading you.
4. You & Me General Edition: A quick and general overview of the dynamics
between you and your partner. Where you stand, where they stand, and
where you stand together in the relationship.
Arianna Archilla
Arianna is respected as a gifted Tarot reader and is the most popular diviner in the Intuitive Souls community.
Over the past 7 years, she has worked with countless clients across the globe. Her long list of colorful testimonials speaks to the depth and accuracy of the readings she’s given.