Law of Assumption Affirmations

What is manifestation?

Manifestation is the conscious intention of creating an experience within your reality. The truth is, we're all constantly manifesting, even if we're unaware of it.

This is called unintentional creation or unconscious manifestation. You create your own reality. You manifest through your thoughts, emotions, intentions, choices, and actions.

So, even if you are aware of the power of these components of your life, they are still impacting your reality and creating changes that you experience every day.

Positive affirmations shift your own reality towards your dream life. Assumptions serve as a tool for altering and creating reality.

There are certain tools you can use to curate your manifestations to become a direct reflection of your desires, one, in particular, being the Law of Assumption.

What is the Law of Assumption?

The law of assumption is a popular tool used in manifestation that aligns with the universal law that what you assume must be true.

There are many reasons this is effective for manifesting, both on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels.

You can reap truly wonderful rewards through manifestation, creating your dream life, healing, and overcoming any of your current obstacles.

Assumptions reflect changes you wish to see in your world. It puts you on the right track by pulling out limiting beliefs and affording you a sort of divine protection from your spirit guides. When you recite affirmations, change begins first with your internal state, then in physical evidence of the world around you.

While the law of attraction is the most common law within the manifestation community, the law of assumption can often be much more powerful. In order to fully embrace the law of assumption, it's important to understand the difference between this law and the law of attraction.

The Law of Attraction

The law of attraction states that anything you are an energy match with can manifest within your life. For instance, if you are angry, the law of attraction states that you will attract experiences that are in alignment with that anger.

Or, if you want to experience love, you must cultivate love within yourself and become a match for the person or experience that you are trying to attract.

One of the biggest pitfalls of the law of attraction is that it responds to your negative thoughts and can create negative outcomes because of this.

Your mental state must always be in a state that is in alignment with your desires in order for the law of attraction to meet your desired goal.

The Law of Assumption

The law of assumption is a bit different. This law operates based on your beliefs, expectations, and understandings.

The goal of working with this law is reprogramming your subconscious mind and affirming what you believe to be true and what you assume to the universe.

Using the law of assumption can create a radical change within your life because it allows your reality to function in positive ways, regardless of your mindset, actions, and choices.

While you will always be affected by these aspects of your existance, the law of assumption allows them to not completely dictate what is possible for you to experience.

Whether you want to learn how to manifest effortlessly, become a powerful creator of your reality, attract love, attract abundance, heal, or let go of old beliefs, the law of assumption can help you achieve this.

Here are some of the best affirmations for working with this law in the various aspects of your reality.

Love Affirmations

If you're looking for love or have had trouble manifesting love in the past, there's an assumption you have that's blocking you from experiencing it. These affirmations are intended to help you awaken to the love within you and surrounding you at all times.

  1. It's easy for me to love people.

  2. Every day, I feel so much love from the universe.

  3. Even when I'm upset, I still manage to find love.

  4. It's easy for other people to love me because I'm very lovable!

  5. I know that the people in my life love me very deeply.

  6. Even on my worst days, I feel all of the love around me.

  7. I always have someone that loves me in my life.

  8. It's easy for me to find a relationship that's full of love because there are plenty of loving partners out there for me.

  9. Love is always available for me, no matter the circumstances I face.

  10. I am lovable and worthy of unconditional love from everyone and everything.

Healing Affirmations

Healing is possible. Learning to assume that health is your natural state of being is essential in allowing healing within your life. These assumptions affirmations are great for your mental diet and will immediately impact your internal state. Healing is also more than skin deep; it has to do with your mind, emotions, body, and soul.

  1. I am healing because it's the natural state of my being.

  2. It's easy for me to heal because I allow myself to do so.

  3. I release all worry surrounding my healing because I know that I am on the road to recovery.

  4. Healing is possible for me because I've let go of what no longer serves me.

  5. No matter what I eat, my body remains healthy.

  6. Regardless of my thoughts, I remain mentally stable and at peace.

  7. Despite any feelings I have, I always remain happy and content within myself.

  8. Everything I do to heal works wonderfully for me.

  9. Healing for me is quick and easy!

  10. Everything in my life is supporting my health.

Abundance Affirmations

Having abundance means you are in alignment with your higher self and with the flow of the universe. If you experience lack in any area of your life, there is a sense of resistance you have within it that prevent you from allowing it to flourish. To undo these blockages, try out these assumption affirmations.

  1. Abundance is always all around me.

  2. I always have what I need and when I need it.

  3. I am supported by the universe.

  4. Everyone has my best interest in mind.

  5. Regardless of how much money I spend, I always have more than I need.

  6. I always have more time and money than I need, and I share it with those in need. My life is full of wonderful people and experiences.

  7. I always feel content and well-taken care of.

  8. Cultivating abundance is effortless for me.

  9. Life rewards me for all of my efforts.

Success Affirmations

What does success mean to you? Success doesn't have to be associated with a career or how much money you have; success is how content and empowered you to feel within your life. Here are a few assumption affirmations that can help align you with a successful mindset.

  1. I have all of the talents and abilities I need to be successful.

  2. Other people opened doors that led to my success.

  3. I find success through following my passions.

  4. I always find creative solutions to my problems.

  5. The entire universe is working in my favor.

  6. I find success in every job or career that I choose.

  7. I find success regardless of how I feel about myself or my abilities.

  8. Other people see me in my highest state of being.

  9. I see myself in my highest state of being.

  10. I always feel accomplished, fulfilled, and successful.

How To Use These Affirmations

Positive affirmations work because the positive statements recited by you help reprogram your mind and reality. 

When you speak these assumption affirmations, you create a new pattern of beliefs within your subconscious, creating your internal and external reality.

As you continue to use these affirmations, you'll eventually experience a positive shift, allowing you to constantly attract great opportunities within your life. 

It's helpful to utilize your physical senses while you use these affirmations because your senses are how you communicate when your subconscious mind. 

The positive law of assumption is helpful in creating your reality because once you change your pattern of beliefs, you are assimilating your reality to become a reflection of them.

Speak these law of assumption affirmations throughout the day, either verbally or in your mind. 

Speak each belief as if it's your truth, and allow the powerful law of assumption to work in your favor. 

Final Thoughts - How Positive Affirmations slowly transform your own reality into your dream life

Assumption affirmations work by "assuming" the reality already exists. The positive energy it emanates from your own consciousness inspires positive change.

You have the ability to change your reality, and you don't have to wait for the law of attraction to draw in experiences that you're a match for. That's not to say reality reflects your assumptions so much it begins unfolding perfectly into your perfect life. But, with assumption affirmations, your thoughts create real change that can easily align you with your desired life.

Take control over your life and awaken to your inner power. 

Decide how you want to live, who you want to be, and what you want to experience. 

What you assume is your truth!


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