Adonis Asteroid Astrology

In astrology, you may know your personal planets and components within your natal chart. 

Each of these aspects tells the story of who you are and what your life is and gives you guidance towards finding empowerment in the different areas of your life. 

The asteroid Adonis is an uncommon aspect within the chart, often overlooked, but it holds a powerful meaning that can help you within your love life. It describes your ideal partner, your soul mate.

Here, we'll explore the Adonis asteroid and how to interpret it within your chart.

What Is The Asteroid Adonis?

The name Adonis comes from Roman Mythology, where Adonis was the male lover of Venus. In astrology, Venus is the planet of love, passion, creativity, and romance.

Wherever Venus falls in your chart expresses explains how you are as a lover and where you find love. 

The Asteroid Adonis can explain to you where your soulmate is, what energy to look out for in a partner, and what influence this person can have over your life. This asteroid focuses on the astrology observations surrounding matchmaking.

You may gravitate to this asteroid when you feel extremely lonely if you are cautious about having your feelings hurt, or are simply excited for your "one." It can also suggest your type, such as if you'd be more attracted to kind and gentle types, liberating and rebellious types, and so on. It'll spell out just what you look for in your ideal partner.

Where Adonis is in your chart can describe who you find attractive, and your past relationships often reflect this.

If you're someone who's often attracted to a fire sign, your Adonis may be in Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius.

If you're someone who finds yourself attracted to more emotional and sensitive partners, your Adonis may be in a water sign, such as Scorpio, Pisces, and Cancer. 

How To Find My Asteroid Adonis Placement?

Finding your Adonis placement is just as easy as finding your general natal chart. 

Simply go to one of the astrology-generating sites, such as, and plug in your information. 

The Adonis placement generator may be under the 'extended chart' section, as it's not necessarily a standard in more common astrological practices. 

You can also find your asteroid conjunct and see if you will side more with a confident and cool type, or demand a literal romantic love scenario.

Other Influences For Attraction

Descendant Sign

While the asteroid Adonis is a great way to figure out what kind of soulmate and partner you are attracted to, you can also look at your descendant sign in your chart. 

The descendant sign is opposite your rising sign and describes the energy that you seek within your relationships. 

When you pair these two aspects with each other, you can figure out exactly what kind of partner you should have for a successful relationship and love life. 

Moon Sign

Your moon is your inner world, your emotional frequency, and often is one of the strongest aspects of your self-identify. 

Moon signs are also a great tool to reflect on when looking for a soulmate, as the moon signs of you and your partner should be harmonious in order to have a healthy emotional connection between the two. 

Personal Planets

The Personal planets are the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars.

The Asteroid adonis has a particularly "eccentric" orbit within this zone. It has a masculine energy that impacts the energies among these planets.

It is often compared with the asteroid Aphrodite, which is a feminine energy relating to pleasure. Note that, for our purposes here, the asteroid Aphrodite is outside the scope of the discussion and we will focus on the personal planets and Adonis.

Adonis Characteristics by the Elements

The elemental sign that your Asteroid Adonis falls under will dictate which type of soulmate you'll be attracted to. Even a good relationship with your ideal partner will have a variety of harsh aspects that cause conflict. So it's important to understand where the disconnects come from and how to address them. Also, it is easy to be lustfully attracted to the beautiful and attractive people in the world, but when you are looking for something more than simply sex, this is a good perspective to consider.


When your asteroid Adonis falls under an air sign, these people tend to be intellectual and live within the realms of their minds. 

An air sign craves someone you can connect with on the deepest levels of thoughts, someone who can self-reflect and talk about abstract ideas about life and the universe at large. 

You both share the same interests and are able to talk for hours on end. An Air Adonis may describe men who are very social in their private lives. They can often be liberating and rebellious types. It is known that these men bring more masculine energy to the relationship.

These people will also help you cultivate a sense of spiritual peace within your life, teaching you not to focus too heavily on your emotions. 


When it falls under a water sign, the Adonis asteroid's energy is emotionally available, empathetic, and full of strong, passionate energy, and kind and gentle types. Not even their friends can always understand their emotional depth.

Your ideal partner is someone that makes you their top priority, letting you into their inner world that is much more vast than you could ever imagine. 

They are extremely loyal and protective, and they tend to be very romantic. Expect slow and sensual sexuality but be cautious of too much jealousy.

This placement absolutely hates halfhearted commitment. With an Adonis in water, nothing less than full dedication will suffice.

Water Adonis signs tell you just what you want to hear because they have the ability to tap into your emotions and needs more so than any other form of this placement. 


When Adonis falls under a fire sign, this creates a powerful need for a passionate, expressive soulmate who takes the initiative, and is the confident and cool type. 

Your soulmate also likely has an abundance of sex appeal. A fire sign brings the same intensity and vigor to love as everything else.

You may be someone who wants someone to take charge in your relationship, and a fire adonis is the perfect sign to do so. 

These people may be a bit impulsive, but they will move at extremely impressive rates when they find love. And the love can be explosive–these intense feelings can give off some daddy issues energy or add a really dangerous aspect to dating. But ride with it! If the other signs love as a soothing melody of a harp, the fire sign is the intense and loud music of a rock band.

You will never feel anything less than loved and appreciated by these people, and your love life will be full of new experiences and excitement. 


Earth Adonis signs often have very fixed opinions. An earth sign will exhibit a firm grasp on their values.

You may be drawn towards a sign that is very sure of themselves and their beliefs about the world. People tend to be attracted to this conviction present in earth signs.

These earth signs are practical and use this approach when it comes to love. They hate disappointing people and can be the ideal partner if you are looking for consistency and reliability.

Earth signs know when to mind their own business, or when to be active within their relationship.

They'll ensure you are taken care of, plan ahead, and want to build a solid foundation within the relationship to ensure its longevity. 

They can be very straightforward, and you'll always know where you stand with an adonis earth sign. 

The Houses

Another way to pinpoint exactly what traits your soulmate has is to look at the house under which the Asteroid Adonis falls. 

The different houses in your natal chart are associated with certain elements and energies. Once you find the house of your Adonis, you can then understand just what area of your life your soulmate will have the greatest impact on. 

For instance, if you have an Adonis in the first house, your soulmate may help strengthen your sense of identity and individuality. They may be someone that allows you to exude your sense of freedom with your relationship.

If you're Adonis is in the 5th house, this may signify that your soulmate is meant to help you cultivate creativity, joy, and community. Your soulmate may be an artist or anyone that encourages you to live your life authentically and in a state of bliss. 

Find Your Soulmate

After you've discovered your Adonis sign, its element, and which house it falls under, write down all of the traits and create an outline for the perfect mate. 

Figure out exactly what you need from a partner, and what you don't want, as this will allow you to notice these traits in individuals in the future. 

There are many beautiful and attractive people in the world. Hopefully the asteroid adonis can bring you to slow and sensual sexuality with your ideal partner.

Just remember, astrology observations are complex and mysterious, you should not rely on it entirely. As always, follow your gut. Trust your intuition above all else!

Your natal chart is a powerful tool to help guide you toward meeting your soulmate and finding the love you were always meant to have!


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