How to do a Tarot reading for someone else online

With how tarot reading has progressed over the years, many tarot readers have turned to online readings as their main source of business. Performing online tarot readings offers a lot of opportunities, but it comes with some unique difficulties.

Of course, the usual challenges of growing an audience apply. If you haven’t already, start here to learn about growing a Tarot business.

Read on for some helpful tips for reading Tarot online.

Are online Tarot readings as accurate as in person?

That's a difficult question.

The truth is, tarot readings online can be a bit more difficult if you're new to being a professional tarot reader. A Tarot reading involves transmuting energy into the cards. It can be harder to do this when you are not physically present with the querent.

The key is to find ways to feel open and confident before starting your session to ensure an accurate reading. Take some time with your Tarot deck, shuffle the cards, and take a deep breath.

Believe in yourself; remember how brilliant you are at interpreting tarot spreads and reading tarot.

Knowing Your Client

One of the most important keys to a successful online card reading is gathering enough personal details of your client to understand the message and information they seek in the reading.

In person, it's more natural to pick up on their energy. However, separated by the online barrier, you need to gather more information to understand their vibration.

If they're looking for answers about their love life, it doesn't hurt to ask them their romantic desires, how they're currently feeling, etc.

If you don't feel comfortable asking them personal questions, you can go in reading blind, but it's a bit more difficult to do so online.

You already know the card meanings, feel connected to your deck, and read tarot in many different ways, but reading online can still seem like an entirely new endeavor.

The good thing is that reading tarot online will become second nature once you get enough practice. We've seen many students who were once terribly nervous become expert online readers after a few weeks of practice.

How To Find Clients

Finding clients for tarot readings is just like finding clients for any other business or activity.

There are many different sites and platforms that host tarot readers, some that you need proven experience to join, and others that you can join and create your own page and offer your services to the general public.

Sites like Etsy, Fiverr, and TikTok are great ways to cultivate customers online. 

Any way you can build up an online presence, you can find people who would be interested in online reading. If social media isn't your thing, or it feels too sales-y to promote with ads, try joining a Tarot related community that can introduce you to prospective clients.

Is There A Market For Online Readings?

People all over the world want answers for what they experience in their everyday life.

As a tarot card reader, you have the power to help people from all over the world access answers and help guide them towards bettering themselves and finding peace within a client's situation.

An online tarot reading is an opportunity with the world and interact with people from all different backgrounds, cultures, and walks of life.

Tarot card readers can be quite a special component in people's lives, and it's a job that should be cherished and appreciated. 

What Information Should I Communicate?

When practicing online tarot readings, there may become a time when the tarot cards show you information that you're unsure if you should relay to your client or not.

Most clients are likely coming to you in distress, needing answers for emotionally charged situations, and will often want as much information as you can allow.

But, there are some people that come to you for general information who may not want to bring up heavy emotional baggage.

A good rule of thumb is to ask your client before the psychic reading how 'deep' they want to go and if there are any topics or information that is off limits.

If you offer your service to the public, you can include a questionnaire or a disclaimer beforehand stating the type of information you will provide for them or ask each other what they're comfortable with talking about. 

How To Offer Your Readings

Online, there are unlimited ways to communicate with people seeking your tarot readings.

Audio Readings

Audio readings are popular for tarot reading online because they allow you to record your voice as you shuffle through the tarot spread without having to film yourself or worry about how the presentation appears visually.

You can send the audio recording of your reading to a customer for them to listen back to.

They'll be able to pause, rewind, and replay vital points within the remote reading, which they will appreciate very much.

This is an advantage that online reading has over an in-person one. 

Video Readings

Video readings are also a popular service many tarot readers offer online because it allows them to walk through the reading for their clients while pointing out specific details of the reading.

If you aren't comfortable being on camera, you can directly film the tarot spread and your hands as you perform the reading, being completely out of view other than when you're handling the cards.

Some people are visual learners, and seeing the cards in the video while they hear you interpret their messages can be very beneficial in awakening their own inner knowing. 

Written Readings

Written readings can also be utilized to perform an online reading.

This is a great choice for someone who prefers to read information and has an easier time interpreting it that way.

These are also usually easiest for a tarot reader because all it requires is for them to type up their integration.

Some will even include a picture of their spread as an attachment that their clients can reference as they read through their tarot reading. 

Should I Perform Readings Live?

Live readings are a great way for you to connect with a client in real-time, and it's most similar to an in-person reading.

While there is no right or wrong way, a live reading can be very rewarding for both you and the client, as it allows a true connection to be made energetically.

This is not to say that without it, you can't have accurate readings, but it could allow you to tap into their energy more easily.

When you read live, your client also has the immediate opportunity to ask related questions in relation to the topic at hand, which can help provide more clarity than other online options.

If you're looking for a more personal style business, live readings can help you create this. 

Personal Preference

If you want to go the extra mile in your online tarot reading business, you can give your clients the option to choose which tarot deck they want you to read with.

Allowing them to customize their reading can help them feel more engaged, connected to the reading, and it gives you a chance to work with all of your tarot decks equally, helping strengthen your own practice and understanding of the cards. 

Questions After The Reading

A common occurrence for online tarot, whether it's live readings, video readings, audio readings, or through email, a client may have many questions they want you to answer about the information that they received.

How you handle, this is completely up to you. If you have the means, you can draw cards for more information on your own time.

Or, you can offer them further answers for a discounted price.

But, if you're busy and don't have a lot of time to dig back into a reading that you already read whole-heartedly, you can put a disclaimer in your service that you aren't able to answer questions outside of the reading perimeters. 

Online Readings Are The Future

If you're looking to start an online tarot card reading service, now's a better time than ever!

Start thinking of ways you can grow an audience to offer your readings online.

Use your intuition to help guide you towards following the path that is right for you.

Also, make sure your Tarot skills are up-to-par. If you haven't already, learn Tarot quickly and effectively with our unique program.

You can use many methods to start, market, and promote your reading services online, such as a personal website, YouTube, and other social media platforms.

Remember, when you first learned tarot, it seemed like a completely different world, and there were probably moments when you were unsure that you could do it.

If you feel the same way about reading for people online, use the same passion and drive you had to learn tarot to help cultivate success for this!

You can do it. You're just a few clicks and card shuffles away.


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