"Does He Love Me" Tarot Spread

Are you questioning someone's feelings for you?

Maybe you're in a relationship or experienced a breakup and are unsure if your partner still loves you. When you're uncertain about love, seeing things objectively can be quite challenging. 

Luckily, there is plenty of tarot spreads to help you help empower your life and give you clarity into your relationships. Follow along for a powerful "does he love me" tarot spread and some helpful tips to get the most out of your love reading. 

Note - This spread is for someone you have a romantic history with. If you are trying to gauge what a new person thinks of you, try a reading like this instead.

What to keep in mind when reading for Love

Going into an emotionally-heavy reading like this, remember the following:

Have Patience

One of the most important aspects of a love reading is having patience.

Life happens in divine timing, and there are specific lessons each of us must learn.

If you're ready to hear the truth about the relationship, you must also be ready to wait for the universe to unfold naturally between the two.

If you're in a position where you are holding on to the man in question too tightly, you could potentially affect the results of your reading. 

Make sure you go into this tarot reading with patient acceptance of whatever answer you receive. 

Consider Free Will

When it comes to a tarot card reading, you may wonder if the person in question has free will in regard to the question you ask.

When asking about the future, yes, every party involved has free will.

If your love tarot reading says you will have a good relationship with this person, it's because both of you desire it to be so. 

If you receive an answer that says there will be challenges or distance within the relationship, it's because both of your energies aren't in alignment with each other. 

The tarot cards aren't influencing reality, his actions, or your own life; they're simply reading the current energy within your relationship. 

To this end, you must not attach yourself too much to a particular outcome. If the other person's emotional state or the timing of your relationship isn't right, there is no way to force your love to fully blossom. Sometimes it takes time for things to fall into place the way they need to for a relationship to reach its full potential.

Before The Reading

Before your reading, it's important to cleanse the tarot deck.

You can do so with sage, Palo Santo, or by placing a quartz crystal on top of the deck for a few hours. 

You want to remove any negative energies from the cards, helping you draw a clear and concise answer from the deck. 

Ground Yourself

When you have feelings of uncertainty in love, it can be difficult to remain grounded. Find time to disconnect from these feelings before you read.

Spend time outside, express your feelings to a friend or family member to help relieve them, and learn not to expect a specific outcome. 

Clear your mind

You may be hoping for certain cards or energies to emerge in the reading. That will only lead to bias that gives you an inaccurate result.

Try to clear your mind of noise, thoughts, and judgment. Enter into the reading as a silent observer, merely asking the question and accepting the insight at face value. This is the key to achieving success in any kind of tarot reading, but is especially important in love spreads since there is often intense emotion involved.

Does He Love Me Tarot Spread

For this tarot spread, you're going to draw four cards total. 

Shuffle the deck for a few moments, and transfer your energy into the cards. Meditate on the person that is at the focus of this reading. Draw the cards when it feels right. 

When you pull the four cards, you will place them in the following arrangement:

The first three cards will be in a horizontal line and represent the past, present, and potential of the relationship, and the fourth card will be closest to you, below the line of the cards above it, representing guidance from your higher self on how to move forward. 

Card 1 - Past Influences

The card in this position talks about the past connection you've had in the relationship. It will express the most dominant energy of the past, helping you understand what initially attracted you two together.

If the relationship started off loving, this card could help you understand how to cultivate a connection with this person again. 

Sometimes, this card will express feelings of the person in question that contain details you are unaware of. Maybe the relationship's initial stages weren't as you remember them. 

Card 2 - Current Romantic Connection 

The middle card of this placement helps express the state of your connection at this moment.

This card can give you a deeper look into the energies at play, helping to give you an honest reflection of where you stand with your person and how they truly feel about you right now. 

If you were in a past relationship but are no longer together, it can be difficult to understand how he truly feels.

The middle card helps explain his current feelings, which may or may not surprise you. 

If you draw a card such as the lovers or the 10 of cups here, you can be optimistic that your connection is strong and mutual. If you see a card like the three or ten of swords, that probably means things are not on a great course.

You could use this placement to help you understand whether or not you should take action towards rekindling feelings with this person or to being to establish a connection with him if there wasn't one there previously. 

Card 3 - Path Forward

The card in this placement represents the most probable path that this connection will take.

It expresses where the person in question desires for the relationship to go, if you're on their mind, or if they're currently wanting to walk away.

It's important to remember that nothing is set in stone.

Anything is possible.

The future outcome is based on how your person feels right now in this moment.

Many factors come into play for how a relationship will turn out, so it's best not to lose hope or become afraid that you'll never be together again. 

Card 4 - What you need to know 

The most important card in this tarot spread is the fourth card.

This card expresses a powerful message from your higher self, giving you advice on what you should do about this connection.

There are many reasons why a relationship doesn't work out, and oftentimes it's the universe guiding you to something greater.

If the reading expresses that the man in question does have feelings for you, it doesn't necessarily mean you should pursue a relationship with him.

Some relationships aren't meant to last and aren't meant to benefit you in the long run.

Reflect on this bottom card to help you understand whether or not this is a beneficial relationship for you.

Use honesty, and contemplate whether this relationship is headed in a direction that will lead to happiness or if it will eventually lead to pain. 

Listen To Your Heart

Regardless of the tarot's message, always listen to your heart. Your intuition knows you best and can help you understand which route you should take when questioning someone's love. 

Don't put someone else's opinion or feelings for you higher than your own value. You are worth everything your heart desires. 

Use the answers in this reading to help find clarity on how the man in question feels and to help you better understand the energies at play between you two. 

If the cards suggest he loves you, what will you do with that information?

Trust in the Universe

Everything works out in the end. It's a cliche saying, but it is true.

How many times in your life have you gotten bad news, only for you to realize down the line that it led to something better?

So, even though you may have your current romance take an unfavorable turn, have faith in the Universe. Believe that it has your best interests in mind because it does.

Whatever is meant to be, shall be. So hold your head high, and take on the world with confidence knowing that you will end up with the right person for you–whether it's the one you are interested in currently or someone else.


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