Meditation crystals

When choosing the right crystals for meditation, it's important that you become aware of a few things first. Crystals go hand in hand with color therapy and chakra therapy or philosophy.

Crystals have many healing properties, which make them useful as meditation stones for your meditation practices. Let's explore the healing powers of some of the best healing crystals.

Crystals for grounding and protection

Crystals are ideal for meditation and all sorts of energy work, from chakra balancing to aligning with your higher self. The chakra points are the perfect way to learn about the best crystals for meditation, so let's start with the Root chakra.

The perfect grounding stone is hematite. Hematite is a stone of protection and increasing feelings of security, self-esteem, and a connection to your body and the earth. Hematite transmutes and dissolves negativity and harmful energy from the environment.

Smoky quartz is another perfect meditation crystal, as it enhances inner truth, self-awareness, and self love, while helping you overcome negative energy and negative emotions.

Smoky quartz is a powerful crystal for transmuting negative energy and awakening a connection with your shadow self. Smoky quartz assists in self-acceptance and self-recognition of your less than desirable qualities, also known as your shadow self.

Smoky quartz transmutes lower energies into higher vibrations. It also promotes wisdom and sacred knowledge. Black tourmaline has a similar effect. Black tourmaline protects, shields, and aids in emotional and physical healing, specifically.

Black obsidian is another perfect stone for your lower chakras. This crystal increases grounding, protection from psychic attack, purification, and transformation. It enhances psychic abilities that allow you to discern and protect yourself from negative vibes.

Also, garnet is great for stimulating passion and physical instincts and vitality. Self-confidence, positive thoughts, inspiration, and a success mindset are all part of the healing properties of garnet.

Past life recall, enhanced desires for intimacy and sexual expression (a strong libido), and sensuality are also part of garnet's healing powers as a meditation crystal.

Crystals for emotional healing

A self-care routine is essential for any healing, spiritual, or meditation practice. These crystals are suited to the sacral chakra, which is your center of emotions, sensuality, sexuality, friendliness, and creativity.

A crystal meditation would not be complete without carnelian. Carnelian is the perfect stone for enhancing sociability, friendliness, emotional warmth and vulnerability, memory, creativity, happiness, joy, and artistic expression.

You can work with carnelian in your meditation session to connect to your inner source of individuality and self-expression, specifically imaginative and artistic gifts related. Carnelian promotes confidence and your ability to express yourself, and connect with others.

Orange calcite boosts vitality, spiritual self-development, awareness, confidence, self-esteem, and joy. It's excellent for harmonizing your psychological, emotional, and spiritual bodies or energy centers.

Moonstone is the best of all the meditation crystals for feminine energy and inner peace. Your meditative practice for emotional healing would not be the same without moonstone. A deeper meditation can be sparked, and negative thinking can be overcome.

All of the sacral chakra crystals are suited to interpersonal healing. They can all enhance a meditative state through the warming, supportive, and harmonizing feelings and sensations they bring.

They're powerful energy transducers that primarily work on an emotional, physical, and spiritual level.

Crystals for self-empowerment

Meditation crystals for your solar plexus all include some sense of self-authority, self-empowerment, and purpose enhancement. Crystal healing on your solar plexus chakra allows the freer flow of energy up through lower chakras to your higher ones.

Three notable meditation crystals are citrine, tiger's eye, and yellow topaz or jasper. These are precious stones that can relieve stress, boost your mind space to one of positivity and optimism, and increase self-esteem and confidence.

Citrine healing properties include creativity, pleasure, happiness, alignment, strength, joy, protection, prosperity, and longevity. Citrine is one of the best crystals for warmth, friendliness, success, abundance, protection, and vitality.

Also, for promoting truth, success, and enjoyment of life. Tiger's eye is very similar, only tiger's eye has the extra healing vibration of ambition. This crystal is especially good for increasing feelings of ambition and self-authority in your meditation practice.

Tiger's eye alleviates stress and anxiety, promotes self-esteem, increases vitality, and protects you from negative energy, including the harmful projections or intentions of others. Tiger's eye can be used to accompany many different crystals in crystal healing because of it's grounding, balancing, and energizing effect.

Relieving stress is also shared by yellow topaz and yellow jasper. Yellow topaz brings optimism, confidence, enhanced self-expression, charisma, and good fortune. Yellow jasper is one of the 'go to' meditation crystals for boosting your immune system and attracting good luck and wealth.

Although for your solar plexus, all yellow and yellow crystals with golden flecks can be used to activate energy in your crown chakra too. Life force energy flows from your lower energy centers to the higher ones, energizing and activating your higher self.

Crystals for your heart

The heart is a bridge between the lower and higher self, and the lower and higher chakras. Your heart is known as the central chakra that acts as a portal for spiritual awareness and chi flow.

Powerful crystals for heart chakra meditation include rose quartz and rhodochrosite (pink) and emerald, green aventurine, amazonite, and jade (green gemstones).

Rose quartz and rhodochrosite both enhance self-love, compassionate, kindness, gentleness, romance, friendship, and feminine qualities. Nurturing, caring, and empathy are included.

As one of the best crystals for emotional healing, rose quartz can be used with special affirmations to produce an incredible effect.

Rose quartz has the additional vibrational healing power of unconditional love and motherly love, and rhodochrosite brings healing, tolerance, and harmony.

Jade promotes stability, fertility, wisdom, practicality, tranquility, balance and fresh perspectives. Amazonite is ideal for integrity, trust, self-love, sincerity, honor, prophecy, psychic vision, and higher truth.

Green aventurine amplifies creativity, imagination, independence, prosperity, success, balance, and prosperity, in addition to increase life force and sparking circulation. Emerald is a wonderful meditation crystal for intuition, romance, joy, serenity, emotional healing, memory, truth, and clear vision.

You can use any of the heart chakra crystals for a crystal grid, as crystal grids work by choosing crystals that work in harmony and amplify each other.

Well, heart chakra crystals work well with all other crystals because they are for the central chakra, the bridge between the lower and higher.

Crystals for communication

Lapis lazuli was revered by ancient Egyptians, and therefore perfect for your crystal meditation. Lapis lazuli increases inner truth, inner power, purification, intuition, positive magic, and manifestation.

Aquamarine is excellent for meditation, serenity, peace, clear communication, inspiration, cleansing, and tranquility. It activates your ability to speak your truth, use your inner voice, and share your feelings, truth, needs, desires, talents, and wisdom.

Chrysocolla promotes tranquility, serenity, subconscious wisdom, intuition, patience, acceptance, tolerance, and authentic, clear, and honest communication. It inspires higher wisdom, truth, and self-expression while amplifying inner calmness.

Crystals for your third eye chakra and spiritual awareness

Specific crystals for the third eye include amethyst, labradorite, and sodalite. You can use any of the third eye crystals in a crystal grid.

Amethyst is ideal for increasing nobility, integrity, truth, wisdom, intuition, psychic gifts, spiritual perception, inner peace, and vision. It's one of the best meditation crystals.

Sodalite increases intelligence, intuition, clarity, truth, perception, logic, higher reasoning, and the ability to see holistically and spiritually. Labradorite is best to use when you want to spark imagination, psychic abilities, transformation, and connection to your higher mind.

Clear quartz is a master healer that can be used to amplify, cleanse, and heal any of the chakras and any other crystal. It emits high vibrations and increases your inner frequency, helping you to overcome negative vibes and negative thinking.

It is primarily for your crown chakra yet can be used for any of your other energy bodies or for any intention. As the master healer, clear quartz awakens and stimulates dormant energy in your kundalini.

Clear quartz is ideal for psychic gifts, higher self-awareness, accessing dream states, intuition, clairvoyance, and everything linked to the ethereal, astral, and mystical realms. Multidimensional consciousness can be accessed.

Clear quartz can also be used in crystal grids to amplify the effects of all other crystals. And, to cleanse crystals with intention and a technique known as 'programming.'

Crystal meditation practice

To make the most of crystal healing and to reduce stress, spark intuition, and enhance self-healing mechanisms of the body within, make sure you correctly charge and cleanse your crystals.

Most crystals can be cleansed in water, or buried in the earth for a grounding effect. You can also cleanse them in sage, frankincense resin, palo santo, or any other type of cleansing smoke, like a herbal smudge stick.

Leave your crystals in sunlight if you want to amplify the masculine, assertive, and dominant yang energies. Moonlight is best for crystals that carry a more feminine, gentle, or yin energy.

To charge your crystals, hold one in your left hand on your palm. With your right hand, hover it over the top a few inches away and imagine a beautiful golden or white light flowing through your right palm, into the crystal.

Take some deep breaths, like you would in meditation, and set some intentions. The intentions can be for healing, light, longevity, balance, harmony, or to program (charge) the crystal with the specific metaphysical healing properties the crystal carries.


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