Performing a "What Does He Think of Me" Tarot Reading

It exciting and refreshing entering a new relationship! New love is one of the best feelings a person can experience but have you ever caught yourself asking What does he think of me? How does he feel about me? How do I know?

Don't worry, you're not alone; a lot of people ask these questions when in love.

It is normal for one to ponder whether their special person is considering them. When you're in love, your crush or significant other seems to be the center of the universe, but it seems impossible to know what they are thinking and if they are thinking of you.

In this post, we will be taking a look at the "What Does He Think of Me?" tarot spread. This spread is excellent for anyone who is wondering about someone's thoughts or feelings toward them.

We dive into the meaning of the spread, how tarot cards can help you and what each position in the spread means AND how you can interpret the cards to get the most accurate reading possible.

How Can Tarot Cards Help?

Knowing your partner's opinion of you is important when you're in a relationship. Knowing what your special someone thinks of you will shed light on how they perceive you and how frequently they think of you.

We can use the power of Tarot cards to aid us in maintaining harmony in our interpersonal interactions. We can interpret the Tarot cards in the spread in order to accomplish this.

The following Tarot reading may be able to provide you with the answer to your question of what they think of you.

If strongly positive Tarot cards emerge, it may indicate that your person has reciprocal feelings towards you and do not have a negative outlook about your relationship. On the other hand, negative cards reveal that there may be a relationship issues that have to be resolved before continuing on with the relationship. Something could go wrong and make your relationship unpleasant in the long run.

If you desire to learn what your significant other considers about you while they are away from you, or if you wish to know whether they feel the way about you that you do about them, this can help you.

As a prelude to the spread, make sure you do not consider any Tarot card you draw to be set in stone. The cards channel your intuition as well as wisdom from higher forces to let you know what the present energy of a situation is. They cannot give you a definite prediction of exactly what will unfold in your relationship or exactly what your special person thinks of you.

Another concept to remember is to remind yourself of your worth and do not invest too much in a person you hope to be with if they are not enthusiastic toward you. There are two issues that arise when you start to have feelings of desperation in this way:

  1. You risk fulfilling all of their requests merely to increase the frequency of their thoughts about you.

  2. You can come to resent the individual for leading you on or making your relationship harder than it has to be.

With that being said, there are numerous techniques to learn what your partner is thinking about you. You may want to immediately question them but you might be concerned that if you admit your insecurities, they will leave.

Asking others for their opinions would be another (indirect) way to learn more but with this technique, you might not know anyone you could rely on to tell you what they actually think. That's where the Tarot cards come into play.

How Tarot Card Reading Works And How To Understand It

Setting an intention or asking a question, drawing cards, laying them out in a structured pattern, and using their placements to guide your intuition is the standard process for all Tarot readings. The Tarot cards, themselves, are simply an instrument to channel your intuition and spirit guides. The cards reveal the information that is conveyed by higher powers.

Tarot cards and decks are typically used by people to gain insight into certain situations and perform divination. It can be challenging for many individuals to infer a person's personality or intentions from a Tarot card reading when there is no other information about the subject being read.

There are 78 cards in the tarot deck, divided between the Major Arcana (or trump cards) and the Minor Arcana, which includes the four suits. The four suits consist of swords, cups, wands, and pentacles.

In contrast to the suit cards, the 22 Major Arcana cards have unique symbolic significance.

We must use our intuition and trust in the universe when making choices based on these readings. Our understanding of astrology, numerology, and tarot cards also make things easier.

This will help you to identify the cards that are most likely related to your partner and those that might be red flags indicating they aren't at all interested in a relationship with you.

“What Does He Think Of Me” Tarot Reading

What Does He Think of Me Tarot

Now we plunge into the meaning of each placement of the tarot cards and what the tarot cards reveal.

Position 1: Sentiment Toward You

Whether your special person is a distant crush or someone you have been in a committed relationship with for years, this first card will indicate your person's sentiment towards you. If there are cards representing positive concepts like stability, success, and good fortune, you can interpret them to mean this person has an interest or special feelings towards you.

Cards like the 3 of swords would suggest that your person does not look at you in a favorable light, while cards like the 2 of cups would suggest that they do.

Position 2: Sentiment Toward Relationship

The second position will provide information about whether the person you love would want a high level of commitment and connection with you.

This card is valuable because your special person might have positive feelings toward you, but not want a relationship. Even if they find you cute and enjoy engaging with you sexually, they still not be ready for a serious commitment.

Heed the advice of this position to understand if it's worth your while to invest your time into this person. You'll have an easier time securing a relationship if the person you desire has a positive outlook on having a relationship in the first place.

Position 3: Moving Forward

The Tarot Card that emerges here could hold the most significance. It can help you understand what lies in store for you and the person you love.

Major Arcana cards can provide a lot of insight here. A card such as the Hanged Man could suggest that you would do well to not care so much about this person and instead focus on more rewarding things. On the other hand, if you receive a card like the Lovers, you can take solace in the fact that things will likely work out exceptionally well. If you're in a committed relationship and the Tower emerges, you may expect a shakeup.

Some Minor Arcana cards to pay attention to here are 5's and 10's. 5's relate to conflict and difficulty, with the 5 of swords especially representing turmoil. 10 cards represent completion. Just as how the 10 of Pentacles describes a state of financial payoff and stability, the 10 of Cups is perhaps the most optimistic card for your relationship developing into a meaningful and fruitful love. The 10 of Swords, however, would represent the completion of the relationship in the sense of ending.

Are Tarot Readings Effective?

Many people question the accuracy of Tarot readings. But, judging Tarot readings solely on their predictive power is a step in the wrong direction. Tarot readings are beneficial so long as the practice helps the querent feel encouraged and more in sync with their healthiest, most authentic sense of self.

Many people desire to feel like they are a part of something bigger than themselves, having faith in a higher force can be a comforting support. We want to discern patterns and significance in chaotic situations because we enjoy a sense of predictability and order. Tarot helps reveal greater powers to us.

We feel at ease thanks to Tarot and other universe-related ideas because it helps us understand the flow of our life and can help us make plans. We can bear the unknown to a greater extent when we feel more secure, safe, and confident about ourselves and the people around us.

Tarot can be a powerful tool in our toolkit to help make life a little bit more manageable at a time when uncertainty is the only certainty. However, nonbelievers find it simple to dismiss Tarot as pseudoscientific nonsense.

Even though it may not seem like a clear-cut plan of action, tarot gives us an inner toolset to grasp onto and make sense of the range of situations and emotions that we might encounter.

What This Can and Can't Tell You

There are certain rules around what the cards reveal and what they cannot foretell, but the most important thing is that you don't depend on what a card shows as what will certainly happen. The decisions you make in your life can change your trajectory, so while it's good to hope for the happiness that comes from love, remember that you still need to decide what you want and act accordingly.

These types of readings should not be performed by anyone other than a skilled reader because the interpretation of the cards can heavily influence your actions, beliefs, and plans for a relationship, and it's essential that you are close to par on your interpretation. That is to say, the cards can show you what's available to you, In this article, you'll explore how to use Tarot cards to answer the age-old question, "What does he think of me?".

Love Readings Dos and Don'ts

A Love Tarot reading is a bit more complicated than a generic Tarot reading because it includes more than one person's energy, emotions, beliefs, and desires. Tarot can help you access truth in regards to another person and their love for you, but depending on the question you ask, you can get answers that aren't beneficial for you. In love, asking questions about the past or present is most beneficial because they have happened or are currently happening right now.

Future questions can change by a simple choice or action made by the querent, and any answers you receive about the future may not be concrete. A Tarot reading illuminates the paths available, and can show you the first step to take on one, but it does not paint a specific picture of exactly what will happen. A Tarot reading can give you valuable insight which can better position you to succeed, but it won't give you a Hollywood style fortune teller crystal-ball reading into events to come so you can save yourself from any form of disappointment.

Your life is in your hands, we wouldn't have free will otherwise. Part of being a person is making your own decisions; no three cards will can interpret your energy to the extent of giving you an exact projection.

If you are wondering how someone feels about you, always clarify that you want to know how they feel about you right now or how they've felt about you in the past. Asking how they'll feel about you in the future or if they're going to develop feelings for you will not give you an accurate answer.

As a final note, this type of reading is much more about interpreting energy than a full spread. You can use a three card Tarot spread, or even use one Tarot card to represent your energy and another to represent your person's.

Card Interpretations

Tarot cards are first divided into two sections, the major arcana, and minor arcana. Then, the minor arcana are divided into four suits. The Tarot suits are the cups, coins, wands, and swords. In a reading asking about someone's feelings for you, each of these suits will provide you with an in-depth look into his mind and how he feels about the situation.

Major Arcana

In a love reading, the major arcana appears to represent your connection's overall energy. If you only draw one card, a major arcana may appear to give you the most direct and insightful message. If you draw multiple cards, the major arcana will represent the foundation of the relationship, and the minor will represent the finer details of his thoughts and feelings.

Because the major arcana are vast and hold a magnitude of meaning and depth, each card can give you the clarity that you seek to answer your question of "What does he think of me?".

Examples of Major Arcana Interpretations

For instance, the Lovers card comes up in a connection where there is a lot of love between the two of you, and he holds the relationship very dear to him. If this is the first thing to come up, in any reading... you're in luck.

Pay attention to the Sun and Moon Tarot cards as well. They represent powerful energies that have a lot of power of you and your person as it relates to this kind of Tarot reading.

In Tarot, the Death card gets a lot of attention. Representing change or transition, it doesn't inherently point to anything good or bad, it relies on the context of the other Tarot cards that emerge.

The Fool card may express that he feels the relationship is joyful and inspiring, but he may feel it lacks the proper foundation to be successful long-term.

The Devil Tarot card may come up during a love reading if the relationship feels very negative or toxic for him as if he's trapped by the connection is feels emotionally, physically, and spiritually weighed down because of it. It could be that the man thinks the relationship will adversely impact his idea of living free, or he just has generally negative feelings about a relationship at the moment. 

In these kinds of readings, the Hanged Man tends to emerge. We've mostly noticed this in women who speak extensively about their hopes for love, fear of hurt, and so on in the context of a relationship. The advice of this Tarot card is to free yourself from these worries and desires. Know what you want, but don't drive yourself crazy overthinking and worrying about it. Focus on what you can do, and acknowledge that you have the power to figure out whatever life throws at you. Don't forget all the examples of you displaying strength and ingenuity in your life. You can do it!

If you draw three cards in a Tarot reading for love, and most of the Tarot cards are Major arcana, it's likely that significant feelings already exit between you and your person.

The major arcana is a great way to find the overall theme within how he feels about you, exploring their entire depth of meaning and recognizing whether the card appears upright or reverse. Pay attention to any minor arcana Tarot cards that appear within the reading for context clues into what areas of your connection he may feel the overall feelings of the major arcana drawn.

Minor Arcana

Cups symbolize emotions. If cups come up during this Tarot reading, he likely feels a lot of emotions towards you, and the connection may be emotionally charged right now. Some of the cups symbolize happy emotions, open communication, and fulfillment. This typically indicates you and your person are free to openly express yourselves and your feelings. But, other cups represent failure, the need to walk away, and the feeling of loss.

The coins represent the more practical feelings someone has towards you. For instance, if he feels money or the material world is important within your connection, these cards may come up. They can also represent the hard work and time put into a relationship or any efforts that still need to be invested in order for the connection to be successful.

The wands represent action, movement, and passion. If you find wands coming up during your reading, this may be due to the fact that they feel a lot of passion towards you, or the relationship has moved very quickly for them. This all depends on the specific card within the wands that comes up during the reading.

The swords are associated with how he may think about you. Certain sword cards symbolize positive thoughts, inspiration, and joy, while some of the swords symbolize feeling trapped by one's mind, the inability to make a decision, and feelings of betrayal. When swords appear within a love Tarot reading, they can give you a very clear and insightful look into the mind of your love.

What to Do

If there is a person you desire, don't wait for an indication from the stars to pursue him or her. Take confidence in your power, drive out your fears, and let your charm win your crush! Tarot cards can give you insight and a sense of direction, but it comes down to you to get what you want. Tarot isn't giving you good fortune, you are! The Tarot cards just comment on the best actions you can take towards your person. So if things work out, remember it wasn't the three cards you pulled, it was YOU!

We all have free will, and that includes your love, so you can't necessarily expect to have mutual feelings by default. That's fine, some people are better off as friends, other times the other person isn't in the position for a relationship. Realize that a lot of it comes down to forces outside your control.

The only wrong thing to do is not taking action because you are afraid. Don't hold yourself back, the regret of losing a potential lover is much greater than the string of rejection! It's all part of life, and you'll ultimately end with with your soul mate as long as you stay on your True path.

What Are The Limits Of A Tarot Reading?

Readings from a tarot spread such as the "What does he think of me?" spread are there to make it easier for you to comprehend your crush and their feelings for you. However, there are a few restrictions on its application, some of which are detailed below:

There is no assurance of certain love.

Since this is a very complicated subject, the Tarot cards cannot tell whether your current Prince Charming is the true love of your life. Only you can really determine what a love relationship holds and what you expect of that relationship.

Instead, this Tarot reading enables you to understand the thoughts and feelings your present crush better and transform a flirtatious connection into something more serious. The cards reveal the most important thing–a sign that something is worth pursuing and certain rules for pursuing it.

Specific dates, locations, or names cannot be predicted with Tarot.

Tarot is not necessarily a specific practice. The focus of a Tarot reading is on your general circumstances. Unfortunately, certain locations or times related to your love cannot be foreseen. Love is a very impulsive process that is constantly changing.

Additionally, no exact names of those who desire for Tarot to tell them who may be thinking of them are foretold.

Final Takeaways

Tarot readings can reveal a lot about someone's thoughts and intentions toward them. There are numerous ways to read the cards and determine what your special someone thinks of you. It's crucial to keep in mind that tarot readings are not always precise but a message from your intuition and your higher forces.

It doesn't necessarily mean that your crush has ceased thinking about you if your tarot reading indicates that they think of you but you later catch them with someone else at the bar.

The Tarot card reading will provide helpful information since it illuminates their character and lets us know whether or not they are considering you. Additionally, it enables you to identify any issues in your relationship before they arise, allowing you to address them before things spiral out of control.


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