Is Manifestation Bad?

Manifestation is a powerful process that happens both consciously and unconsciously throughout our lives. 

The process of manifestation occurs as a result of our thoughts, emotions, intentions, actions, and choices, as well as these aspects of other people, society, and the universe at large. 

Manifestation is sometimes viewed as being "bad," as many people interfere with free will, tap into dark energy, or associate it with black magic. Some see manifestation as witchcraft.

In this article, we'll explore what manifestation is, how manifestation could be dangerous, and how you can use it to empower your life. 

What Is Manifestation

Everything in the universe is energy. 

The universe operates on laws that help guide and direct energy. 

Without these laws, the universe would be pure chaos, and there would be no consistent form or shape of anything. 

One of the most important laws in the universe is the law of attraction. 

The law of attraction gives you the energy you put out, which keeps your life and the universe balanced and in harmony. 

Manifestation begins as soon as you have a thought, emotion, desire, or anything that utilizes your energy. 

Manifestation implies that you can create reality by metaphysically aligning with it, by putting out the frequency into the universe so that the Universe returns it to you. It could be something as small as manifesting someone to text you to as big as an entire lifestyle overhaul.

For instance, If you desire a new car, you may start seeing that car driving around you but never actually receive the card. This phenomenon is because you have the desire which sends out energy to the universe. 

The universe then begins sending some of this energy back to you in the form of the car. 

But, many manifestations take effort and changes in order to take place, and this is due to the mind and subconscious programming. Plus, not everything you put out into the universe fully manifests. 

Manifestation Mindset

If you have a positive perspective, maintain positive thinking throughout the day, and resist negative thoughts, chances are you many of your desires will come to pass naturally and effortlessly. 

If you struggle with negative personal beliefs or have the wrong subconscious programming, this will halt your manifestations from taking place. 

Have you ever thought of someone and had them contact you shortly after? 

This is because you thought of them without resistance, which empowered them to reach out to you in your experience. 

Many of the larger manifestations take effort because our beliefs surrounding them seem to believe they are harder to achieve, which can be a bad thing as it makes manifestation occur slower in these instances. 

Your subconscious programming dictates most of what you can manifest in your life. 

For instance, if you believe that you have a certain job, have certain people in your life, and so forth, these experiences will be continual throughout your life. 

As adults, we forget that this is how our life transpires and believe our lives are much more concrete than they truly are. 

Putting yourself in a child's mind, people and experiences seem to come and go like magic, as their subconscious hasn't associated many experiences too intensely, making life seem fresh, exciting, brand new, and unique. 

Manifestation Techniques

There are many manifesting techniques that you can use to create change in your reality.


See yourself in your mind's eye experiencing your desired state. See you full of happiness, in a loving relationship, driving that special car, or working in the career of your dreams.


Write down a journal entry or passage in your manifestation journal that depicts what experiencing your manifestation would feel like. Your subconscious and the universe will pick up on this energy and send it back to you. Being specific here is beneficial as it can draw exact experiences into your life.

is manifestation bad


When you decide on what you want to manifest, write down list of affirmations that affirm the desire being true in your life. Speak these affirmations throughout the day, sending out energy into the universe as you can.

Does Manifestation Go Against Free Will?

You can manifest anything you desire into your experience as long as you believe it can be true for yourself. 

You can even manifest a relationship with a specific person. 

Many debates whether or not this is bad or goes against someone's free will, but the truth is that it does not. 

If you're trying to manifest a specific person, the person in question must also be in alignment with the relationship in order for it to manifest. 

Manifesting works best when the desire in question is only attached to your own actions and choices. 

When you involve another person, every choice, action, thought, and desire that they have also dictated the result of your manifestation. 

When manifesting a new relationship, the best way to manifest is to have a general idea of the partner you desire. 

When you remove the need for a specific person, you're allowing the universe to provide you with someone that is much more in alignment with your desires. 

Manifestation Blocks

In order to manifest, you must remove unhelpful thoughts, especially the negative ones. 

You must also identify self-limiting beliefs that are hindering your success. 

Any beliefs you have, such as "I'm not worthy" or "that's impossible for me," can block manifestations in many aspects of your life. 

Your self-worth is one of the most important elements for manifesting anything, as you can only manifest what you believe you are worthy of. 

Is Manifestation Bad?

Now that we've talked about the concept of manifestation and how to put it into practice, we can finally examine the question at the core of this article: Is manifestation bad?

The short answer is: Manifestation itself is not bad, but there can be bad outcomes from improper or misguided manifestation.

A better question than "is manifestation bad?" or "is manifestation dangerous?" is:

"Is the way I go about Manifestation bad?"

Manifestation is always taking place, even when we are not conscious of it. So, you can manifest things that you don't necessarily want. That doesn't make the ever-prevalent law of attraction or manifesting bad, but it does mean manifestation could have a bad outcome if it is taking place in a way that works against you.

Manifesting is much more than positive thinking, which it's often misunderstood to be. So what we are going to discuss here are some of the potential downfalls to consider when you are using manifestation in your own life.

This isn't to scare you off. Rather, if you are aware of these things, it is so much easier to have a fruitful manifestation practice since you are warding off negative components that can stall your progress.

Here are some things to look out for:

Manifesting Materialism

Most beginners focus on manifesting material things. In these cases, many are ultimately hurt after investing a lot of time and energy into the process because they aren't addressing the root desire of their manifestations. 

If you only desire to manifest more materialism, this is when manifestation can become bad. 

Material possessions and gains also reflect a deeper desire within your core. 

For instance, if you are always trying to manifest money, you may believe you are only worthy if you have financial gain. 

If you don't address the root cause of the intention, you may not be able to manifest the material gain you desire. 

In reality, trying to manifest feeling worthy or finding success in a way that is in alignment with your higher self is key to overriding the need for this external materialism and finding true happiness within yourself. 

When you begin manifesting these root desires, all of the other desires either disappear or begin to manifest effortlessly. Interestingly, you won't desire all of the materialism as much once you address the limited beliefs or core desires within yourself. 

Toxic Positivity

In the new age movement, some teachings direct you towards only allowing yourself to see the positive in a situation or believing that if you feel negative emotions at all, you'll never achieve what you desire. 

This is when manifestation can become "bad." Throughout the world, there are topics and issues that are a manifestation of the negative aspects of the collective consciousness. 

These poor conditions aren't "positive," and thinking of them as such takes away from their true purpose. 

It's important to be truthful and honest when presented with an experience and not force yourself to view it as positive out of fear or in a way that is not authentic for yourself. 

Positive things can come from negative situations, and you can even manifest these positive results. 

But, this doesn't happen if you think of the bad conditions as positives, as this only empowers them even further into your life. 

Say you have someone in your life that you no longer want to interact with. If you think positively about how much you enjoy their company and positively focus on all of the characteristics about them that you truly don't desire, you're sending out into the universe that you want more of these experiences. 

Toxic positivity makes manifesting bad as it can create more of what you don't want to experience in your life. 

Wishful Thinking

Some people believe manifestation is bad because it's simply just wishful thinking. 

Don't be discouraged by this because your thoughts are one of the components that shape your reality. 

Wishful thinking can be associated with manifesting because it teaches you to curate positive thoughts and create a positive mindset. 

This is different than toxic positivity; wishful thinking begins with thinking of a positive solution or remedy out of your current negative state. 

The longer you are able to hold this "wishful thinking," the more energy you send out into the universe, helping bring these thoughts into your physical reality. 

Using Positive Thinking to Overcome Limiting Beliefs

One of the benefits of positive thinking alone is that you can use it to replace negative self-talk.

That means that if you typically beat yourself down with false negativity, such as saying you aren't enough, you can catch yourself falling into these types of negative thought loops and replace them with positive self-talk.

Positive self-talk alone (without the employment of a manifestation technique) can achieve this purpose and immediately improve your outlook, self-esteem, and confidence.

Can You Manifest Out of Your Current Life Circumstances

When trying to manifest a solution, it's important not to focus on your current life circumstances. 

When you do this, you're empowering more of the same. 

For instance, if you're trying to manifest healing in some way, it's important not to focus on the illness in your efforts. 

You should continue to treat your ailments as recommended, but through your manifestation efforts, you must see yourself as healed, in a state where the illness or ailment has never occurred. 

You can achieve this by visualizing your future self adopting healthy habits, which requires taking personal responsibility for your health, and consciously acting in a manner that is without sickness or ailments. 

Is Manifestation Magic?

No, manifestation isn't magic. 

While the one definitive answer is a bit complex, when diving into what magic truly is, the simple as is no. 

Modern society has failed to teach us of our innate abilities, creating belief systems that restrict us to the physical reality. 

Manifestation is a natural phenomenon, but the conscious manifestation is how one utilizes it for their benefit. 

There is nothing "magic" about this, although it can sometimes feel truly magical. 

To manifest, you don't have to tap into any "bad energy," "dark magic," or anything of the such. 

All it takes is for you to direct your mind, emotions, action, choices, and intentions towards a specific desire, send this out into the universe and hold this state until you see a glimpse of it beginning to materialize in your reality. 

This is when you know that what you desire is on its way to being yours. 

Is Manifestation Bad: Final Thoughts

So, is manifestation bad?

Of course not!

It's an incredible tool for making your dream life a reality. As with anything else, there are a few potential pitfalls or unintended consequences to avoid.

But, since we've laid them out here, you should have no problem steering around them. Be confident that your manifestation practice will bring you bountiful rewards and that you will have nothing to worry about.

Remember, if you can dream it... the Universe can make it a reality!


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