Rose Quartz Affirmations

What is rose quartz?

The rose quartz crystal is known for encouraging feelings of love. It stimulates attraction, compassion, and connection.

The rose quartz is centered around the heart and can also help allow friendships to thrive. This is done by the expansion of our heart chakra.

It's time to take control and create your own magic and invite happiness and inner peace through pink healing light. Rose quartz is does this seamlessly, which is why it is also one of the best crystals for confidence and courage.

Read on to see what Rose Quartz affirmations can do for you and how to best go about them.

How can you use the rose quartz affirmations to attract love into your life?

Have you been seeking your soul mate? Pure love? Supportive friends? Self love? As humans, we are in constant need for some sort of connection and unconditional love from ourselves and others. There is nothing quite as beautiful.

The rose quartz, known to associate with the heart chakra, will help make this incredible change in your life.

It's important to note that romantic love is not the only type of love the rose quartz encourages.

There is self love, positive friendships, happiness trust and harmony, the mother, comfort when grieving is present in your life, and accepting yourself.

As the stone led by planet venus, attract positive energy and attracting unconditional love comes by easy as long as you affirm and correctly use rose quartz and rose quartz affirmations.

Of course, you want to carry your rose quartz with you - it's the first step to attracting love into your life. But, remembering positive statements that act as your rose quartz affirmations is just as important as when you hold your rose quartz.

So what are Some rose quartz affirmations?

The first thing you want to do is open yourself up to give and receive love by saying something like this: "I am open, and I am ready to give and receive infinite blessings and love."

Next, in order to receive true peace and to become a loving and beautiful person, we have to forgive others and accept ourselves. Here are examples of my favorite, positive affirmations to become a forgiving and lovely person:

  • I forgive those who have hurt me.

  • I forgive, love, accept myself.

  • I am free and powerful.

  • I attract positive energy.

  • I am a forgiving person.

  • My body and energy are beautiful.

  • I deserve the best life the universe has to offer me.

  • I accept love into my life.

After relinquishing negative thoughts and energy, we are ready to affirm ourselves further by holding rose quartz and sayings some of these following affirmations:

  • I am becoming the best me.

  • The world and my body and beautiful temples.

  • I am surrounded by friends everywhere I go.

  • I deserve love in my life.

  • I surround myself with positive energy

  • My emotional wounds do not define my ability to love and respect myself and others.

  • I am the author of my own story.

Of course, these rose quartz affirmations are some of my favorites, and you can use these or come up with some that you feel the universe is leading you to.

When you say the rose quartz affirmations, the rose quartz crystal itself amplifies the positive energy and self-love you emanate in the process.

rose quartz affirmations

Steps to use rose quartz stone

Now that you have an idea about what kind of crystal affirmations to use, it's important to know the steps to using your rose quartz crystals.

The first thing you want to do is set the mood in your environment. Dim the lighting, light a candle or incense that reminds you of love, and get in a comfortable position.

Make sure your phone is not a distraction during this time by turning it off or putting it in another room.

Next, take your rose quartz in your hand and take deep breaths to calm your body, face, and soul. Begin to recite affirmations in a calm, slow, and clear tone.

Open yourself up to absorb these affirmations and allow yourself to deserve happiness and deserve love. It can also be helpful to write down these affirmations.

You should always express and feel deep gratitude when you have the goal of becoming a positive energy-centered person.

Expressing gratitude will allow you mind and heart to remain open to the positive things in life, and will encourage you to remain a happier, kinder person. Gratitude is the perfect way to set the tone for our day everyday.

In addition to holding your rose quartz, you could place one in your pocket, wear one as a piece of jewelry, decorate your home with them, adding it to your morning manifestation routine, and putting one under your mattress or pillow.

There are several ways to use your rose quartz as long as the intention and affirmations are there.

How do I recharge my rose quartz?

Now that we have context on the heart chakra, we can learn to charge it. Remember to always cleanse and recharge your rose quartz crystal when it is needed and ask its permission to activate and spread its energy and love throughout your body. Fortunately, it is not a complex concept when it comes to charging your crystals.

The first step is knowing the moon cycle. It's best to recharge your crystals when the moon is full (avoid an eclipse).

Next, it's crucial to be in a clear mindspace - again, it's all about intention. Recite affirmations and meditate while holding your rose quartz close to your heart, with your left hand.

Set your crystals in the moonlight all night, and they will be charged. You can choose to further encourage charging by using a sound bowl or humming over your crystal.

In order to cleanse your rose quartz, you can use sea salt water or a natural body of water to help the re-purification naturally.

A Rose quartz crystal is feminine and requires feminine energy to be encouraged, cleansed, and recharged. Using those elements is ideal. This is done by connecting yourself and your rose quartz to nature, balance, and nourishment.

Final Thoughts on the Rose Quartz Stone

Rose Quartz is a wonderful starter or addition to your healing stones/crystals. It has a powerful yet soothing energy that can wash away lingering negativity and reconnect you with yourself.

You will find that it encourages self-love. It helps you shut up the negative voice in your head that harasses you with self-limiting beliefs and makes you question your self-worth.

It reminds you that you are beautiful, worthy, and powerful. Which you most certainly are.


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