Are Tarot Readings Accurate?

If you've never had a tarot reading performed for you or never read a tarot yourself, you may be unsure whether or not there is any accuracy in the cards.

Tarot cards have been associated with being psychic, and with all of the psychic frauds found in modern media, it's no wonder people have skepticism about tarot. 

This isn't to say that there aren't true psychics out there, but tarot and psychics don't necessarily go hand in hand. 

In this article, we'll explore the precision of tarot card readings, why readings can be accurate, and how to know whether or not you're receiving the truth. 

How Tarot Cards Work;

Tarot cards contain powerful symbolism and imagery that tap into your intuition. 

They are used as a tool for divination, meaning they can interpret energy and access deep spiritual wisdom.

Significance of Energy in a Tarot Card reading

Tarot cards are energetic and have the ability to tap into the energy that the practitioner guides into them. Skilled Tarot card readers understand and direct the flow of the querent's energy.

When you ask these cards a question, you are essentially directing them toward aligning with the answer to your question. 

Humans are energetic beings, and they transmute the energy of everything they touch. 

When you have an intention to receive a specific question, you attune the tarot cards to become a reflection of the answer you seek. 

Even in an online Tarot card reading, the Tarot reader accesses a higher level of wisdom and understanding. This can either be one's spirit guides, or the most enlightened level of Intuition, often called the Higher Self.

Are Tarot Cards Accurate?

One of the biggest reasons a tarot reading might not be accurate is that it's done by a Tarot reader that isn't seasoned or doesn't have a developed understanding of the cards and their interactions with each other. 

Tarot card reading is a profoundly complex and delicate art. On a deep level, it has little to do with the Tarot cards themselves.

There's so much more to learning the practice of Tarot reading than memorizing the basic card meanings found in a traditional tarot booklet. 

It's divination, Tarot readings are spiritual readings. They're a means of tapping into higher vibrations.

A professional tarot card reader uses the imagery of the Tarot deck to guide their interpretation, but being able to work with energy in a precise way takes years to develop.

Depending on the deck, each card contains more symbolism than can be described in a single book. 

There are astrological, numerological, elemental, occult, and esoteric associations connected to each card, and it takes time and effort in order to become educated on these attributes. 

Without having some understanding of these tarot fundamentals, performing a tarot reading can be less accurate than if you had this information prior. 

Online Tarot Card Readings

Sometimes free online tarot card reading services can deliver lackluster energy interpretations because, well, you get what you pay for.

There are even well-marketed Tarot readers online that claim to offer accurate and affordable tarot readings, only to fall short in the delivery.

That said, online Tarot Readings can be excellent. The physical distance does not necessarily impact the reading in a negative way.

The important thing is simply that the Tarot reader is well versed in Tarot, and has a developed Intuition.

Are Tarot Readers Accurate

Card Interactions

Professional tarot readers understand the intricate possibilities behind each card interaction. 

The major arcana describe the major life themes, while the minor arcana describe the areas of life where you will experience these major life themes. 

Sometimes, you'll find a reading has two or more of the same suit, or maybe you find two kinds or three pages in a reading.

It's important to know just exactly what these instances mean, as they hold vital information for the overall reading. 

Fortune Telling

Fortune telling is a popular way to use tarot, which comes with some disadvantages. Nothing in life is set in stone, and when you ask the cards to predict the future, you're asking about a topic or event that is subject to change.

So, if you believe the answer you receive about the future to be true, there's always a chance for it to change when the time comes. Then, you may feel that the cards were inaccurate, but it was because you asked a question that didn't have definitive answers.

Your life is in constant motion and a product of the thoughts, choices, actions, and intentions you have. These change by the minute, as does your future.

At the same time, there are specific life themes that you are pre-destined to experience in life, how you experience them and what area of your life may not be constant, depending on your choices. 

Hoping For an Answer

When you are over-invested in a specific answer, you can influence the tarot cards.

Your emotions are energy in motion, and if you go into a reading in a state of high emotions, that energy can direct the card to become a reflection of your internal state.

For instance, if you're asking about a relationship, but you are emotional and feeling the loss of that relationship, the answer you receive may be a reflection of that fear.

On the other hand, if you're asking about a situation that you are overly invested in, not listening to your intuition, and holding onto hope for a situation that you already know is deemed for failure, this false hope may also influence the cards.

The key is to go into a reading with the question at hand and to remain neutral and open to receiving the truth.

If you are unable to let go of the outcome of a reading, you should wait until you've managed to release your emotions. 

Asking About Other People

When you perform a tarot card reading that involves other people, they have free will, and their choices and actions can influence the outcome of your question.

If you're ever asking about another person, try to ask questions that provide answers that would be consistent regardless of any future choices they make.

Other people can have energetic blocks around them that can prevent you from receiving an accurate reading.

Either they have spiritual protection that closes their personal information off from those who know how to read energy.

Or, they may be closed off emotionally, which can also influence reading and make it difficult to tap into their energy.


A tarot reading is only as accurate as the strength of the practitioner's intuition.

Intuition is what guides the reader to draw out meaning from the cards' symbolism and imagery.

By utilizing and strengthening your intuition, you then train this aspect of your awareness to see the truth consistently.

This allows you to read energy, see beyond the veil of illusions, and in tarot, pick up on answers that the cards have reflected you.

If you don't have a connection with your intuition, you won't have the tools needed to interpret the cards and find the truth within them.

It would feel like looking at a mysterious painting, knowing that it holds a powerful message, but not feeling a connection to it or being able to access the information it contains.

Luckily, practicing tarot consistently is a great way to strengthen your intuition and helps you develop the skills and wisdom needed to find truth and accuracy in every reading. 


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