Crystals for Confidence and Courage

The importance of confidence

Confidence is key in life. It can help you reach your goals and achieve success. People who are confident often have a better quality of life because they feel like they can achieve anything they set their minds to. Instead of worrying about what can go wrong, they put mental focus on and therefore manifest what can go right. A high sense of self worth shines through in everything–in the way you carry yourself, in public speaking, and even in your leadership qualities. Suffice to say, the journey of self empowerment is a worthwhile one.

Self confidence is something that you can develop and with practice, it becomes easier to be more confident in yourself. At first, you may be your own worst enemy and harbor negative feelings toward yourself. Start by recognizing that low self esteem and confidence issues are a means of self sabotage. As you build confidence and develop a more positive mindset, you will have more mental clarity and exhibit joyful energy in place of negative energy; you will be amazed by how much of a difference it makes in your life.

Best Crystals for Confidence

There are many ways to boost your self confidence, and once you find what works for you, it will be easier to stay empowered in any situation. Crystals are a great way to promote confident energy within your life. Certain crystals work great for different areas of your life, bringing with them specific energies that can help you feel more grounded, confident, and worthy throughout your day.

As a final note, confidence is not arrogance. Arrogance comes from a place of insecurity. Self confidence, on the other hand is rooted in self love, in high self esteem. One feels the need to put down others, while the other exhibits radiant light uplifting others. In fact, the strongest mark of true confidence is reflected in your treatment of others.

In this article, you'll learn some of the best confidence boosting crystals to incorporate into your practice. With the help of their metaphysical properties, you'll channel inner confidence, inner clarity, and bring balance to yourself in the present moment.

Here, we will cover crystals for confidence in:

  • Beauty

  • Career

  • Love

  • New beginnings

  • Healing trauma

Confidence in beauty

In today's society, it can be hard to feel confident in your own skin. There are so many images of "perfect" people plastered all over social media and magazines that it's easy to self doubt. However, there is one thing that can help you feel more beautiful and confident in yourself: a high self esteem.

Self love is key when it comes to feeling good about yourself. When you're confident, you don't care what other people think; you know that you're beautiful and unique just the way you are. You don't need makeup or a certain outfit to feel confident; all you need is a positive attitude and self-belief. So if you're struggling to feel beautiful, start by working on your self confidence. Here are two crystals that can help you feel beautiful, both inside and out, highlighting all of the wonderful qualities within you.

Beauty comes in many forms, not just your physical appearance. There are many aspects of a person that are beautiful, such as their love, communication, friendship, and overall energy. Feeling beautiful can mean many things, such as feeling positive, enjoying the way that you look, and feeling inner peace within yourself. With that said, these are the best crystals for confidence in your personal beauty.

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is known as the mothering stone because it offers you the unconditional love of a mother or parent. Using rose quartz can help bring softer energy into your life, helping you appreciate different aspects of yourself than before. If you struggle with self-love, rose quartz is great for helping you find love for yourself.

It's a beautiful, soft, loving crystal holds the frequency perfect for self confidence, Using rose quartz helps evoke feelings of self-love and love for the entire universe. Rose quartz also helps draw love from other people into your life. It's a clear recommendation among the crystals for boosting self confidence.


Aquamarine is a youthful stone that helps promote anti-aging within the body. Wearing this blue crystal as jewelry can help you feel vibrant, beautiful, and radiant. It is known as the stone of "everlasting youth" for good reason. Connecting with your throat chakra, this is one of the best stones to revitalize the body and bring peace to your mind. It will help you release negative thoughts and emotions while embracing every aspect of your being.

It's worth mentioning that a crystal face roller is a great way to use your beauty crystal collection. Also, simply massaging a tumbled stone of carnelian or aquamarine while visualizing your desired results can have positive effects.

Green Jade

Green Jade is a powerful crystal that helps promote health and wellness on the deepest levels. Jade helps purify your energy and help you feel more confident and accepting of yourself. When you have great health, you feel more beautiful and attractive. It's a quick way to raise your self worth and boost confidence.

Red Jasper

Red Jasper is a rich and vibrant stone that helps promote vitality. Red jasper connects with your sacral chakra to help your mind and body feel more youthful, bringing more energy and clarity within your life. Red Jasper also brings feelings of passion, which can help you become more attractive to other people. It's one of the more soothing of the confidence crystals and is used not only for more confidence, but also for crystal healing rituals given the significance of the sacral chakra.

Confidence in career 

Confidence has always been a critical factor in career success. The more self-assured you are, the more likely you are to take risks and excel in your field. Unfortunately, many people struggle with feelings of self-doubt and insecurity, which can hold them back professionally.

Make sure you focus on your strengths. It can be helpful to make a list of your accomplishments and positive qualities and remind yourself of them whenever you start to feel down about yourself. Also, make an effort to surround yourself with people who support you and believe in you – this will help keep your confidence high.

Tiger's Eye

Tiger's Eye is a powerful stone that helps empower a strong sense of self esteem. Using this stone helps you feel whole and complete, giving you confidence in your abilities and self-image. Because of the tiger's eye stabilizing energies, it helps you with communication and inspiration and prevents you from negative energetic influence. It will draw out your personal power and maximize self belief. If you have trouble with racing or negative thoughts, the tiger's eye is the perfect stone to clear these from your mind.

It connects with your solar plexus chakra, one of your lower chakras that help promote an intense sense of confidence and grounding energy. If you struggle with taking the initiative in your career, tiger's eye will help you dominate your role by boosting your energy levels physically and mentally. Tiger's eye is a quick way to incite a confidence boost starting right in your chest, at the solar plexus. (Note - given its central location in the body, the solar plexus acts as a source for physical influence. Crystals that connect with the solar plexus tend to deliver great physiological results for this reason.)


Pyrite, also known as fool's gold, is a bright-flashy, stone full of positive energy. Using this stone helps you feel more hopeful, increases your luck, and can even help with overcoming financial struggles. If you are in need of a confidence boost, pyrite helps alleviate any dark clouds hanging over your head and helps bring the sunlight back into your life. 

The success pyrite brings usually focused on finances, money, and the career. Using this stone can help you climb the ladder within your career and become more financially secure. 


Sunstone is said to hold the power of the sun. This beautiful stone has specs of golden sunlight within it, helping bring warmth and positivity into your life. Sunstone helps you feel more confident by highlighting all of your positive attributes and allowing you to see just how special you are, inside and out. You can also affect how other people see you with this powerful stone. It's has a profound ability to boost confidence, directly influencing your self empowerment. That makes it one of the best crystals for confidence available. It will surely help in driving out the causes of low self esteem.


Carnelian has many positive benefits, but passion is one of its strongest. When you have passion within your life, you feel more connected with your soul and your purpose. This creates a little confidence boost within yourself because you are in alignment with your heart's desire and in a place of joy.

It's powerful booster for your self confidence and sexual energy. This energy provides you with creativity and passion, making you more attractive to others and yourself. It's a great stone that taps your inner power in a unique way.

Keep a piece of either stone in your pocket, on a piece of jewelry, or at your desk at work.

Confidence in love

Confidence is key when it comes to love. How can you expect anyone else to if you don't believe in yourself? Love is a two-way street, and it's important to have both confidence and self-respect if you want it to work. When you look at yourself in the mirror, you need to like what you see. You need to feel good about yourself, inside and out. 

Green Aventurine

An unbalanced heart chakra can be a source of low confidence in love. Green aventurine helps balance the energies within this chakra, opening your heart up to the abundant love that exists all around you. This one, simply put, molds your energy to be more receptive to a romantic partner.

Confidence in New Beginnings

New beginnings are essential for the growth and expansion within one's life. Learning to let go of the old to make way for the new is a powerful way to transform your life. But what does it mean to start anew? What does it take to have a fresh start?

For some, it might mean moving to a new city or country. For others, it might mean quitting a job or ending a relationship. It could mean starting a new hobby or learning a new skill. Whatever it means for you, starting anew is about making change - taking control of your life and your destiny and creating the future you want for yourself. These healing crystals will support you when its time for a new beginning.


Sometimes, in order to experience a new beginning, old energies must be removed. Obsidian dissolves lingering negative energy, making room for positive experiences. It connects with your root chakra and is a highly calming stone. The healing properties of the lower chakras are hugely valuable for mental clarity. It provides a strong foundation for inner strength, and the root chakra especially can drive out self doubt.

Lemon Quartz

New beginnings are often associated with fear of the unknown. Lemon quartz helps empower you with hope, happiness, and inspiration for what's to come, allowing you to move away from old paradigms and welcome new beginnings with open arms. It activates your third eye chakra to see opportunities in your new adventure.

 Keep these stones by your front door, or any door way that you use them frequently. Their properties will create an energetic doorway that helps remove old energies from your past and enables a new paradigm for yourself.

 Confidence is more than skin deep, it's comes from the deepest levels of your core. Use these crystals to look deep within yourself, illuminate the wonder that exists within you, and allow it to shine out into the universe.

Confidence for healing Trauma

 If trauma is left unresolved, it can create issues surrounding your self-worth and image. When these areas of your life are affected, your confidence levels drop, and you feel less beautiful than you actually are. Here are some of the best crystals to help you overcome trauma and release negative emotions.


Selenite is known as a cleansing stone. You can clear away old stagnant energies within your mind and body by bringing selenite into your life. If you feel lingering negative energies are affecting your self confidence, it may be worthwhile to try this stone.

Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline is used to remove negative energies. Wearing a piece of black tourmaline or keeping it within your home can help work on allowing you to draw out trauma stored within your body and release it from your energy field.


Amethyst helps alleviate stress and anxiety within the mind and body. This popular crystal is associated with the crown chakra, which is your spiritual connection to the divine. It's well known among crystals for confidence as it spurs inner strength and a sense of self worth by restoring a pure connection between mind, body, and spirit. Amethyst helps you in your spirituality through energetic cleansing, healing, and connection.


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