Break up Tarot Spread

Let's face it: relationships are hard.

As great as it would be to meet your soul mate and live in perfect harmony from day one, that's simply not how things work. Relationships take a lot of patience, effort, emotional intelligence, and perspective. The way we gain these virtues are through experience, which means the magic of euphoric love at the highs and bone-crushing break ups at the lows.

Ending Relationships

The ending of relationships is never easy, and most people go through it many times in their life. But, although the pain cuts deep and takes time to heal, it is a necessary part of the process for growth and coming into your personal power. It's all part of the journey.

Failed relationships pave the way to an excellent relationship, as long as you learn from them. And that's exactly what a break up Tarot spread can offer. Tarot can help you in dealing with the complicated emotions that come with a breakup, show you where things went wrong, or give you insight to if you should end a current relationship that you are unsure about.

Tarot for Insight

The right Tarot spread will help you feel through a possible outcome of a current relationship, or give you understanding of why a past relationship failed so you know better for your next relationship.

Before jumping into things, an important note is that not all relationships are meant to last forever. There is this damaging idea that since things did not work out romantically with a person, your time together was wasted. That's not true at all–it's actually quite the opposite.

Some people are meant to be in our lives temporarily so that we learn from them but they're not our true match. Sometimes it's better to be friends. Other times the romantic connection is there, but there are unhealthy personal issues that prevent a successful relationship. A healthy perspective is to accept all of it as learning experience that will lead you to greater happiness down the road.

Interpreting the message

End of relationship Tarot spreads generally fall into two categories: ones that seek to understand if a relationship should end, and ones that ask why a relationship ended. Among the latter category are techniques within Tarot that can help you work through the difficult and complicated emotions that come with a breakup.

As you explore what happened, keep in mind that neither party necessarily did anything wrong. Despite how strong your feelings were, it's commonly the case that two people are incompatible and there would have been no way to save the situation.

Moving on... to your True Love

Moving on does not mean to forget your time together, but it does mean to pick yourself up from spending all day wondering if you should have done something differently or clinging on to hope that the person will come back.

Your soul mate is out there in the world, along your True path. You will only make it there if you keep moving forward! If you find yourself constantly revisiting Tarot spreads you could be searching for answers that simply aren't there when it's time to move on.

Tarot Spread for why a Relationship Ended

With this kind of breakup Tarot Spread, we can perform a Tarot reading that illuminates the lessons meant to be learned from the relationship as well as the reasons why it came to an end. (Don't be intimidated by an 8 card spread, it's much easier to use than it seems at first glance.) Tarot readings using this spread deliver meaningful guidance that can make processing a breakup much easier. See the layout of this Tarot spread here:

The meanings of each card in this Tarot spread are:

  1. The main reason why your relationship ended

  2. Your influence on the relationship ending

  3. Your partner's influence on the relationship ending

  4. The root cause of your feelings

  5. The root cause of your partner's feelings

  6. The most significant lesson for you to learn from the experience

  7. Where you displayed strength

  8. What to do moving forward

Interpreting each card

The first card focuses on the one main driver of the relationship ending. A Tarot card such as The Devil, which could indicate inability to control unhealthy desires, or the Eight of Cups, which can indicate abandonment, will give a clear answer. However, what this first card represents may be more cryptic if it is something like the Six of Wands. In cases like this, be sure to employ your intuition as you are receiving a more nuanced message.

The second card represents what you did to influence the outcome of the relationship. Somehow you fell out of balance with your partner and they are never entirely to blame. Use this card as a sign that can show you where you may have gone wrong or where you failed to support the relationship.

The third card represents your partner's influence on the relationship ending. This can be used to discover where they were difficult so you know that aspect of it was not your fault.

The fourth Tarot card in the spread carries a lot of weight. It's the root cause of your feelings, so it speaks to deeper psychological and emotional elements. Maybe, for example, you were using the relationship as some kind of crutch for insecurity. Or, you could have been expending the most energy on the relationship and are frustrated by the lack of reciprocation.

The fifth card in this ended relationship tarot spread speaks to the root cause of your partner's feelings. This can be an interesting part of the reading as the deck may provide answers to uncanny behavior they exhibited. If they suddenly became cold and withdrawn, this card can give you understanding as to why.

The sixth card in the spread offers insight as to what you should learn from this experience. All Tarot cards carry an intrinsic lesson, so interpretation here is rather straightforward.

The eight card looks to the future. As you chart a path forward, you should value this card as a sign pointing to the direction you should move your life in. It's not a hard-and-fast order, but subtle advice that can steer you into success later on. Passively hoping for your perfect soul mate is not a worthwhile plan, but improving yourself based on the insight you receive from the spread is.

Breakup Tarot Spread

When you are pondering the future of your relationship and are trying to decide if its time for a breakup, this Tarot spread can help greatly. The spread can give you a sign that the relationship is no longer serving you in your life, and that your future would be brighter without your current companion.

Alternatively, this kind of Tarot card spread can suggest that the situation is worth mending. Maybe you had a rocky recent past, but still have so much potential together and this Tarot reading helps you realize it.

As we have elaborated on many times, Tarot is not used for predicting the future. Tarot readings are not meant to spell out what exactly is going to happen if you choose a certain path, that would be an insult to your free will. So, don't expect there to be one decision that's going to go perfectly smoothly. Any kind of breakup situation involves some degree of pain, so don't take the advice of the relationship tarot spread to be a magic cure-all for emotional troubles.

  1. Current state of the relationship

  2. What will happen if you remain in the relationship

  3. What will happen if you leave

  4. How to support yourself through this process

Interpreting each card

The first Tarot card deployed in this spread captures the present energy of the relationship. The card that emerges here may point to a lack of trust, a breakdown in the alignment of your vision for the relationship, or even just emotionally-charged clashing. Let your intuition summon the innermost feelings that you may have been denying or repressing. Acknowledge what your deck is communicating about the state of your relationship, both the good and the bad.

The second card used in this spread illuminates what happens should you not decide to end things. Maybe it points to a happy and prosperous future together, suggesting that you are just going through a temporary hiccup. Alternatively, it can highlight the pain of missing out on other blessings that could have come into your life because you held on to something that was destructive to you.

Similar to the previous card, the third card paints a picture of what may become of you should you decide to end things with your significant other. A card such as six of swords has a rather clear interpretation. In a word, it's "departing." You can imagine what that would indicate for your life if its emerging here in this relationship tarot spread.

The fourth card may seem like something to gloss over, but it is definitely not. Some of the most insightful advice is conveyed here. The reason for that, is if you are questioning whether to break up your soul mate, it's probably fair to say you are in an emotionally challenging time. That makes a perfect opportunity to channel the power of Tarot for receiving guidance on how to handle it.

Attitude towards Relationships

No matter what cards you draw, remember that your decision is going to have a significant impact on your partner's emotion. Be sure to be respectful and courteous to this person who dedicated their time and feelings for you. Even if your relationship tarot spread helps you realize the relationship is unhealthy and would be best ended, do it with courtesy and grace.

At some point, you will face turbulence in your romantic relationships. It's a part of life. But, with the help of these spreads, you can uncover the reasons for undue difficulties and make the necessary changes to prevent them. This way, you will become the kind of person who attracts healthy relationships, eventually leading to your soul mate!


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