Can Tarot Cards Ruin your Life?

What Tarot is—and isn’t

Tarot is a powerful tool that can offer you guidance through the different challenges and obstacles you face in life. In a Tarot card reading, you access parts of your intuition and higher self that can help you achieve whatever you set out for. Tarot readings can empower you and give you a sense of peace and clarity. However, it can also be misused, with harmful consequences.

Can Tarot cards ruin your life? Probably not. But you should still keep the risks in mind. In this article, we'll explore the different ways that tarot may do you more harm than good.

Future Predictions

Tarot is a wonderful way to tap into your intuition and better understand a situation's energy. But, there are some questions that tarot can be pointless to ask, such as question about what exactly will happen in the future.

You can ask for a prediction of the future, but the Tarot cards can only read the energy from the current point of where you're at that moment. This means that each action and choice you and anyone else involved in the situation make from that point forward could drastically change the outcome of your question. Asking future questions and being set on the results can give you false hope, instill fear, or leave you feeling unprepared. If you consult with a tarot deck for very important future matters, make sure you ask questions with the intention of gaining insight, not being told an outcome with certainty.

Fortune tellers have claimed for centuries that they can predict the future through the use of a Tarot deck, but that is not the case. The reality is that a Tarot reading can suggest what may happen and illuminate the paths available to you. It can help make sense of your emotions and desires. It can guide you to live in alignment with your higher self and True Path. But it definitely does not reveal exactly what will happen in the future.

Repeatedly Asking The Same Question

When you have an important question that's emotionally charged or that you have a strong attachment to its answer, it's easy to misuse the cards. When performing a Tarot reading, you're tapping into your intuition as it guides you through the cards to find your answer. One mistake many beginner tarot readers make is asking the same question over and over until they receive an answer that they're comfortable or happy with.

When you do this, you're telling yourself that you don't trust your spirit and are looking for some kind of validation instead of meaningful insight. Accept that you may get an answer that you have resistance towards. That's part of the process and it's not going to be helpful if you reject it based on your emotions.

On a subconscious level, this creates a struggle within yourself because you then learn not to trust your gut instinct. Universal intelligence is involved in every aspect of your life, not just in tarot, which means many areas of your life may be affected if you don't learn how to trust and interpret the Universal wisdom imparted within you.

If you perform a reading and aren't happy or satisfied with the results, it's more beneficial to ask for clarification on the insights you've already received. That way, you'll still have the original answer but also have a new perspective or deeper understanding of it.

Card favoritism

If you are deliberately looking for a certain card or are, for example, favoring trump cards in the Major Arcana disproportionately over the Minor Arcana, you are betraying your inner guidance. Sometimes beginners will hunt for a particular card, or favor one of the four tarot suits over the others, or only embrace the court cards of the Minor Arcana.

It's not about getting a certain Tarot card, it's about using the deck to interpret your energy. If a spread doesn't seem to make sense, dig deeper into the card meanings and the Tarot suits present. Recognize that Tarot decks can communicate sophisticated messages in clever ways. Not all Tarot readings done by a professional reader are going to be perfect either, so acknowledge that the insight derived from any Tarot reading is to some degree subjective.

Tarot Obsession

In the beginning, it's especially easy to become obsessed with tarot because it offers you insight into every aspect of your life. While this can be beneficial, becoming dependent on the cards for insight into everyone's situation in your life can be draining. When you solely depend on the cards, you take away from your own presence and ability to make sound choices and actions for yourself. It won't ruin your life, but it's doing a disservice to you.

Compulsively reading tarot can also be a result of fear, creating a negative attachment to the cards. With every practice, there needs to be value, sacredness, and discipline; tarot is no exception. If you find yourself obsessing over the cards and conducting many different readings every day, try to take a few days off from your practice and give yourself some space from the cards.

Tarot as a Crutch

Tarot readings should not be a crutch for mental health difficulties. It is just a tool, not an end-all solution to negative though processes that are burdensome on a daily basis. Even if it leads to good advice or positive changes in the querent's life, it's not meant to be a substitute for legitimate self-care.

There's also a "gambler's mentality" aspect present in Tarot. Sometimes, people could repeatedly engage in Tarot readings constantly searching for more answers. A tarot card reading is not meant to be used like a slot machine, where one card tells you if that new person you started a relationship with is going to ruin your life or be the most perfect relationship possible. With our free will we constantly update the future, practicing spirituality is about making the best of the choices we face and acknowledging the meaningful coincidences that result by being in harmony with high vibration.

The takeaway is, with Tarot reading and with all things, moderation is key.

Reading While In Fear or Distress

Your state of mind can tremendously affect a tarot reading, especially one you perform on yourself. If you're prone to using tarot as a crutch when you are distressed or feel out of control, your readings only increase these feelings. You may have even questioned if the cards can ruin your life because they seem to only provide you with answers that are opposite of your desires. This is because your energetic state is what the tarot reading will uncover.

If you are in the midst of a breakup and are only focused on your partner's absence, the tarot reading will only reflect that absence. These types of readings create a cycle of trying to find a different answer, avoiding what the cards are clearly showing you. The deck reads your energy and can only give you accurate answers when you are neutral and not committed to a particular answer or outcome. This is why readings performed by others can be very accurate because they aren't always as attached to the answer as much as you are. 

Risks In Reading Tarot For Others

Reading tarot cards for serious questions others have should only be done by someone with proper training. Certain topics such as love life, finances, relationships, health, and legal issues are best performed by someone who is a professional tarot reader. There are a number of ways to interpret cards that emerge in a Tarot reading, and a good Tarot reader will acknowledge nuance and variety in meanings. Inexperienced Tarot readers could convey a misinterpretation, typically with cards in the Major Arcana such as the Death card or the Devil card. Tarot card readings are meant to help navigate life events not give fortune telling predictions about the future. Inexperienced readers that claim to predict the future are denying the real life truth that everyone has free will.


In reading for others, the Tarot reader should unveil the ideas and meaning of cards the deck is providing based on the querent's energy. They should not inject their own biases. Tarot is simply a tool to channel the intrinsic power of intuition. Tarot readers are not meant to have all the answers for entire life of the querent, but rather to give them a deeper sense of understanding of their purpose. A Tarot reading is meant to help with decision making, find the right direction, and to realize the meaning of a circumstance. It is not meant to predict the future, be used as a platform for vague advice, or simply tell someone what they want to hear.

As you build your connection with your Tarot deck, you will develop the ability to separate your own thoughts from the energy channeled through the cards.

Improper Interpretation

There are so many symbols and meanings among the Major Arcana and Minor Arcana cards that the only way to truly grasp their complexities and nuance is through years of experience. The wisdom contained within the four suits of swords, cups, wands, and pentacles (coins) is vast. The court cards have powerful energies of those suits. Within the trump cards of the Major Arcana, the Fool's Journey contains so many aspects of the human experience that even a single card can reveal significant truth. Learning to read Tarot is no small task!

While conducting simple, light-hearted readings for beginners is fine, psychic divination for serious questions without the experience needed to navigate these topics can have consequences for the querent. For instance, if someone is in the midst of an important point in their romantic relationship, a beginner reader may not want to provide a reading for them because they may not be able to accurately depict the message of the cards. This can lead to misunderstanding of the current situation and missing the big picture of what the deck seeks to convey.

Instead of ruining your life… use Tarot to make it better

Master Tarot readers know how to tap into their Intuition and use Tarot to manifest their dream life. A lot of people asked about learning how to do so themselves, so we created a Tarot Masterclass to teach how. It has gotten great feedback from the community and comes with a 100% money-back guarantee. Check it out here-

Cause for concern? Not really.

Even though there are a few components of tarot to be cautious of, the positive benefits of Tarot far outweigh the risks. Most of the challenges from Tarot arise at the beginning of your practice. These challenges fade as you gain more experience and understand the impact of the Tarot cards. That is why it is good to have knowledge of some of the drawbacks so that you can focus on avoiding them as you begin taking your practice more seriously.

Don't let these issues prevent you from learning this practice; use them as a means to strengthen your connection to tarot and help guide you as you learn the cards and gain experience as a practitioner. Every Tarot reading should unlock new insights for you and help you grow in your spirituality. As you progress through your life, you will find new meaning in some Tarot cards and find your relationship with other cards changes. Your life experiences shape your intuition and unconscious mind, leading to all kinds of interesting discoveries. Plus, you'll have fun along the way.


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