Yes or No Tarot Questions

Everyone has times of indecision. Needing to seek guidance is a normal occurrence in today’s society. Not everyone wants to turn to a mental health professional. Some may prefer to seek guidance from a Tarot reader for various reasons. Seeking guidance through Tarot cards can help you gain clarity and insight into your daily life. 

Tarot decks offer an incredible tool to connect with your intuition. Connecting with your intuition can help you feel secure with every decision you make.

Sometimes the curve balls life throws at us do not need an in-depth Tarot card reading. Sometimes it serves us to simply use Yes-or-No Tarot pulls to get an instant answer to a particular question.

You may think a more complex Tarot spread is necessary for insight, but it is possible to get meaningful answers when using Tarot cards to answer yes or no questions. There are only a few key points to remember when trying to use the Tarot Cards for yes or no questions. The most important factors for Yes/no Tarot reading lie in the phrasing of the questions you ask and the correct interpretation.

What kind of insight can a Tarot reading give you?

Tarot readings can give you insight into any part of your life that requires guidance. You may be curious about when you will find love, attract money, or find the perfect career.

Tarot readings can give you straightforward advice on all of these topics. You also don’t have to use detailed or complicated Tarot card spreads, like a Celtic Cross or Horseshoe Spread, in order to find insights and gain clarity. You can find the insights you are seeking from Tarot simply by Using Tarot cards for a yes or no answer.

If you are a beginner there may be a learning curve for this method. You should practice often and even keep a journal to document the answers you receive from each Tarot reading. With practice, pulling from a Tarot deck for a yes or no question will be a breeze.

The insights that you receive from your Tarot cards will always be direct answers to the question that you ask. The specific question as well as how you interpret the Tarot card that you pull is like a conversation between you and your higher self. It is the best way to practice accessing your intuition.

Accessing your intuition in this way will bring a level of clarity that can greatly improve your quality of life. So start shuffling your Tarot deck and get ready to practice, because your new insightful life is just around the corner.

What questions can you ask in a Yes-or-No Tarot reading?

You may wonder which yes or no questions to ask your Tarot deck. You can ask them about any topic for which you are seeking guidance, even if you don't know all the Tarot card meanings. Some examples of using Tarot cards to answer yes or no questions about love are as follows:

Is he/she attracted to me?

Does he/she want to ask me out?

Does he/she have feelings for me?

Does he/she want a more serious relationship?

Is my relationship progressing towards having a family?

You may also want to use Tarot cards to answer yes or no questions about your career. In that case, here are some examples of simple yes or no questions that you can ask your Tarot cards.

Is today a good day to inquire about a promotion?

Is this job a good fit for me?

Does the career that I am in have potential for growth?

Is today a good day to ask for a raise?

Is this a good time to ask for time off or a vacation?

These are all great examples of direct yes or no questions to ask your Tarot cards. You can use these exact questions or create your own questions using these examples. Using questions like these will ensure that you are setting yourself up to receive accurate answers when using Tarot cards to answer yes or no questions.

Interpreting your Tarot cards for yes or no answers

Before pulling your Tarot card decide if you want to interpret reversals. One very simple method of using Tarot cards to answer yes or no questions is to interpret upright cards for yes and reversed cards for no. Tarot readings are a conversation between you and your subconscious. Whatever agreement you make with your higher self is what you should honor when using Tarot cards to answer yes or no questions. 

If you are not reading the reversals of Tarot Cards you can use the following guide to interpret whether the response your Tarot cards is giving you is yes or no.

Tarot cards that can be interpreted as “yes”

Major Arcana: The Fool, The Magician, The Empress, The Emperor, The Lovers, Strength, The Star, The Sun, The World

Suit of Wands: Ace, Three, Four, Six, Seven, Eight, Page, Knight, Queen, King

Suit of Cups: Ace, Two, Three, Six, Nine, Ten, Page, Knight, Queen, King

Suit of Swords: Ace, Six, Page

Suit of Pentacles: Ace, Three, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Page, Knight, King, Queen

yes or no free online tarot reading

Tarot cards that can be interpreted as “No”

Major Arcana: The Hermit, Death, The Devil, The Tower, The Moon

Suit of Wands: Five, Ten

Suit of Cups: Five, Eight

Suit of Swords: Three, Five, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten

Suit of Pentacles: Five

If you follow this guide for interpretation when Tarot cards answer yes or no questions, you will gain great clarity and insight with your readings.

What not to do when using Tarot cards for yes or no questions

When learning how to use Tarot cards to answer yes or no questions there are some practices you can avoid to give you a better chance of interpreting the Tarot cards accurately.

1.   Trust the answer you receive.

The cards are simply a tool for communicating with your subconscious. If you start your reading with a clear mind, then you will receive an accurate answer. Avoid second guessing yourself and asking the same question multiple times in a row. This will only cause a state of confusion and make your answers less accurate.

2.   Rephrase your question

If you are not able to interpret the answer you receive, you can rephrase the question. Sit back and meditate on what it is that you are seeking guidance on. Ask yourself how you can phrase the question to make it more direct. This is a much better solution than asking the same question multiple times.

3.   Do not overthink the response.

When using the yes or no method to answer Tarot questions you do not need to think as much about the card that you pull. This makes it a great method if you have not yet learned how to easily connect with your intuition. You simply follow the guide for which Tarot cards indicate “yes” answers and which cards indicate “no” answers. There is no need for further interpretation.

Using Tarot cards to answer yes or no questions is an accurate and time-efficient way of gaining guidance and clarity. Accessing your intuition using Tarot cards takes practice, but with time, you can easily interpret the responses when you use Tarot cards to answer yes or no questions. Developing this skill can have a positive impact on your life as a whole and the quality of the choices you make on a daily basis.


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