Which Tarot Card Am I?

As you develop your connection with the Tarot, it can be interesting, insightful, and fun to find the card that best represents you.

Throughout your journey with the Tarot deck, you'll find yourself gravitating to certain cards. You may even notice that you can relate to certain Tarot cards which represent key aspects of your personality. Here, we challenge you to dig even deeper and find the one card that is the truest embodiment of you!

A quiz can be fun and give you insight, but here we challenge you to listen to your spirit guides for a more personal answer.

As a divination tool, the Tarot is about self-exploration. This is a great exercise to boost your versatility with and connection to the Tarot.

Focus on The Major Arcana Cards

Since the Major Arcana covers the bigger picture life influences and attitudes (as opposed to the more granular daily life items of the Minor Arcana), we will focus entirely on the Major Arcana Cards here. Each card represents a variety of concepts, so you might be drawn to a different meaning for a specific card than presented here.

This is just to give you some food-for-thought to find the card that best fits YOU!

Tarot as a Personality Quiz

Whereas a personality quiz like Myers-Brings (e.g. ENTP) can give you scientific answers to your personality type, this exercise is one of intuition. You are getting an answer from your spirit and emotions as you reflect on what makes you you.

We considered making this like the typical personality quizzes where you answer a few questions and then receive your output but we felt that would do you a disservice. Tarot is an incredibly nuanced and intimate experience, it would be unreasonable to distill the complex personalities of each power card into a few short questions.

Given the deep connection that exists between Tarot and astrology, there are also associations between each sun sign and a Major arcana card. They will be listed out at the bottom of the page.

As a note, everyone embodies some aspect of each Tarot card at some point in their lives.

So, which Tarot card are you? Let's jump in!

Which Tarot Card Are You:

Which Tarot Card Am I

The Fool

The Fool is about undertaking new adventures. He is the optimistic, carefree, sky's-the-limit attitude that exists at the beginning of any meaningful pursuit. Thus, it's the zeroeth card of the Major Arcana Tarot deck. If you're the type to always be diving into something new, The Fool might be your card! Read more about the significance of The Fool in the Fool's Journey here.

The Magician

If you're the friend in the group that's always pulling rabbits out of hats, this Tarot card is for you. The Magician is about making something out of nothing, pulling together internal and external resources to make magic happen. When in a tight situation, or facing dire outcomes, you always manage to squeak out of danger and into the clear.

The Empress

Are you a motherly figure that shares plentiful affection with those you care about? This Tarot card represents support, growth, and the healing feminine touch. People who embody the Empress are usually quick to take care of others and slow to condemn.

The Hermit

Are you an introverted but thoughtful spirit with a vibrant mental Universe? Do you find that you have magical ideas and fascinating thoughts that are "lost" on others? If so, then you might embody the Hermit!

The Chariot

If you charge through life with the bold intensity of a determined warrior (looking at you Aries!), you might be the Chariot! The Chariot has a level-head and emotionally balanced heart, unwavering in the face of adversary or peril.


If you always keep a level head and are known for being even-keel, then Temperance is calling your name. Temperance is about upstanding judgment and will over self. Also, if your sun sign is Libra, you're definitely Temperance. We don't make the rules, sorry.


The most notorious Tarot card, of course, is Death. And for the millionth time, no, it doesn't mean actual death! Death is about transition and transformation. Are you a person who has reinvented herself? Or someone who vibes with the darker side of art and style? Then you might be a good fit for the Death Tarot card.

The Hanged Man

This is the most go-with-the-flow of all the Tarot cards. If you cruise through life hanging loose, unbothered by the things that don't matter, and confident in your own personal world, then this Tarot card suits you.

The Emperor

A steadfast masculine figure representing power and authority. You are a person of sophistication who has advanced to a place of respect and esteem in your life. Others look up to you, and you provide strong leadership.

The Lovers

You're a hopeless romantic? We should have known. Here's your Tarot Card.

The Tower

Everyone's favorite card. The power of the Tower is that it represents sudden upheaval and change. When all's going steady and out of nowhere... BOOM! curveball. If this describes your movements through life, or even your social style, you might be just like the Tower Tarot card.


The most powerful Tarot reader combines deep intuition with strong values and purpose. The Strength Tarot card speaks to the latter half of the equation. You might be the Strength card if you have a clear set of values and always prioritize what is right over social approval or other superficial things. Also, this card is associated with being good with animals. If animals naturally like you, that could be a sign you embody Strength.

The Devil

Uh-oh. When the Devil emerges in Tarot readings, it's pointing to succumbing to lower-vibration desires. Destructive behaviors. It's a power card that aligns with the most carnal aspects of the human being. If you are The Devil... you already know.

The Moon

The moon gives insight into the ethereal world of dreams, intuition, imagination, and the esoteric. The planets along with the moon reveal so much through horoscopes and astrology, but the Moon has a special intimacy reserved for those willing to venture into the depths of their heart and mind. If you are a person deeply in-tuned with your emotions, living "in your own world," welcoming the trance-like dream states of your imagination, you'd probably best align with The Moon.

The World

Do you feel complete? Are you at a point in your life where you as a person have handled everything you needed to figure out and can now be at peace with the world you've created? If so, the Tarot card for you is as clear as day.

Which Tarot Card Are You

Major Arcana Tarot Cards Associations by Zodiac Sign

Your horoscope can tell you a lot about yourself, including assigning you a Tarot card. Here is the full list of associations:

  • Aries - The Emperor

  • Taurus - The Hierophant

  • Gemini - The Lovers

  • Cancer - The Chariot

  • Leo - Strength

  • Virgo - The Hermit

  • Libra - Justice

  • Scorpio - Death

  • Sagittarius - Temperance

  • Capricorn - The Devil

  • Aquarius - The Star

  • Pisces - The Moon

Closing Thoughts

We hope this exercise brings you closer to your Tarot deck and finds you a card that you feel connected to. (Maybe one so much so that you get a tattoo of it?) Enjoy, and please let us know if something here stuck out to you. We'd love to hear your thoughts!


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