Tree of Life Tarot Spread

The Tree of Life

The Tree of Life is a central symbol in many different religions and philosophies. 

It represents the interconnectedness of all life and the idea that everything is influenced by everything else.

The Tree of Life is seen across cultures, religions, and spiritual symbolism.

In the Tarot, the Tree of Life is represented by the Major Arcana card known as The World. This card symbolizes completion, wholeness, and harmony.

The Tree of Life is also a common motif in sacred geometry. Sacred geometry is the study of natural patterns that are believed to represent the divine order. 

The Tree of Life is often found in mandalas, which are used as tools for meditation and contemplation.

Many people find great meaning in the tree of life symbol, and it can be a powerful tool for connecting with one's Higher Self and understanding the interconnectedness of all things.

Tree of life Kabbalah

In the Kabbalah, the Tree of Life is a mystical symbol representing all life's interconnectedness. 

The tree has 10 branches, each representing a different aspect of existence. 

The tree is also a map of the cosmos, with the topmost branch representing the highest level of reality and the bottommost branch representing the physical world.

The Tree of Life is a central symbol in Kabbalah and is often used as a tool for meditation and contemplation. 

By contemplating the Tree of Life, one can gain insight into the nature of reality and its place within it. The Tree of Life can also help to connect one with the divine source of all life.

The 10 spheres on the Tree of Life

In the Kabbalah, the Tree of Life is a universe map showing how everything is connected. 

The Tree is made up of 10 spheres, called the sefirot, which represent different aspects of Spirit. 

Each sephirah has its own symbol and meaning.

In Tarot, the sefirot may be represented by the major arcana.

These cards represent personal growth related to the life (Fool's) journey, thus in tarot readings, they provide insight into which stage of spiritual development the querent is at.

All of the sephirot symbolize the active energy within the tree of life's cycle. The universal life cycle is represented in Fool's journey thus is more clearly broken down in Tarot Readings.

The Paths of the Tree of Life

The tree has 22 paths that connect the Sephiroth, or spheres of existence. 

These paths represent the different ways that energy can flow between the spheres.

The paths are numbered from 1 to 22, and each path has a specific meaning. 

Path 1, for example, represents the path of divine will, while Path 2 represents the path of wisdom.

Each path provides a different way to understand and experience the Tree of Life.

Paths 3-10 represent the various stages of human development, from birth to death. 

Path 11 represents the transition between this world and the next. 

Paths 12-21 represent different aspects of the spiritual journey, such as love, knowledge, and understanding. 

Finally, Path 22 is the highest level of spiritual attainment.

These paths can be described similarly to the minor arcana because these cards in the tarot deck represent the means or ways the major arcana are experienced.

For example, if you were to draw the sun card (major arcana) and the two cups (minor arcana), you would see the sun card's powerful energy expressed through the two cups' energy.

Here, the sun card is the sephiroth, while the two cups are in the path. 

Preparing for a Tree of Life Tarot Reading

Before performing your reading for the tree of life spread, it's important to cleanse your energy. 

You can do so by taking a salt bath, smudging yourself with Palo Santo or herbs, or using crystals to clear the energy beforehand.

Clear your mind of bias or desired outcome. A Tree of Life Tarot Reading is a serious spiritual deep dive into your soul. While you may find some of the answers uncomfortable, understand that they are necessary for growth. A judgment-free Tarot reading is vital to receive the insight of hard truths that may be delivered to you.

The Tree of Life Tarot Spread

The tree of life spread contains 10 card placements. 

The cards represent the structure of the tree of life and present a comprehensive message throughout the reading. 

Tree of Life Tarot Spread

Card 1: Intention

If you have a certain desire, question, or goal, this first card will illustrate it in the card's meaning. 

The first card of the spread reflects the overall intention or energy within your life. Tarot meanings can vary a bit from their usual interpretation here, depending on which Tarot card you draw. Meditate deeply on the imagery and consider alternate Tarot card meanings.

Card 2: Potential

The second card illustrates the current potential outcome for the original intention. Think of it as a starting point.

Once you know the current potential, you can use the following cards to navigate either towards this potential or find another direction. 

Card 3: Expression

The third card represents how to express this intention or energy within your life. 

For instance, if a major arcana is placed here, it will represent you expressing this energy on a larger scale. 

If you find a minor arcana, this energy may be expressed in a finite area of your life, such as a relationship or workplace. 

Card 4: Assistance

Here, you'll discover what energy you can utilize to help assist you in your efforts. 

Or, this placement may represent an outside force or energy that is present to help assist you during these times. 

Card 5: Inner Work

In order to experience any manifestation or desire, there's often inner work that must be performed in order to make room for this new experience. 

The placement for Card 5 will highlight any aspect within yourself that is preventing you from fully experiencing our desired outcome, and working through it will greatly benefit you. 

Card 6: Positive Encouragement

Without positive encouragement, it can be difficult to stay focused and determined for every desire. 

Here, you'll gain a sense of guidance that can be used throughout the different levels of this reading. 

Card 7: Emotional Aspects

In this tarot reading, the 7th card represents the emotions attached to the topic. 

Sometimes, there are subconscious emotions or beliefs that are urging us towards our desires or getting in the way of us experiencing them. 

This card placement can help you understand the main emotional theme within this topic, so you can better understand whether or not you're allowing your desired outcome into your life. 

Card 8: Thoughts

Our thoughts shape our reality. 

The 8th card helps explain what thoughts are embedded within this topic, helping you understand whether or not you're empowering your desire to manifest or prevent it from coming to pass. 

Your thoughts reflect your everyday self, so pay special attention to Minor Arcana position meanings here.

Sometimes, we aren't aware of the thoughts we have throughout the day and their impact on our lives. 

It's important to become aware of your thoughts and use them to your benefit. 

Card 9: The Unknown Aspect

Nearing the end of this reading, you've learned many aspects surrounding this situation or topic. 

But, there's likely unknown energy or aspect that you are unaware of playing a role in the outcome of this desire. 

The 9th card placement will help explain any vital information that will benefit you moving forward. 

Card 10: Likely Outcome

The 10th card placement presents the most practical outcome regarding this situation. 

If the outcome isn't what you desire, you can use the previous cards in the reading to attempt to overcome where you're headed. 

Nothing is set in stone, and you have the power to change the course of your life. 

Knowledge is Power

The tree of life tarot spread is a powerful tool for you to gain insight into a situation because it helps you understand the topic on a much deeper level than ever before. 

Not only will you discover the likely outcome, but you'll understand why the outcome is likely, and it will help give you guidance towards overcoming any potential challenges or obstacles. 

Use this Tarot Spread when you're searching for answers, deep truths, and self-reflection. 


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