What does the Wheel of Fortune card mean?

The Fool's journey follows the path of the many cycles and transitions of the individual.

The wheel of fortune tarot card meaning is a representation of these various cycles, the inevitable change, and even the process of repeating old cycles or behaviors.

It illustrates how life happens in a continuous motion, although this motion isn't linear and often contains many variables and moving parts. In fact, ancient societies used to depict the world as a wheel, representing the ever-changing evolution of reality.

In this article, you'll explore the inner workings of this card, what it means when it appears in a reading, and how you can use it to find the answers that you seek.

Wheel of Fortune Card Associations:








Decisive moments, turning points, fortune, bad luck, significant change, external forces, good omen, moving forward, a new cycle.


The wheel of fortune card meanings stems from its beautiful imagery.

The card showcases a giant wheel painted in symbols and letters.

When reading clockwise, the wheel reads Taro, and when reading counterclockwise, it reads Tora.

The wheel seems to be guided by four creatures, which also represent the four fixed signs.

The fixed signs of the card's fortune represent fate and the constant cycle of change you experience throughout your lifetime.

The elements are also illustrated by four winged creatures, a man, an ox, an eagle, and a lion. 

The card also has a sphynx carrying a sword and Anubis on the right of the wheel, with a snake on the other.

Behind these creatures is a blue sky surrounded by big, pillowy clouds.

Wheel of Fortune

How the Wheel of Fortune's Meaning is derived from its imagery

The wheel of fortune tarot card meanings is primarily derived from the circular wheel positioned at the center of the card.

The wheel symbolizes movement; there, this moment is forward, backward, or a lack of movement altogether.

All of the elements associated with the card represent the events that create one's entire life and how each of these elements is also associated with seasons.

The wheel of fortune also carries an energy of external influence or divine order.

The creatures in the sky surrounding the wheel represent the divine power that creates situations and maintains balance in one's life and helps specific cycles take place in order to help you grow and experience vital life lessons.

Each of the archetypes of the card appears holding a book representing knowledge, which is necessary to move through the various cycles of the wheel of fortune comfortably.

The constant rotation of the wheel shows the forward march of the divine code; as seen in the phases of the moon, seasons in the year, or stages of life, there is a sacred cycle to all things.

The Wheel of Fortune in the Fool's Journey

In Fool's Journey, the Wheel of Fortune appears at an unexpected time.

Other cards surrounding the wheel of fortune are the hermit, which comes right before this cycle.

After the wheel of fortune is strength, which is needed to navigate the new changes that the wheel brings into the Fool's journey.

This major arcana card appears when the Fool has taken much-needed time for himself to reflect and decide which route to take in life.

With his new perspective, he's opened himself up to a whole new realm of possibilities.

This is when the Wheel of Fortune appears to continue on his journey and direct the Fool into new territories.

If this appears as an unwelcome change, the Fool must learn to adapt and understand the deeper meaning behind the current situation that the wheel of fortune presents.

The Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card Description

The Wheel of Fortune Upright

The wheel of fortune upright is a very positive major arcana card.

The upright wheel represents luck, destiny, and the magic that awaits the individual.

The wheel is moving forward, showing progress, and new experiences are on the horizon. When the wheel is upright, it symbolizes positive changes entering the individual's life and the ability to continue to grow and develop new patterns within their life.

The upright wheel suggests that if you're trying to achieve something, or want to open a new door in your love life, career, or another aspect of your life, there is positive energy urging you to do so.

Moving forward, this experience will blossom beautifully, like a flower, and it has the potential to grow into a very positive season of your life.

The Wheel of Fortune in a Love Tarot Reading

When the Wheel of Fortune appears in a love reading, it's a sign that this relationship is fresh and new.

You aren't repeating any old cycles, and this relationship isn't likely a relationship from your past.

If your reading is about a person you've previously been in a relationship with, your next venture with them will not contain the energy of your previous relationship, and you'll be able to move forward and see progress develop in your connection.

wheel of fortune tarot card meaning

Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card Reversed

When the wheel of fortune appears in the reverse position, it's a sign that there is a repeating of cycles or behaviors. This is a sign that you may not be progressing in your journey and, instead, tapping back into old energies either because these experiences are familiar or easier or you have an as strong attachment to them.

The reversed wheel can also symbolize the need to repeat old patterns in order to gain wisdom previously missed. If the wheel appears reversed in a reading, it may be a sign of bad luck, and you should be aware of the potential challenges that may present themselves during this cycle of your life.

The Reversed Wheel of Fortune Tarot Love Meaning

When the wheel of fortune reversed card appears in a love reading, it's a sign that you are entering a period of negative outcomes.

You may be going back into a relationship that didn't serve you. You could also be entering a new relationship, but it's repeating old patterns and the energy of a relationship that didn't work in the past.

Sometimes, these experiences are necessary to help you finally overcome these energies and learn the valuable lesson that these experiences hold to help you develop new wisdom and understanding of yourself and what you truly want out of love.

Summary of the Wheel of Fortune

The wheel of fortune tarot card's reversed and upright meanings hold valuable truths that can help you navigate the current movements of your life.

Life happens in seasons, and it's important to recognize where you're at in your journey. One day we embody the 3 of Cups in joyful celebration with our friends, the next we are shocked by a major life change represented by the Tower.

This card isn't necessarily negative, even when it appears in reverse; it's simply a reminder that you may be going back into old habits that didn't serve you, or you're revisiting old energies to help you gain the wisdom you missed the first time they were around.

Final Thoughts on the Wheel of Fortune

The next time the wheel of fortune appears in a tarot reading, try to decipher the message the universe is trying to bring into your awareness.

The wheel teaches you how to accept the inevitable cycles of a lie, how to handle when bad things happen, and how to realize when there is luck in your life.

Even if the wheel represents unwelcome changes, these changes can be used to understand where you need to make changes in your life in order to get the wheel moving forward once again.


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