New Moon Meditation

The new moon marks the time of insight, new beginnings, and setting the stage for what you want to experience in the coming weeks. This phase of the moon comes after the waning moon, which clears away anything that no longer serves you and has been weighing you down. 

As the moon begins to fade, it leaves an emptiness in the sky. This emptiness won't stay empty for long, as in the coming days, it will grow into its full illumination once again.

With the moon disappearing from the night sky for a moment, it's a chance for you to rest in the relief of no longer holding on to the past. You can make room for creating the future you want to experience. 

Preparing For the New Moon

The new moon represents the perfect opportunity to go inward and practice introspection. It's easy to get lost in everyday obligations and responsibilities.

The energy field around the moon during this time is neutral, which allows you to exist without its external influence felt within your mind and emotions.

The earth is often affected greatly by the phases of the moon, and during this time, the earth's energy becomes the dominant force, and this energy becomes more apparent and conscious. 

It's important to release any lingering energies or emotions that weren't fully cleared during the waning moon. Meditation crystals can help here. If there's a memory, emotion, or thought that you can't seem to shake, perform a cleansing ritual, such as a salt bath, visualization, or smudging.

This will help dissolve any lingering energies and make room to set your new moon intention. The new moon is about reflection, setting intentions, and tapping into the divine spark of creation that exists inside of you. There's no better time than a new moon to discover what you truly want out of life. 

How To Use the New Moon Energy

One of the best ways to harness the power of the new moon is through meditation. A new moon meditation helps you direct your focus inward, meditate on what you want to create for yourself and initiate a new beginning of energy into your life. Meditation helps you find your inner power which will align you on your True Path.

These meditations are geared towards planting the seeds of your goals and ambitions and nourishing them, allowing them to take root and begin to manifest within your life throughout the future moon cycles. 

The darkness of the new moon is the soil, and your imagination's magic is what plants the seeds. What you experience within your mind has power, and when you're able to ignite real feelings, emotions, and visions, you're drawing these experiences into your life in powerful ways. 

New Moon Meditation

  1. Find a comfortable place for your new moon meditation, such as a bed or on the floor, and lay flat on your back. 

  2. Allow your body to relax, close your eyes, and begin taking deep breaths. 

  3. As you continue to breathe deeply, imagine you're drawing in the energy of the new moon, 

  4. with each exhale, imagine you're releasing any blockages or tightness. 

  5. Continue breathing deeply while exhaling all blockages until you feel completely relaxed and at ease. 

  6. Visualize a box in front of you. Walk over to the box and open its lid.

  7. The box contains three large seeds. Each seed represents one of your desires. 

  8. One seed represents joy, the other healing, and lastly, guidance. 

  9. Grab the seed for healing, and think about what aspects of your life need healing. This healing can be physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual. 

  10. Once you decide, look down at your feet. There is a small gardening shovel in front of you. 

  11. Grab the shovel and dig up three small holes in the soil below. 

  12. Hold the first seed for healing, and out loud, say what it represents for you. 

  13. Place the seed in one of the holes and bury it with soil. As you do, imagine that you're experiencing this healing right now, as if it's happening in the present moment. 

  14. After it's buried, grab the second seed. This seed represents guidance. Where are you lost or confused in life?

  15. Take a few moments to decide. Once you do, place the seed in the soil and begin to bury it. 

  16. Again, feel as if you're receiving the guidance that you seek in whatever way makes sense for you. 

  17. Lastly, pick up the last seed, which represents joy. The most important aspect of this new moon meditation is uncovering what brings you joy because joy is the driving factor in true happiness. 

  18. Decide what brings you joy in life, and plant the seed in the soil. Imagine yourself experiencing the activities or experiences that bring you the most joy in life; try to use all of your senses to bring these visualizations to life. 

  19. After a few moments, you see the sun begin to rise over the horizon shining its light over you and the planted seed. 

  20. Suddenly, you see sprouts begin to grow from the soil and quickly form into three beautiful flowers. 

  21. With each lunar cycle, these flowers will continue to grow in the soil of your mind, bringing all of your desires into manifestation. 

  22. Sit in the beauty of the flowers before you, and feel the sun's radiant light energizing your soul. 

  23. When you're ready, open your eyes once again. 

Embrace the New Moon

A new moon meditation is a great way to incorporate the power of introspection, understanding, wisdom, and hope. There's no better time than this to plan for the future, decide what's working and what isn't, and create space for manifesting all of your desires. 

The new moon brings the perfect opportunity for you to let go of any resistance of the past and look towards the future is a fresh perspective. 

Use this guided meditation to help plant your seeds for the future, and watch as they bloom and materialize over the new moon cycles. 

What other lunar meditations exist?

There is a meditation for each moon phase. They can all be done individually or as part of a group meditation.

The important thing is that you soak in the healing power of the night sky and let it realign you with the Earth and with nature.

new moon meditation

Happy Meditating!


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