What does the Justice Card mean?

The universe operates on many laws which balance the energies we experience throughout our lives. 

In the Fool's Journey of the Major Arcana, the Justice card establishes a system of values. It embodies right and wrong and suggests that a fair outcome shall result.

In this article, you'll explore the Justice card, its symbolism, what it means when it shows up in a reading, and how you can use this tarot card's energy within your life. 

Strength Card Associations:








Balance, Justice, Injustice, Integrity, Karma, Law, Order

Justice Card Spiritual Symbolism

justice tarot card meaning

Have you ever been in a conflict or challenging situation where you wanted to act out of alignment with your highest good? 

These are the life lessons that the Justice card surveys, reviewing your actions, intentions, and choices throughout these times. 

Only you know when you're acting with integrity or morality because these are a subjective and not easily measured person to person. 

The Justice card teaches you to accept responsibility for your actions and teaches you how to achieve Justice within a situation. 

Your own truth will set you free, and you will experience karmic Justice at some point in time. 

Justice teaches you to tap into your spiritual self, helping you dig deeper into what your true motives are and how you express these out into the world. 

Many times, Justice is associated with the legal process, legal matters, and the court system. 

In these realms, Justice is enforced only in a humane and physical way. Justice transcends the confines of the legal system and the physical realm as a whole. 

The universe doesn't view life through the mind of a human; it understands the complexity that exists throughout life and how each individual stream of consciousness has its own unique perspective, abilities, and intentions. 

Justice helps you learn valuable lessons about your own well-being and how making choices that benefit you can be rewarding while making choices that aren't beneficial can lead to your determinant. 

Justice Reversed Meaning

The justice tarot card's interpretation is different if it emerges in the reverse. While the upright position speaks to fairness, the reversed justice tarot card suggests the opposite.


If you pull Justice in reverse, it often means that you are avoiding accountability for something. Perhaps there is something that you should be doing but aren't, and you are trying to pass off your responsibility to someone else.

In a worse scenario, the reversed Justice card implies you are denying responsibility for your actions. If you have done wrong and have not made an effort to atone for your actions, Justice in reverse encourages you to do so.

Do not push down the voice of your conscience as that will only lead to professional and friendship problems. Your life will benefit if you do the right thing and come clean. You will also have greater respect for yourself because of this.

When you peer into the gaze of the figure depicted on the Justice card, what do you feel? Does it arouse feelings of guilt within you? Does it almost evoke a sense of, "I know something you don't want me to know?"

If that's the case, then you already know what it is referencing. You would do well to do the stand-up thing as opposed to further running for your wrongdoings.

In this way, Justice is antithetical to a card like the 6 of swords which suggests removing yourself from the situation. Justice calls you to hold your ground on what is right.

Being too self-critical

A different yet significant interpretation of the inverted Justice tarot card is that you are being too self-critical. This means that you may be beating yourself up. Or, it might be the case that you are picking apart tiny details of yourself.

There is no value in being overly self critical. While it is of course necessary to self-reflect, any time you spend brooding over insecurities or past actions is simply wasted energy.

For example, if the reversed Justice emerges in a love reading and you recently went through a breakup, it could suggest that you are digging too deeply into what you did and how you could have acted differently. Many times, when we are self-conscious in this way, we are like a dog chasing its own tail. We search for answers that aren't there because of some kind of underlying insecurity.

If you feel that this is what Justice is communicating to you, then the answer is simple: relax. Don't be so hard on yourself. Of course, that is easier said than done, but if you take an honest look at how you are (mis)using your thought energy, you will quickly see that its a fruitless effort. Accept the past, accept yourself, and move on.

Excess judgement will not help you in any way.

Justice vs Temperance

There is often some confusion on the difference between Justice and Temperance in the major arcana. They both speak to balance, virtue, and fairness.

The simplest way to distinguish between the two is through the lens of internal/external. Temperance is more about internal balance. It points to patience to withstand the chaos of the outer world and the virtue to maintain your values throughout.

Justice on the other hand, is outward facing. Justice is about upholding right and wrong in the world around you. Acting fairly unto others. Making cut-and-dry decisions that impact the external world.

What Does Justice Mean in Legal Proceedings?

If the justice card appears in a reading about a legal conflict, it's important to recognize the position of this card. 

An upright justice card signifies compassion from the universe, bringing peace, success, and confidence straight to your doorstep. 

This card's deeper meaning suggests that you and the other person and entity within this court battle have opposing intentions, and yours was in alignment with the highest good. 

When you act in alignment, you're creating higher frequency experiences for yourself. You're rewarded by the universe when you do what's right, whatever that means for you specifically. 

So, if you're going through legal disputes and an upright justice card shows up, embrace yourself for a big win!

Justice for a future reading

When Justice appears in the future position, it's a sign that your future will allow you to become set free from the confines of your current state. 

If you've been hurt or gone through challenging times, Justice is a sign that the sun will soon rise over the horizon, bringing positivity and light back into your life. 

Your past deeds will no longer have an effect on your current life, and you'll be rewarded for everything you've ever been through. 

A reversed justice tarot card in the future position signifies that you haven't done the work necessary for your to experience the future that you desire. 

Or, it could mean that you are entering a situation or in a relationship with a person that doesn't have your best interest at heart. 

Sometimes, Justice reversed symbolizes that even though you've acted in alignment and with integrity, the other energy involved within this situation will not reciprocate your energy and instead leave you feeling betrayed, abandoned, or unjust. 

Justice Card in Love

Justice has many definitions, but equality is one of its most important ones. 

When the justice card appears in a tarot reading about love, it signifies that you are in a relationship or will be entering a relationship that contains the equality that you seek. 

You're likely someone that enjoys balance within your relationships and doesn't want one person investing too much energy or taking advantage of the other. 

Relationships are meant to be symbiotic, and the upright Justice card advises you to continue with the connection, as it will bring you a wonderfully abundant relationship. 

Justice also says that there will be mutual happiness between you two, and you'll easily overcome any challenges thrown your way. 

The justice card interpretation for the reversed position says that you may commit to someone that isn't in your highest good. 

If you're in a relationship, and this is the case, chances are you already know that it's not right for you.

Justice reversed urges you to find a way to end the relationship or find ways to transform it into a connection that benefits you. 

Justice in your career

Justice, one of the most prominent major arcana cards, is sometimes a double edged blade. 

In your career, Justice may symbolize that your work is in alignment with your true purpose and that for the commitment and sacrifice you've invested into it, you'll eventually receive abundance and fulfillment as a reward. 

Other times, Justice appears in the reverse position to symbolize that you are not receiving back the energy you're putting into your role. 

If you work for someone else, are you putting in more effort than needed? 

What would happen if you stopped working as hard, even just a little? 

Justice in reverse states that you may experience an unfair outcome in the future of your career through dishonest or deceptive activities imposed upon you by your boss or peers. 

No matter how much work you invest into your role, it's highly likely that you won't find the success and happiness within your job that you are seeking. 

If this appears to you, take a look at what abilities or tasks you can complete that are in alignment with your purpose. 

How could you make a career out of these qualities? Spend time reflecting on the card's deeper meanings to help give you insight into the next route you should take in your career. 

How to Live a Just Life

When reflecting on the justice tarot card meanings, it's easy to understand that Justice is another word for balance

Balance comes in many forms, whether it's letting go of your own personal judgments to make room for positive ones or breaking down your belief system to make room for a more spiritual perspective. 

Your health and spiritual growth are essential for allowing Justice, balance, and peace within your life, and the more you live in alignment with this ascent of yourself, the easier it is for the justice card to appear upright in your life. 

The justice card emphasizes law and order, and when you live in accordance with this law, your life can unfold in magnificent ways. 

Whether you have legal proceedings involving a past failure, are looking to manifest a committed relationship, or questioning your future in your career, the justice tarot card appears when you need it most. 

When you ask for clarity, be ready for what this powerful card may bring. 

Closing Thoughts on the Justice Tarot card

Now that we've walked through the Justice Tarot card meaning, you'll have a clear idea of what it means when you see it in a reading.

Be assured that this card will not steer you wrong, rather it will drive you toward integrity. The Justice Tarot card depicts a powerful figure with moral authority and encourages you to embody exactly that. Being dedicated to fairness and accountability can only improve your life.


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