The Six of Wands Tarot Card Meaning: A Story of Success and Triumph

The Tarot cards of the minor Arcana speak to aspects of every day life. The suit of wands in particular deals with inspiration, spirituality, and our primal senses. When you flip one of these cards in a Tarot reading, understand that you are working with creative energies.

The six of wands tarot card meanings range from victory, success, to recognition. It is associated with the Fire element and the suit of Wands, both of which are related to energy, enthusiasm, ambition, and purpose.

This minor arcana card is also associated with taking action towards achieving goals by having faith in yourself and your abilities. It encourages us to be brave in our endeavors and have faith that we can succeed. Follow along for an in-depth journey into one of the most positive tarot cards!

Six of Wands Tarot Card Associations:


The six of wands card associates with the element of fire. The element of fire stems from the suit this card belongs to, the suit of Wands. The suit of Wands tarot card meanings describe the pursuit of creative imagination and the obstacle imagination meets in the world.

The ancient element of fire was said to appear spontaneously and without cause. It changed and altered everything it touched without being changed itself. This element is a good omen that you are about to embark on a brilliant journey of triumph and transformation. You will begin creating your own success as you will become someone you embodies the realm of creativity.

You'd do well to light a Tarot candle during a reading with wands cards. The physical element of fire breathes life into the card meanings.


The zodiac sign of the six of wands is Leo. You may know that Leo's are compassionate, open-hearted, driven and admired, six of wands cards represent similar characteristics.

When read a six of wands card in a reading it is representing that you are the path of developing more self confidence and self importance, like that of a Leo. You will receive public praise and support; this could be in the form of a promotion or recognition of your art.


The planet associated with the six of wands is Jupiter. The planet Jupiter represents luck, fortune and success. The six of wands tarot card is reminding you that you have paid your dues, don't fall from grace your time in the sun is coming soon. Do not let your lack of achievement make you believe that you are far from financial stability and success in the career you for which your passion comes from.

Imagery and Symbolism of the Six of Wands Tarot Card Description

The six of wands depicts a rider on horseback, holding a wand gracefully. This visual representation symbolizes victory and triumph in the midst of adversity, reflecting the card's broader meaning of success after hard work.

The wand itself is a symbol of power and strength, representing an individual's ability to overcome difficult circumstances through courage and determination. This imagery speaks to the idea that personal victories can inspire others to reach their own goals as well.

The colors chosen for this card are also significant; gold for royalty or wealth, red for passion or energy, and white for purity or innocence. These colors reinforce the concept that success can be achieved if one has faith in themselves and perseveres despite any obstacles one may face.

What Does the Six of Wands Card Mean in the Upright position?

When the Six of Wands appears in the upright position it's often a good sign, symbolizing success, achievement, recognition, and victory. It is a sign that hard work and dedication have paid off and that you can now reap the rewards of your efforts. The card indicates progress, progress in terms of personal development and growth, career advancement, or overall success. It implies that you are on the right path and will soon be recognized for all your accomplishments.

The appearance of this card suggests that it is time to take stock of all your successes so far and allow yourself to feel proud about them. You should also take a moment to appreciate those around you who have supported you on your journey to success – whether they are family, friends, or colleagues.

This card brings with it an aura of confidence that can give you much-needed encouragement during difficult times. Finally, it serves as a reminder that if you are ever faced with adversity again in the future, there is nothing stopping you from achieving even greater things!

What Does the Six of Wands Upright Mean in a Love Reading?

The six wands in a love reading indicate success and victory. It suggests that the individual has overcome obstacles in their relationship or they have triumphed over some sort of challenge.

The six wands encourage the individual to stay positive and look ahead with optimism as there are more successes to come in their future. When this card appears in a love reading, it often means that the couple will soon enjoy an improved connection due to all the hard work they have put into it. As long as both parties remain open-minded and dedicated, things should progress smoothly from here on out.

Six of Wands Reversed Meaning

The Six of Wands reversed in a tarot reading can have several meanings, depending on the context of the question asked and other cards that appear in the spread. Generally, it indicates that there is some hesitation or retreat from success.

The individual may be too reluctant to stand up for themselves or their ideas, leading to stagnation or lack of progress. It could also indicate feelings of envy or jealousy towards someone else's successes, which further prevents them from achieving their goals and moving forward.

The Six of Wands reversed could also represent a lack of confidence in one's own abilities and worthiness for success. The individual may be feeling unsuccessful because they don't believe that they are capable enough to accomplish what they set out to do; this card then serves as a reminder for them to trust themselves more and take risks without fear.

On the other hand, this card might symbolize an unbalanced ego where one thinks too highly about themselves and overestimates their own capabilities; it thus serves as a warning against pride before a fall.

What does the six of wands reverse tarot card mean in a career reading?

The six wands reversed indicate a challenging period in your career. It can indicate that you have lost faith in yourself and your abilities or that you are feeling stagnant and unfulfilled. There may be some external factors affecting your progress, such as competition from others or a lack of resources.

You might also be feeling overwhelmed by expectations, or fear of failure is preventing you from making progress. Although it may feel like the odds are stacked against you right now, there is still hope for success if you gain the courage to take risks and persist despite any setbacks.

Taking ownership of your career path will help to build confidence in yourself and provide a sense of control over how things unfold. Stay positive, remain focused on what matters most to you, and ask for help when needed so that you can make the necessary changes to reach success.

How to use the six of wands tarot card for guidance

The Six of Wands is a card that symbolizes success and victory over adversity. It can show a period in your life where you are overcoming obstacles or achieving goals. Using this card as guidance helps to focus on the aspects of the card that represent self-empowerment and confidence.

Ask yourself how you can take ownership of any situation by using courage and strength. Visualize yourself succeeding despite the challenges that stand in your way.

When using the Six of Wands for guidance, it is important to remember that progress takes time and effort but will be worth it in the end. Take into account all aspects of your journey, both successes and failures, before making any decisions about what path to take next.


The six of wands encourages you to set some achievable goals for yourself, so you can keep track of your progress along the way. Appreciate each step forward as an accomplishment toward achieving whatever goal you have set out for yourself! Do not be afraid of the public acknowledgment, triumph, love, and money coming your way.

This card will bring self importance and self forgiveness; be confident that previous conflicts are over and the battle has ended. Always remember to stay grounded- public recognition, success beyond your wildest imagination and general feelings of happiness are on their way!

Good luck on your new adventure!


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