How To Flip Tarot Cards

Learning how to give a Tarot card reading can be loads of fun! It is always entertaining to discover how to interpret messages from your higher self and how to use those messages to help others.

Learning how to read Tarot cards can be intimidating. You may be thinking about how to ask the Tarot cards questions, how to interpret the cards, which spread to use for yourself or the client.

There is much to learn from texts about the foundation of reading Tarot cards, but there is also a fluidity from reading Tarot cards using your intuition. Reading Tarot cards is a delicate balance of knowledge, intuition, and empathy.

Sometimes all of these aspects of learning how to read Tarot cards can seem so overwhelming that you may overlook simple mechanics such as how to flip a Tarot card. How to flip a Tarot card might seem insignificant. Is it really even important?

The reading is the important part, right? Is there a "right way" to flip Tarot cards? The interpretation is what gives the guidance that you or your client seek, so why worry with how you flip a Tarot card?

Just as it is with any other healing arts, foundation is what sets you up for true success. A strong foundation will make certain that you can give an accurate and truly helpful Tarot card reading.

Why learn how to read Tarot cards

People learn how to read Tarot cards for many different reasons. Some may believe that Tarot cards are a divination that is mystical and magical. This belief creates a curiosity as we are all fascinated by magic and supernatural occurrences that we cannot explain.

While there is plenty of magic around us every day, the Tarot cards are just that, cards. Tarot cards are simply a tool that you can use to deepen the spiritual connection you have with your higher self. Using the Tarot cards is a way to learn how to access your intuition more easily and frequently as well.

There are plenty of times that I begin to shuffle my cards and ask a question only to realize that the answers are coming before I ever pull the first card. This is one way that learning how to read Tarot cards gives me the clarity I need to live a better quality of life.

Another reason people learn to read Tarot cards is to help others. Learning how to flip Tarot cards is a foundational step in giving someone guidance that their soul is desperately seeking. Think about what an amazing gift this guidance is to share with others. Learning how to flip Tarot cards is a gift to yourself as well as to those around you.

Mechanics of a Tarot card reading

Learning how to read Tarot cards accurately starts with a solid foundation. This includes the mechanics of how to flip Tarot cards, but first you must learn the proper techniques that come before flipping a Tarot card or at least the technique that resonates with you. 

A Tarot card reader creates a bond with the Tarot cards. For me, this bond starts with the shuffle. How you choose to shuffle your Tarot cards can depend on several factors such as, which hand is your dominant hand, which Tarot spread you are using, or which way of interpreting the Tarot cards speaks to you.

Tarot Card Shuffling Techniques

 There are a few different techniques for shuffling your Tarot cards. You can choose which technique is right for you!

The chaotic Tarot shuffle

This technique is as chaotic as they come, and in my opinion this is a great method for the first few shuffles after receiving new Tarot decks. In this method you will lay all the Tarot cards on the floor and mix them around with your hands as much as you can. This is a good if you intend to read reversals as many of the Tarot cards will likely land upside down.

Have fun with this because the Tarot cards pick up your energy. This method of shuffling mixes the cards extremely well and blends your energy with a new deck of cards.

The overhand shuffle

Hold your Tarot cards in one hand while using the other hand to bring small groups of cards from the back to the front. This is a good technique to use in between each reading when you are tapping into the energy of your Tarot deck to ask a question prior to practicing how to flip a Tarot card.

The riffle shuffle

 Holding half the deck in each hand use your thumb and forefinger to blend the cards together. This technique can bend your cards, so you may want to practice using this method with the intention of keeping your Tarot cards as straight as possible.

The fan-out shuffle

This method combines a shuffling technique with a method of reading your Tarot cards. When using this method you would fan the cards out after shuffling and use your intuition to select the Tarot's message for your reading.

How to flip a Tarot card

You should use whichever methods and techniques resonate with you. The mechanics of the shuffle, which spread you choose, and how you ask your questions are all matters of what most resonates with you as a Tarot reader. When it comes to learning how to flip a Tarot card there is more to consider. As an upright card holds a massive difference from reversed cards.

When learning how to flip a Tarot cards correctly there is a more pressing question to ask yourself first. You must decide whether you will read reversals in your Tarot card reading.

When you get reversed cards, it means that some of the cards in the Tarot deck are upside down and some are right side up. If a card is upside down when it is pulled from the Tarot deck, then the card has an alternate interpretation than if it is upright.

Many Tarot readers prefer not to read reversed cards. There are different reasons why a Tarot reader might shy aways from reading reversed tarot cards. A reversed card does not just mean it is the wrong way, it is a message that may be that the original meaning is flipped.

Some readers may find interpreting reversal cards confusing. Some Tarot readers say that reading reversals introduces an unnecessary negative energy into the reading as the reversed meaning may mean the opposite of the upright meaning. It is an individual choice of the reader whether to read reversals.

The proper way to flip a Tarot card from face down to face up is to flip the card from left to right. Flipping the Tarot card in this way preserves the original direction of the card. How you flip a Tarot card is particularly important if you are reading reversals.

If you flip Tarot cards vertically from bottom to top, then you have inverted the original direction of the card. If there is a reversed tarot card, then the interpretation of the card changes entirely.

This can be very confusing for the Tarot card reader, and the reading that you deliver may not be as accurate. As a Tarot card reader your intention should always be to give as accurate a reading as possible, and learning how to flip a Tarot card properly is an important step in giving an accurate Tarot card reading.

Benefits of using the proper technique in your Tarot card reading 

Having a solid foundation for your Tarot card reading is an important part of giving your client accurate information. You are utilizing your intuitive abilities to gain more insight on the person's life. Receiving guidance that is clear and in alignment with source energy is the best practice when giving a Tarot card reading.

If you have a clear understanding of the mechanics of the shuffle as well as how to flip Tarot cards, then you will have the underlying confidence that is required for you to trust your intuition.

Strengthening your spiritual connection with your higher self and learning how to listen to your intuition is only helpful if you know that you can trust your intuition. You can start flipping cards for yes or no questions and work up to more complicated spreads. The more you practice how to flip Tarot cards and how to interpret them, the more confidence you will have. As your confidence grows the little voice inside your head that aids you in interpreting the Tarot cards will become more clear. This voice is your intuition.

Once you have a strong connection with your intuition you will feel completely confident in each Tarot card reading that you give. This confidence and intuitive connection is key for any Tarot card reader.

When you gain an understanding of the mechanics associated with giving a Tarot card reading and gain confidence in how to flip Tarot cards you will have a firm foundation for giving professional Tarot card readings.

Giving accurate and efficient Tarot card readings is one of the most rewarding skills that you can learn and is a service to those around you. Becoming a professional Tarot card reader and learning how to flip Tarot cards will increase your vibration and enhance your quality of life through a development of constant connection with your higher self.

Learn how to flip Tarot cards and start your spiritual journey as a Tarot card reader today!


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