Signs your Higher Self is Talking to You (Top 7 Signs)

The best version of you comes from your higher self. Having a joyful life is about living your truth, which is only possible through a strong connection with your higher self. So, here we will walk through an in-depth guide about aligning with your higher self, and also understanding the Ego and lower self.

Plus, the top 7 habits stop you from connecting with your highest self, and the 7 prominent signs the higher self is talking to you. 

What is your higher self? And your lower self?

Your personality can be divided into three parts, the higher self, the Ego, and the lower self, each of which has its own agenda and inner voice.

Your highest self is the most evolved version of yourself. It's your authentic being, transcending your cultural, karmic, societal programming, and conditioning. Going beyond your defense mechanism, doubts, anxieties, limiting thoughts, beliefs, and destructive ways of relating to yourself and others.

It is possible to gain insight into your personality's inner workings, strengths, and karmic weaknesses by establishing a dialogue between them. Knowing yourself allows you to correct the imbalances and work through the incorrect beliefs and assumptions to better align with your highest self. Self-awareness and becoming your highest self should be the ultimate goal of your life.

Because connecting with your highest self is the only way you find ever-lasting internal stability. The only way to hear your higher self is to remove the barriers you have to access it.

First, we will discuss what the highest self looks like, what the Ego and lower self are and how they can block access to your highest self. Then we can explore the signs that your highest self is trying to talk to you.

What does the higher self look like? 

The Higher Self is the part of your personality that helps you with your life and lets your abilities shine. It's the part of you that makes sense. At some point in your life, you may awaken to higher consciousness. It can feel like a total annihilation of yourself if you question how they have been living.

The higher self is your true self. It's possible to welcome your higher self into your life with willpower, consistency and building self-resilience. Our world is more than just the physical or material plane we know so much about.

As humans, we tend to focus on the logical things we can see with our external eyes, often at the expense of the more subtle realms, the things we feel with our emotions. There are higher planes of existence; one of those planes of higher consciousness is the Causal Plane. That is where you can find your Spirit- higher consciousness- where your highest self lives.

Your higher self is an energy-informational entity or body responsible for all the important events in your life, even if you're not consciously aware of this. The higher self is the source of all wisdom held within each person.

Sometimes the higher self tries to reach us through vivid dreams or in other mysterious ways. If you meditate regularly (and you should try to make meditation part of your daily routine) you can open up to the voice of your higher self.

If we raise the frequency of our brain activity, we give our higher self-energy. In return, we receive the information we need to guide us through all of life's challenges. Allow yourself to believe the unbelievable; it will help you receive the miraculous. When in doubt, trust yourself, and be compassionate when you fall back into old thought and behavioral patterns; by doing this, you will uncover the hidden power of your highest self

Raising your vibration is complex.

Getting into alignment with your highest self involves starting and continuing the lifelong work of understanding, healing, and managing your psychological, emotional, and spiritual wounds.

In short, these are the traumas you have accumulated in your current and past lives.

To figure out the emotional, spiritual and psychological wounds you need to work on, ask yourself what your triggers are. What words or actions of mine or others make me feel sad, depressed, anxious, angry, heartbroken, or in pain? You can journal, voice record or video log these.

I suggest watching your thoughts over a minimum of 28 days to see what are your constant thoughts and triggers. Make a note of them, and these will form the first and most important things you need to heal to connect with your highest self.

To hear your highest self clearly, you must be mindful of what you think, say, and do, and pay attention to your eating and sleep patterns. What you do daily, as well as the ways you relate with yourself and others, also determines the quality of the connection you can have with your highest self.

The human spirit is complex. The number one barrier to you meeting, understanding, and aligning with your highest self is poor management of your lowest self. Clear access to your higher self does not come overnight; it comes after years, often decades, of working on your Ego and lower self.

Our Tarot Reader, Arianna, can help you understand your Higher Self through a Tarot reading:

The Ego

First thing first, the Ego is not a bad thing. It is only viewed that way in mainstream culture because the Ego is often associated with a person's defense mechanisms. That causes them to act selfishly or to protect themselves from perceived attacks on who they are as a person. It is associated more with the physical body and is grounded in our perception of our own reality. Human beings naturally identify with the ego self, and all its insecurities and self limiting beliefs. Thus, an important part of the spiritual journey is overcoming the ego.

The Ego is the aspect of you that interacts with the world, that plans and then judges itself and your life experiences based on whether external and internal expectations are met.

If we get what we want, our Ego feels satisfaction. To make the Ego healthy, we must use it correctly to gain what we need. And not the things we have come to think we want or need to be socially, romantically or culturally accepted.

Your Ego is usually made of a name, personality and story.

There is a collection of memories, beliefs, ideas, and sensations about who you are, where you came from, what you're good and bad at, and what you have experienced. Stored in your Ego. The behavior patterns of your physical earth family, as well as the patterns of your spirit family, are all part of your Ego. Humans are all part of the same family, but we are learning different lessons, and it seems like we belong to different soul tribes.

Your Ego is also made up of karmic influences and unresolved issues from the past lifetimes that hopefully you can resolve in your present lifetime.

The Ego is a necessary part of your mind that acts as a mediator between the conscious and unconscious aspects of your brain.

The Ego is responsible for testing your sense of reality and personal identity. It can be the enemy because it keeps you out of touch with reality and causes separation from your highest self. This happens due to the association with your lowest self and self-destructive thoughts and behavior.

Which is caused by unresolved emotional, spiritual or psychological trauma.

Unhealed trauma causes delusional thinking. The Ego that is identified with your lowest self keeps you from being open to feedback from your highest self.

Which is trying to guide you to what is best for your life.

The unhealed Ego can make you overestimate your abilities and self-worth and underestimate the amount of time and skill required to achieve your goals. The Ego is not something you have to get rid of, for ultimately, there is no separation between the lower self, Ego, and higher self on the esoteric level.

Instead, your Ego needs to be accepted for what it is and aligned with your higher self, producing positive thoughts and actions. Yet when it's aligned with your lowest self, your Ego can be incapacitated by the negative beliefs about your lower self's behaviors and thoughts.

So what is your lowest self?

It's the part of us who does not value ourselves, the part of you that is driven to meet your desires at all cost, even if your passions will destroy you.

The lower self is your self-sabotage button, the part of you that can get defensive at any suggestion of change. It tells you you don't have enough money and you will only be happy if you make more money. Or if you gain more power, or that you should feel guilty if you fell short of a particular goal. It can inject fearful thoughts into your head and make you desire shallow things.

You could own the whole world, but unless the lower self is quelled, it will depreciate your spirit and your compassion to make you feel small and be destructive.

The Lower Self is your survival instinct. The body's protective mechanism carries fear, anger, and pain-based reactions to life. The lower self's main objective is to protect you from more suffering. It's formed when we are little children, and we experience physical pain, emotional pain, mental pain, and spiritual pain. If you want to prevent your lower self from shutting out your highest self, then you'll need to generate new beliefs that promote behaviors for personal growth.

The problem is that these beliefs were created by your child-self, which is immature, reactionary, and not based on the truth of your Higher Self.

The Lower Self is not only based on the strategies you came up with as a child to protect yourself. It is also influenced by the karmic patterns of thought, behavior, and relating you brought over from your past lives.

How to work through the lowest self pain so you can align with your higher self


To start the work of understanding, healing, and managing the needs of your lower self, so that you can align with your highest self and its objectives, you need to work on these 7 things.

It is essential you do your own research as there are more things you may need to work on.

When it comes to spiritual work, each individual's path is unique.

Yet these are the core low esteem habits generated by your lowest self that prevent the clear connection with your highest self.

You must never forget the main objective of the lower self is to survive and feel good at all costs.

Even if it is at the expense of your overall success and your much-needed relationship with your highest self.

It's critical to transform these negative habits with positive life-affirming practices that promote your overall wellbeing if you want to find alignment with your highest self.

The top 7 habits that stop you from hearing your highest self when it talks to you

1.   Procrastination- putting off the things you need to do and overthinking.

This leads to inaction and often uses more energy on the physical, emotional and spiritual levels than just doing the things you want to do would.

2.   Passivity- thinking things like. "life has always been this way, so it will always be that way". Not taking personal responsibility for your life or proactively trying to change because you have come to believe you are not in control of what occurs in your life.

3.   Negative self-talk- this is the most important thing to change as it's the root of all self-destructive behaviors and relationships and blocks clarity of mind which is needed to build a strong trust and bond with your highest self

4.   Numbing yourself to life by shutting out your emotions by using intoxicating substances like alcohol excessively.

5.   Avoiding contact with others to protect yourself from rejection causes a sense of isolation. That makes you feel isolated from the richness of life.

6.   People pleasing, try to live up to other people's expectations at the expense of your authentic self-expression.

This behavior adds to the mental fatigue of life, which shuts down higher self-communications and eventually causes burnout.

7.   Perfectionism- Are you constantly overworking yourself until the project or task is done perfectly? When you feel like you're not worthy or good enough, you might try to perfect the things around you to create the illusion of success and achievement.

You may worry about others thinking you're incompetent and overcompensate by trying to do everything perfectly.

This can drive you to self-destructive habits that drain you of the energy you need to promote new thoughts and behaviors that allow direct access to your highest self's wisdom.

Number 7, Relates to the number 1 reason - procrastination.

Which is the dominant reason preventing the connection with your highest self.

 Procrastination is the root cause of reasons 2-7. If you are not doing what you need to. You need excuses to convince yourself that you are too busy to do what you need to do.

Getting lost in other people or our self-destructive habits, relationships and thoughts provide us with "validation "for putting things off. Still at the root of all these behaviors is the human habit of putting off the things we know we should be doing.

Sometimes we just have to do the things we want to do to the best of our abilities at the time. The higher self will guide the way if we train ourselves to hear it, so how do we do that?

How do I find my highest self? 

You have to become a loving parent to yourself, slowly training yourself to accept, guide, love, heal and understand yourself on the deeper levels.

You do this by working through your emotional, spiritual, and psychological wounds, slowly learning to let go of your defense mechanisms.

Tarot is the perfect tool for connecting to your higher self. Tarot cards help you understand aspects of yourself that have been affecting you from under the surface, and show you how you can heal from the pain that’s holding you back from your dream life. Learn more here:

Ultimately both your higher and lowest selves want you to be happy. You can heal your lower self by giving it the love and understanding it needs. In return, it will drop its self-protection mechanisms one by one, making room for your highest self to provide clear guidance

Now that we have discussed the barriers to hearing and aligning with your highest self.

Below, I will explain the top  7 signs which show that your higher self is trying to talk to you. 

What are the Signs your higher self is talking to you?

1.   You start feeling like you do not align with your friends, family, or any intimate partners anymore 

When the higher self is trying to talk to you may notice that you no longer feel connected to the people you once felt close to.

Connecting with your higher self means attracting relationships into your life that are more authentic and equal. Your higher self wants your new relationships to reflect who you are becoming and letting go of who you are not. 

It doesn't have to be drama, releasing those relationships that are now toxic and no longer serve you. It is not easy, and you may find yourself going back and forth until you are ready to move on from your old relationships.

 Be gentle with yourself in this process, as it can be a confusing time. Remember, those you let go of are not bad people, and it's not about you being better than them now.

 When your higher self-signals, it's not time to move on from your old friends and lovers and distance yourself from family members who hold you back. This simply means your higher self wants to move you into new experiences that match who you are becoming.

2.   You begin to care less about what others think about you

Starting to care more about what you think about yourself and others.

Noticing that you spend less time thinking about what other people think of you, your confidence in yourself and life will increase. You will come to accept the fact that everyone is different and has different perceptions,

Which are based on their own levels of consciousness. No two people experience the same reality. We all have divergent life circumstances, beliefs, and hopes for our lives, and that's okay.

You will become more aware of how much trying to live up to other people's expectations wastes your time and energy. Freeing up valuable resources to work on your personal growth and align with your higher self.

3.    You will have more compassion for yourself and others and seek less external validation

You will find yourself feeling a powerful urge to react with empathy and understanding. Releasing tearing yourself and/ or others down instead lifting yourself and others up and nurturing yourself and them with love, kindness, and compassion.

Inspiring yourself to live your best life and encouraging others to do so. You will seek less validation as you grow daily into loving yourself for who you are now and inspire others to love and take care of their own needs first.

Loving yourself is a big step toward being a happy person. You understand that other people's negative projections are not actually about you, but they may feel that they are.

You have realized that putting yourself first is your top priority. No longer will you be looking for validation in your self-destructive behaviors, addictions, or toxic relationships. Instead, you find your self-worth from working daily on your personal growth. You will work towards your best interests and enjoy higher realms of reality.

This will attract healthy relationships with like minded people who too are in-tune with their higher selves.  

4.   You no longer play the victim and become clearer about your boundaries

You no longer have a victim mentality. You have taken back your personal power.

You are willing to self-reflect to become aware of what the good and bad experiences were trying to teach you.

So instead of letting your past define who you are, you use it to grow into who you are becoming and start viewing your life from a higher perspective.

Coming into the awareness that everything that happened and will occur in your life is related to your highest good.

You can learn to be grateful for what you have. You will have vivid dreams for the future.

It's important to remember that life can be difficult, but it's important to remember the good things.

Happy memories, good times with loved ones, and blessings are what you should keep in mind.

Even if you may have to keep your distance from people because they break your boundaries, it's always good to remember the experiences you shared.

When you align with your highest self, you become sure about your limits and are not afraid to express or enforce them.

You stop allowing others to walk over you, and you also give others the same respect for their boundaries.

You learn to say no and quickly cut yourself off from anyone who doesn't respect you.

5.   You put all your time and energy into healing yourself and, as a result, gain more control over your emotions

You let yourself feel your emotions without judgement, learning to accept them. You learn not to numb yourself from your emotions

Allowing yourself to sit with them, learning your triggers, and developing strategies to understand can manage your feelings. Allowing your emotions to guide you into things changing that need transforming, allowing yourself to put your attention, energy and focus onto your self-healing journey.

Focusing on healing the things causing you pain so you can live your best life. You make yourself your number one priority and realize you are the only person who can truly love you in the ways you need 100% of the time. You don't want to be sucked by people anymore and get rid of anyone draining your energy promptly.

Being to see energy is the source of all creation. If you constantly think negatively, you will have low energy, so you train your subconscious mind to think more positively.


6.   You want more time in your own company, let your heart guide you letting go of your fears

You may find yourself needing more time to yourself. As you make the link stronger between you and your highest self.

You begin to realize that you are not connecting with everyone in your life, preferring to be in solitude. You come to realize that fear is an illusion and the only thing real is love and see that most of your fear is a result of your programming, upbringing, limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns.

Doubts and insecurities that were instilled in you by your parents, family, friends, teachers, society, advertising, colleagues, and your peers begin to dissipate. You start to regain your personal power, and don't let anything stop you from achieving your goals.

You stop fearing mortality coming to see you are an eternal being. Communicating with your higher self is easy once you come into this knowing.You allow your heart and soul to guide you. You don't value other people's opinions as you know what's best for you.

Relying on your intuition and inner guidance, authentically expressing who you really are.

7.   You let go of the lower self-based Ego, you become more passionate about life and feel regenerated as you express your authentic self

You feel healthy, more stable, rejuvenated, unstoppable, and full of energy. You think with more clarity and self-awareness because you have become more passionate about your life.

Compared to the dull state you were in before your spiritual awakening. You said goodbye to the rat race of competing with others and trying to achieve what society deems valuable.

And you are more focused on your soul mission and calling because you put your Ego aside and are guided by your higher self.

When it tries to play boss, you can put your lower self-ego into check, not allowing its defence mechanisms to dominate your life. As you continue the work to understand, heal and manage your emotional, spiritual and psychological wounds.

You said goodbye to the survival of the fittest mentality and controlling your lower self and your desires rather than let them dominate you.

You focus on your soul mission–your true calling–because your soul is in the driver's seat, and you are guided by your intuition and inner knowing. When it tries to play boss, you can put your Ego into check by knowing that you still have an ego.

You put your higher self in control of your life, no longer allowing your lower self to be in the driver's seat. You are guided by your intuition and inner knowing.

Standing firm in your authenticity, truth, and beliefs. You know that some people are going to disagree with you, and that's okay.

Understanding it's no longer okay to people -please, numb yourself to your feelings or lie to yourself or anyone to keep the peace. You feel alive, rejuvenated, inspired, and motivated for the first time in a long time.

Acceptance of your genuine higher self with love and gratitude is the reason for this.

You find yourself drawn to positive people and situations, and you prefer to eat healthy foods that are high in vitamins and minerals and look after your overall wellbeing. Exercising, meditating, and doing everything else that helps you keep in connection with your higher self and the signs it gives you. 

What happens when you reach your higher self?

You will be able to completely connect with yourself on all levels, accepting and managing your Ego and lowest self. Because of this, you will connect with other people more clearly as you can see through your own illusions.

So you won't be fooled by others. You'll carve your own path and manifest miracles. You'll be in tune with yourself and your spirit guides.

You will learn to fully trust that all the solutions to your problems are within you by becoming still and listening to that small but powerful voice.


The Tree of Life with Chakras


ESP: Telepathy, Clairvoyance, Precognition