ESP: Telepathy, Clairvoyance, Precognition

Intuition is an innate faculty within us all which can sometimes allow us to tap into information that is hidden from our five physical senses. Intuitive wisdom and skills gained from spiritual awareness can aid in the resolution of many everyday situations such as making the right decisions, eliminating problems and fears as well as unlocking our deepest desires. 

Sometimes, when we can't quite put our fingers on ‘why’, our intuition can guide us to make the right decision. The inner wisdom resides within us, it is what forms a roadmap to find the lingering, undiscovered, discerning power to make the right choice when we find ourselves stuck at a crossroads.

This inner power that exists within all of us thus forms our intuition and thus, a force that acts as a unifying factor for shaping an abundant life. Intuition can be experienced as an inner voice, an impulse, or a hunch that immerses the capacity to see what lies beyond the surface.

In some cases, intuition can be so powerful that it enables "extrasensory perception," or ESG.

Here are a few signs that you might be highly intuitive in nature: 

  • You’re good at picking up on others’ emotions and tapping into your empathetic side

  • You are great at determining people’s intentions from the get-go. 

  • You constantly look for meaning in things around you and search for symbolism in daily life activities. 

  • You often find yourself drawn to nature. 

  • You are more focused on the future than the past. 

  • Additionally, if you have the ability to think creatively and are overly imaginative, there’s a high chance you’re extremely intuitive as well. 

These are some of the most apparent signs that you hold intuitive power within you. Once you realize it, the next step is to hone your power and use it to better your life.

Types of Extra-Sensory Intuition


Popularly known as ‘clear seeing’ or ‘psychic sight’, this ability is often used synonymously with the term ‘psychic’, however, it is just a form of psychic ability. Broadly, it refers to the ability to tap into your mind’s eye and receive intuitive messages in the form of images, colors, visions, or dreams.

Here are some signs that may indicate you are a clairvoyant:

  • You have a strong connection with lights, wherein you find yourself seeing flashes of lights often

  • You have vivid dreams that almost feel real.

  • You often catch yourself daydreaming. 

  • You find yourself captivated by graphic designs, images, sculptures, etc.

  • You are able to identify people’s auras.

  • You have an impeccable sense of direction. 

Clairvoyant abilities can help you plan ahead and come up with new ideas to deal with stressful situations. It helps you predict future events before it happens, which in turn gives you an upper hand and a heads up to prepare for things. This ability can help find lost objects, locate people as well as see information from the past that may have caused trauma. A person with powerful clairvoyance can often determine future events based on the images received.

Understanding your intuitive abilities can allow you to better serve even others around you, even if they do not have an answer right away. Clairvoyance is especially useful for Tarot readers, and sometimes a reader may find clairvoyance developing over time.


Clairaudience, as the name suggests, refers to the ability to receive intuitive messages through auditory perception.  Clairaudience is the ability to hear thoughts and information not yet available to the physical senses.  

Here are a few signs that suggest clairaudience: 

  • The first obvious sign is the hearing of voices. This includes both internal and external voices. 

  • Sometimes, the spoken word is not the only form of auditory perception, you may hear other noises such as footsteps or other noises. 

  • Ringing in the ears is another common sign that you may have clairaudience abilities. 

  • If you often find yourself engaging in internal conversations wherein you discover answers or guidance in the process

  • If you’re extremely sensitive, there is a high chance that you have clairaudience abilities.

This powerful psychic gift can be used for healing, self-discovery, and even communicating with the deceased. In addition to being able to listen in on conversations happening far away, clairaudience can also help you receive guidance from spirits from the higher realm that can help better shape your life.


Do you often find yourself picking up on other people’s emotions, thoughts, or motives without even interacting with them? If so, it's probably because you have clairsentience. Denoting, ‘clear-feeling’, this ability refers to the innate intuitive gift to identify other people’s feelings. It is often synonymously used with the ‘sixth sense.’ Clairsentience involves being able to sense energy fields around you, like the aura. Having this ability helps in identifying the feelings of others and helping them recognize and rationalize these feelings. 

A clairsentient can feel the presence of animals or plants around them, which can help them connect with nature spirits or work more effectively in psychic communication. It also helps in finding out if people are in perilous situations.

Here are some signs that you may have this ability:

  • You are able to pick up on different energies as soon as you step into a room. 

  • You often experience discomfort when you’re in large crowds. 

  • Your surroundings and environment impact you to a great extent. 

  • You are able to experience other people’s pain and suffering. 

  • You have erratic, unexpected mood swings.

  • You are able to pick up on temperature changes. 


Translating to ‘clear-knowing’, this intuitive ability refers to the power to exhibit rationale without any prior understanding of the situation. When you know what you want to do and how to do it, that's claircognizance. It's a state of mind that makes you feel confident and empowered. This ability is extremely helpful in decision-making. When we're claircognizant, we're able to see ourselves clearly—we're able to see our strengths and our weaknesses, and we're able to take action in response to those things.

Here are some signs that you are claircognizant: 

  • You have noticed that your gut instincts are always right.

  • You can easily detect if someone is being dishonest. 

  • You get random ideas or solutions to problems that do not have any reasoning behind them. 

  • You are able to predict the outcome of situations. 

  • You often find solutions in your sleep. 

  • You are known to interrupt people. 


Telepathy can be described as the ability to communicate with another individual through the mind, with the help of sensory perception. The primary blessing of this psychic ability is the exchange of information without any external barriers such as language, regions, etc. Using your mind to communicate versus using verbal speech requires that you be a bit more mentally present, which in turn reduces stress. Here are the signs that point that you may have telepathic powers -

  • If you’re prone to getting headaches, particularly in the center of your forehead, between your eyebrows, where your third eye is located, it is likely that you have telepathic abilities. 

  • Telepathy and empathy are often interconnected. Telepathic individuals often exhibit high empathetic feelings and thoughts as well. 

  • You are highly in tune with the spiritual world, this gives room for your telepathy to expand and manifest. 

  • You are able to pick up on other people’s thoughts and feelings and be able to communicate your thoughts and feelings with them as well. 

Sometimes, with telepathy, you can receive communication from someone even in a different part of the world. It's like you are tuned into a mental internet where thoughts, images, and ideas are transmitted. Individuals with telepathy have noted a variety of unexplainable experiences that involve distant, unspoken communication. If you notice instances of telepathy, you can work with it to develop your abilities for reliable use.


Precognition is a form of extrasensory perception wherein you can acquire knowledge about events that happen in the future in the form of either premonitions or dreams. Some characteristic signs that are an identifiable result of precognition are:

  • The feeling of unease and unpleasantness. 

  • Often, people with this ability suffer from anxiety and depression due to their failure to comprehend what is happening to them. 

  • Nervousness and fidgety behavior is also a common symptom of precognition. 

Precognition can help you navigate difficult situations and make decisions that will improve your life. It also helps in giving you time to assess these situations and act accordingly with discernment. Precognition has the power to change your life as it can give you the confidence you need to take control of your own destiny, that in turn helps you reach your goals. You'll be able to make decisions based on logic instead of fear or other emotions like anger or sadness.

Growing your Intuition

Our focus at Intuitive Souls is using Tarot reading as a mechanism to activate your intuition. If you want to explore or develop your gifts, consider our unique program. It includes specific, tried-and-true guidance on intuitively reading Tarot and using those powers to improve your life.

Here are a few methods/techniques to enhance your inner wisdom: 

  • Intuition is largely based on experience and knowledge acquired through past events, therefore, collecting information about various circumstances and putting yourself in new situations, helps your brain develop discerning power, thereby further enhancing your intuition. When you feed your brain information, it gets stored in your subconscious, which can prove to be useful insights when faced with monumental decisions later.

  • Another important way to strengthen your intuitive power is by prioritizing it more. When faced with a life-changing decision, trust your intuition (gut feeling). This helps in recognizing that inner voice and letting it help you. 

  • Now, to let your intuition speak to you, you first need to find out how it makes itself known to you. Intuition is extremely personal and manifests itself in different ways to different people. Figuring out how your intuition speaks to you, can help you get in tune with it and enhance its power in your life. 

  • Journaling is great for all aspects of life, particularly to help build your intuition. Writing down your thoughts and feelings can help strengthen your intuitive abilities as it helps you reflect on your thought processes and emotions.

  • Mindfulness techniques are also extremely helpful in building your intuition as it helps you analyze and recognize your thinking patterns. 

Telepathy clairvoyance and precognition

ESP may not be some kind of abstract paranormal phenomena. Perhaps all living beings have these secret powers or maybe it is unique to humans alone. Since it is a controversial subject, reputable scientists may dismiss it, but there was a brief period in which ESP was studied in detail.

In the short history of the CIA's cold war espionage program, they conducted informative analysis of psychic phenomena. They tried to uncover the use of secret powers to weaponize against enemies. While there was nothing conclusively proved about clairvoyance, they were able to account for reality-bending ESP eperiences. They examined psychics, Tarot readers, astrologists and those with believed paranormal connections under the leadership of scientists at the esteem level of Nobel laureates. (if you're interested, read the publicly disclosed CIA documents on the matter)

They performed a variety of experiments carefully scrutinized by the scientific community to this end. Everything seemed to point to there being a mental internet, with some people capable of sending telepathic emails, hosting clairvoyant downloads, and so on. The bottom line is: human consciousness is clearly and inexplicably linked. Humans, including you and I, are connected in an intangible but meaningful way.

The science behind it all

There are many anecdotal reports about the different types of extra sensory perception, especially telepathy. The most common of which involve incidents in which a person died (or similar a traumatic event took place) and a closed loved one, such as a significant other, had a panic attack or vision of what took place despite being an extremely far distance away.

Scientifically, it has been difficult to obtain experimental evidence supporting telepathy, clairvoyance, or precognition. This does not mean these things do not exist or that claims made are wrong. It simply means more research needs to be done in order to find substantive basis supporting their existence.

Being able to predict a future event or communicate through telepathy has been looked at through the lens of social psychology more than brain sciences or parapsychology. Psychological literature mentions clairvoyance, telepathy and precognition but presents no evidence or explanation for why it occurs.

More recent thinking has suggested that there are some kinds of high energy physics that can transfer items of future experience to the past. So, if an ESP claim is evaluated through the lens of advanced physics, a new type of experiment may be able to determine the cause and mechanism of reading future events.

The scientific means to support the hypothesis of telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition and other such phenomena is through an experiment. An experiment involves researchers performing a test to see if participants can demonstrate an example of ESP in a controlled environment.

Of course, running a proposed experiment would not be to dismiss anecdotal claims but to recreate an example of the phenomena in a controlled environment. The claims of when ESP events occur are sparse and, while accepted by the community and the people immediately involved, are still considered to be the scientific community. The only way to determine that the ESP hypothesis is factual is by having subjects test the theory or claim, gathering data, and performing meta-analyses on the data. A Bayes factor meta-analysis would indicate the happenings are not random.

A properly conducted experiment that did this would evidence that these things exist and ensure everyone realize that these abilities exist. The study of human consciousness in this manner has had a short history, but over time it is very well likely that scientists will uncover the truth. The findings would be published in a scientific article likely through a university press, so its credibility would be indisputable. The whole world could finally accept the theorized body-mind-spirit parapsychology as fact.

Final Thoughts

If you think about it, we all have intuitive abilities to some extent. We all have an internal voice, constantly guiding us. It's just a matter of listening and following the advice it gives us. Having a clear knowledge of your intuition is not only vital to your inner knowing but also crucial to understanding how it works in your relationship with others.

Learning to listen to the voice within is an important craft one must learn to be a more capable person and a more confident spirit.


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