What does the Lovers card mean?

The Lovers card is commonly associated with love readings, but it has a deeper meaning than what meets the eye.

As a Major Arcana card, it represents the stage in the Fool's Journey in which the desire for romantic relationships emerges. But when the Lovers Tarot card appears in a Tarot reading, it also points to making a significant decision or being faced with a dilemma.

Of course, since people often consult the Tarot for questions about love and romance, the Lovers card is insightful on relationship matters.

Read on for a deep dive into the Lovers card that will be valuable for any Tarot reader or enthusiast.

Lovers Tarot Card Description and Associations:



Zodiac Sign





Love, companionship, passion, connection, disharmony, conflict, disconnection.


The Lovers card depicts a mystical scene of two people, a man, and a woman, standing alongside each other out in nature.

The two are naked, and both stand in front of a single tree.
The apple tree behind the man contains fruit and a snake that slithered up its trunk.

Here, the story of Adam and Eve is referenced, and the serpent symbol brings a sense of darkness to the card.

The Lovers Tarot Card Meaning

The tree behind the man appears to be on fire, which symbolizes the passion within a relationship. 

Behind the couple are a blue sky and a pink mountain perturbing right between the middle of the pair.

The mountain symbolizes the journey to have a fulfilling relationship or connection, especially with the intensity of romance found between the two lovers.

In the sky, an angel gazes down upon the pair, waving its hands over them. The angel's wings are red, another symbol of passion and energy.

The angel's presence symbolizes that the pair may have been destined to meet, such as being soul mates, twin flames, or simply playing a vital role in each other's lives. 

How the Lovers Tarot Card Meaning is derived from its imagery

In the card, the personal relationships between the pair seem to be intimate, as they are often depicted as bare-skinned.

They are life partners who have developed quite a strong connection.

The pair on both standing on the same elevation of the ground, which symbolizes they are on the same page.

The lover is often considered the soulmate card, but it can also describe a very close friendship or dynamic with someone in your family.

The deep connection between the pair isn't always positive, as the mountain in the background symbolizes growth within the relationship.

Growth can only occur from gaining experience and understanding what is beneficial and what isn't within a situation.

The mountain also states that relying solely on instant gratification won't be beneficial, as a true relationship takes time and commitment to build a solid foundation. 

The two trees symbolize the personal values that each person holds and also represent both masculine and feminine energy. 

The beaming sun depicted at the top of the card is a symbol of positivity and a sign of hope that this relationship is full of love and has the potential to be long-lasting.

The angel symbolizes the divine purpose of the relationship and suggests that the pair were destined to have each other in their lives in some form as part of their soul contract.

Overall, this card is a complete representation of what love is, how a relationship contains both highs and lows and shows that two separate entities have the ability to come together as one whole. 

Lovers Upright Meaning

While this Tarot card speaks to the soul-honoring connection of love that can emerge between twin flames, it also has a non-romantic aspect.

The are two meaningful types of interpretations of the Lovers Tarot card: One relating to romance, and the other relating to decision-making.

Depending on the context of the Tarot reading, you can determine how to best interpret the Tarot card within the spread you're using.

What the upright Lovers card represents in respect to relationships

When the lover's card appears upright in the reading, this is a positive sign that the relationship in question will continue forward.

There is an abundance of love on both sides, and each person involved feels a strong connection with the other.

The relationship is beneficial to continue, and it holds a powerful purpose for the pair involved.

If you're questioning someone's intentions with you, this is a sign that they truly have your best interest at heart and they treat you from a place of love.

The love you are or will receive from this connection will be harmonious and long-lasting.

You will feel as if the universe has perfectly aligned you with your soulmate because you both complement each other very well.

The relationship in question will bring you many positive experiences and memories in the future.

This is someone that shares the same values as you and desires a similar life that you seek.

The upright meaning is very positive and often urges you to continue forward in this connection to see how it develops.

If it emerges while reading to see if your special someone is missing you then you're in luck!

There are times when the lovers upright may show you that the person in question does have a lot of love for you and may be the perfect match for you, but that doesn't mean they've come at the right time.

There are instances where our lives don't allow us to fully experience the relationship we desire at that time because there are other obligations that we are dealing with.

Distance or other challenges may prevent you from forming a close relationship with this person.

The upright lovers describes love in its purest form that has the potential to blossom into something truly life-changing. 

The Decision or Dilemma Lovers Tarot Card Meaning

The Lovers card in the upright points to having to make a decision. It could be in a career sense, especially if you are questioning some kind of business relationship.

In a more abstract sense, you could be grappling with conflicting values in your personal belief systems. There may be unresolved questions that are weighing on your mind and spirit. You may be conflicted about your identity or struggling to make sense of something.

When this card emerges in a Tarot reading to suggest the dilemma you face, take some time to meditate on the choices available to you. Even if you don't take action immediately, it can help to reach some sort of resolution within your mind.

As with any Tarot card meaning, look at the greater context of the question and the spread to understand the best interpretation.

Lovers Reversed

When the lovers tarot card appears in reverse, it's a sign that there may be disharmony within the relationship.

The person in question may have changed how they feel about the connection, or you yourself may be losing the initial spark you once felt.

As time progresses, people continue to change and grow in any relationship and sometimes develop values and ambitions that are out of alignment with their partner's.

In a tarot love reading, this card in reverse can indicate that the love you once shared is no longer present or it's one-sided.

It can also symbolize that the love that still exists is no longer beneficial for you. Sometimes, what's lacking in a relationship is the love one has for their self.

The lovers in reverse, can remind you of the need to practice self-love because if you are unable to love yourself, you are unable to truly love anyone else as they are.

In every relationship, there are two opposing forces, and sometimes they attract each other and repel.

Diving deeper into the true state of your love life is essential when you find this card in reverse, as it illustrates that there may be some issue that hasn't been addressed.

Find harmony within yourself, decide whether you and the person in question are on the same wavelength, and find a solution to move forward.

The solution may be to part ways, or it may be to develop tools to mend and resolve any challenges that may arise. 

Love is Personal

When the lovers card appears, identify whether or not your current state resonates with the position of the card.

Examine if the relationship is beneficial for you and whether or not you can see it continuing forward long-term.

The relationship may not be romantic, but it can be felt in other aspects of your life. Whenever this card appears, it can also be helpful to reflect on whether or not you've been practicing self-love lately.

When you love yourself, the rest of the world mimics this energy, and the universe sends back more people and experiences full of love and abundance to you.

Use the lovers card as a guide to discovering more love within your life, whether that be within your current partner or person or embarking on a solo journey within yourself. 


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