Techniques of Astral Projection

Astral projection refers to a technique used to leave your physical body, embodying your astral body. The astral body is a less dense layer of your being that travels through the astral realm. This body is always with you, experiencing everything that happens to you in the physical realm. The astral plane is much different than the 3-D reality we are accustomed to.

Many dimensions, realms, emotions, abilities, and entities exist. When you astrally project, your conscious mind is still awake, and you are able to travel to other realms of consciousness and existence. The purpose of mastering this practice is spiritual expansion, a rise in consciousness, and healing on all levels.

The Silver Cord

The naked eye cannot see the silver cord connecting each of your energy bodies. The silver cord allows you to simultaneously experience the many levels of your being and cannot be broken. When you astral project and leave your physical body, you will see the silver cord connection and understand its power.

As you travel, this cord will follow you along your journey, and it allows you to reconnect to your body whenever you desire. It's important to understand that you cannot become stuck in the astral realm because as long as you have the intention to return to your physical body, you will be able to do so.

Your consciousness is most at home in your physical state because the frequency is much more manageable, and you wouldn't be able to operate solely from the astral body for long.

Astral Projection vs. Lucid Dreaming

What's the difference between lucid dreaming and astral projection? The main difference is the means by which you experience these two states of being. When you are lucid dreaming, you are subduing your conscious mind and stepping into the subconscious as you explore the realm of your dream world.

While you are still conscious, you are conscious from your 'physical' body in the dream space, so it may feel just as concrete and dense as your waking life. The dream world is very different from the astral plane because it's a creation within your subconscious mind and operates within your singular experience.

Your personal experiences create ideas and imagery in your unconscious mind. In your sleep, your mind will visualize worlds which you explore, called dreams. Your dreams are also known to pull from spiritual intelligence, but its still a visualization within yourself. Becoming aware while dreaming is a lucid dream, but that cannot be equated to astral travel, in which you actually traverse a different space, the astral plane.

You can learn more about using Tarot for Dream Interpretation here.

When you astral project, you release your whole body while still maintaining a sense of conscious awareness. Using a projection method, you pull your consciousness from your body and embody your astral state, initiating an out-of-body experience, leaving the physical world behind.

It's also worth mentioning that meditation helps all of these practices, as well as Tarot. Meditation, as the art of becoming still and observant (present to the moment) is a key aspect of astral projection.

Caution in the Astral Realm

When you are in the astral realm, what you experience is much different than a dream. Astral projecting can be challenging if you wander into realms that aren't beneficial for you. There are also entities in the astral plane that can interact with you, some are benevolent, and some are malevolent.

Unlike a dream, you won't necessarily wake up as soon as you experience something negative; the pain you feel will feel much more real than in a dream. You can avoid these situations if you remove any fear and worry before projecting. Having negative emotions, thoughts, and mindsets when you are astral traveling will direct you in a direction that is in alignment with those fears.

But, if you remove the fear, cultivate a positive mindset, and go into the experience with curiosity and wonder, you can travel to some of the most extraordinary realms beyond what your mind can perceive.

What Can You Do While Astral Traveling?

When you're in the astral realms, reality operates much differently than it does in the physical realm. You can travel to different dimensions, experience powerfully emotional experiences, interact with spirit guides and entities, visit the astral bodies of other people, experience healing, and much more!

Everything in the universe is energy, and when you are in the astral realm, you're interacting with a much more abundant level of this energy, closer to the true essence of the universe.

There are many worlds and experiences that we aren't consciously experiencing while we operate from our physical bodies, and astral projection allows you to discover these powerful states of being.

Techniques for Astral Projection

Sit Up Technique

One of the easiest ways to astral project is the sit-up method. To do so, you want to perform this method when you are tired but not tired enough to go to sleep. You want to still have a sense of awareness and energy in order to be conscious throughout the experience.

Turn off your lights and lay flat on your back in bed.

Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths in and out. Continue to do so until your entire body is relaxed.

It can be helpful if you run a body scan mediation, feeling each part of your body and mind telling it to relax.

Now, if you have any fear surrounding the astral projection, it's important to address it now.

Imagine the fear flowing out of you each time you exhale, and you are taking in peace and safety every time you inhale.

Once you feel content, it's time to initiate the out-of-body experience.

Starting at the top of your head, pushing upward as if you're trying to sit up, but do so without moving your physical body.

After a while, you'll begin to feel a sense of yourself truly beginning to rise, and this is you connecting with your astral body. Continue trying to sit up until you manage to break free from your physical body.

Once you're sitting upright, if you look around, you'll likely see your body lying in the bed below you, and your bedroom will look somewhat similar to how it does in the physical realm, but a bit different.

Once you've managed to break free, you can now use your astral abilities and powers. Your intention will help guide you through the experience.

Regarding WAKE

Note that the sit-up and similar astral travel techniques are not to be confused with Wake-induced-lucid dreaming (WAKE). This is an important distinction. Astral projection refers to transporting your consciousness to other realms, while lucid dreaming involves activating your waking consciousness within your subconscious mind (i.e. a dream).

In wake-induced lucid dreaming, you remain still to "trick" your brain into being asleep. You essentially self-induce sleep paralysis and maintain a hypnagogic state. Then, you can move directly into the lucid dream as your waking mind never turns off.

To contrast this with astral travel, in the sit up technique you actually depart from your physical self to explore the astral plane. Astral travel is not an internal experience, but an external one.

Falling Technique

When you think of astral projection, you may think of your astral body floating up and out of your physical body. Well, you can technically leave your body from any direction. The falling method is a great method for beginners. Similar to the sit-up method, you want to try this tool when you are ready for bed but not tired enough to fall asleep.

Lay down, meditate, relax, and allow every part of your physical body to detach.

When you are fully relaxed, focus on continuing to feel as relaxed as possible.

Take deep breaths, and feel your body sinking deeper into the bed with each exhale.

Continue to do so until you feel yourself completely shift out of your physical body and into the astral realm.

Pull Technique

The pull technique for astral projection is a bit more visual than the other techniques. This method may be most beneficial once you've mastered astral projection or at least gained some experience in visualization.

In a meditative and relaxed state, imagine a giant rope descending down towards you over your bed into your room.

When it's just above you, reach for it, but only with your astral body.

Grab ahold of it tightly, and begin to slowly pull yourself up the rope.

You'll begin to feel the force of your astral and physical body separating as you drift off into an OBE.

Before You Astral Project

Before you astral project, you can do a few things to prepare yourself to have a positive, beneficial, and enjoyable experience. Preparation also ensures that you'll be in a state that allows you to successfully have an OBE.


Before astral projecting, it can be helpful to cleanse your energy. This includes both your body's energy and the room you'll be projecting in. You can use many tools to do so, such as Palo Santo, sage, and incense. Utilize these tools to purify your energy, remove any negativity, and allow you to have a positive session. A salt bath is also a great way to cleanse your energy before you begin your practice.


Throughout the day, there are many experiences that stick around, lingering in the back of our minds. While these may not seem significant to astral projection, holding on to them creates excess stress within your body, which can prevent you from having a successful out of body experience. Before practicing, it may be helpful to exercise, have a warm cup of tea, take a bath, or spend a few minutes reading a book. It's just as important for your body to relax and destress as it is for your mind.

Have an Intention

Why do you want to do an astral project? Is it to experience something magnificent? Is it to connect with your spirit guides? Figuring your intention before astral projection is a great way to direct your energy during your OBE and help you harness your desired results. While an intention can be helpful, you don't have to have an intention in order for your experience to be successful.

Note on Hypnosis

If you have knowledge of hypnosis, it can help you greatly with this type of endeavor. Hypnosis methods seek to enable advanced states of consciousness. Tips that aid in achieving hypnosis tend to be helpful for Astral projection or initiating a lucid dream.

Coming Back Into Your Body

When you first begin astral traveling, you'll likely have a difficult time controlling when and how you come back into your body. The truth is, you may only be able to move a small portion of your astral body out of your physical one at first. Or, if you do happen to fully separate, it may be difficult to hold that state, and you'll be drawn back into your body. Well, once you've fully astral projected using one of the astral projection techniques, you'll be able to explore the realms as you please. Leaving your body is a magical experience that allows you to experience unimaginable feelings, thoughts, and perspectives. But, there will come a time when you wonder, 'How can I get back to my body?'

Reconnecting with your body is much easier than you may think. Your intention in the astral realm is powerful, and just having the intention to go back into your body is sometimes all you need. If you aren't able to will yourself that way, you can simply state outlaid that you want to return to your body now. Following the silver cord is another way you can reconnect to your body quickly and easily. 

Having Trouble with Astral Projection?

Let's face it, learning to astral project can be challenging at first. You aren't taught how to meditate, focus your intention, or leave your body in school. Because of this, you may go through a learning curve of achieving an OBE and even fully believing that it's possible. With enough practice, you can experience anything you set your mind to. Some people have these experiences by accident, but learning how to initiate them takes mastery. If you have been prating these techniques and have been unsuccessful, try focusing on one technique until you see results. Continue to practice, meditate, and set intentions before your technique, and eventually, you'll get in touch with your astral body. 

Keep a Journal

Journalling is an important practice for Tarot reading, lucid dreaming, and Astral projection.

What you experience during astral travel is by far more profound than anything on earth. The experience you have will be hard to put into words and even express the emotions you have surrounding them. If you are interested in reflecting back on your experiences, consider keeping a journal of your astral travels. Make note of the most notable aspects of your astral projection experience. As you remain immersed in the physical world, you can forget some of what occurred, no matter how impactful it was at the time.

It is also helpful to keep track of what astral travel techniques for you and what to look out for while having an out-of-body experience.

Start Practicing!

If you're interested in astral projection, there's no better time than starting today. 

Take the leap, choose one of the techniques from this article, and practice it daily. 

There is so much more to the universe than meets the eye, and astral projection is the way to explore life in its fullness!


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