Monday Affirmations

Monday is one of the most dreaded days of the week. This day symbolizes the end of the weekend and the freedom for most people to relax and enjoy time with their family and friends.

During the week, many work 9-5's, travel to the office, and spend much of their day working and focused on doing for others, and not very focused on starting their week off in a beneficial way.

Mondays are a powerful time to cultivate a positive mindset for the new week ahead. When you have this positive mindset, you're allowing positive energy to flow throughout the entire week.

Monday mornings are the best time as they are the start of your day when you're most energized and have a strong intent. 

Why Change Affirmations by Day?

Affirmations that shape your perspective if they're matched with the stage of your energy. If all of your days look exactly the same there may not be as much of a need to do this. However, if you're like most people, you'll notice that some days hit differently than others.

Many people on a conventional work schedule will find themselves at a low point early in the week and find their mood and energy levels increase as the weekend draws near. For this reason, affirmations that would be most aligned for Wednesday or Thursday might be less effective on Monday, and vice versa.

The Monday affirmations included in this post are purposed to help you draw positive energy into the new week. They'll help you overcome the "slump" that tends to affect people Sunday into Monday.

In fact, positive Monday affirmations are so valuable because Monday will affect the remainder of the week.

How to Start Your Week off Right

Start your week head with a most positive outlook than the previous week. Reflect on how the past week went, and make a note of any changes you would have made. Having a positive attitude is your biggest strength towards having a wonderful week, especially when initiated on a Monday. 

Get on the right foot Monday morning and realize that today is a fresh start. This a fresh week full of new possibilities, and you have the power to create your own reality. Make it a reality that's full of excitement, joy, and gratitude. 

Daily Affirmations

Monday morning affirmations can help supercharge your day, form a more positive outlook, and should be a part of anyone's morning routine which needs an extra pep in their step on this day.

You will experience positive shifts when you practice affirmations, helping to remove negative thoughts and negative emotions and allowing you to cultivate a fresh mindset. Follow along for powerful positive statements to help transform your life!

Positive Monday Affirmations for Anxiety

Today is a new day, and I feel content and at peace. 

I feel comfortable breaking free from my comfort zone. 

Good things are happening to me today. 

I welcome the experiences of today with open arms. 

I feel at peace today. 

I am able to be my best self regardless of external circumstances. 

Today is the beginning of a beautiful life. 

I allow my positive thoughts to shine. 

I allow myself to start fresh. 

Today is a great week. 

I am in control of my own thoughts. 

I allow myself to feel excited. 

On Monday morning, I am full of peace, happiness, and joy. 

I release the Monday blues and welcome in the Monday yellows. 

Positive Affirmations for New Beginnings

I welcome fresh starts. 

Today is a new beginning. 

With the right mindset, anything is possible!

There are many new possibilities available to me right now. 

I allow my higher self to guide me to new horizons. 

I conquer my weekly goals. 

I have limitless potential for the week ahead. 

Every day is a new opportunity. 

I am grateful for the new start that Mondays bring. 

I easily tackle all my weekly goals to make room for new ones. 

I focus on my potential and what's possible for me. 

I am confident in my ability to change and transform. 

Mondays are a time of positivity and encouragement. 

I am grateful for the clean slate that Mondays are. 

How to Empower Affirmations

You can empower each positive affirmation by speaking them in the present tense. When you speak in the present, you're allowing the universe and your subconscious to understand that you're changing your Now moment.

Everything happens in the now; you don't experience anything in the past or future. All of your experiences happen in the now moment.

So, that means when you speak the affirmations in the now, you're speaking them into your actual existence, and now just in your future or past, which won't truly ever be experienced by you.

Each Monday morning affirmation that you speak will help empower your Mondays and the week ahead. 

How to Use Your Affirmations

You can use your affirmations daily, and not just on Mondays.

If you have a few of these affirmations that you feel can help benefit you throughout the week, you can speak them for their respective day.

You can write down affirmations and post them around you to help keep them on your mind.

You can also speak them out loud throughout the day to help focus your mind and emotions. 

Affirmations to start your week are a powerful way to set the tone for Monday and the week ahead. If you struggle to find inspiration or joy on Mondays, you're not alone.

This is because Mondays have been associated with having to get back into the grind of life. Well, Mondays are only a grind if you believe them to be so.

It's about changing the mindset you have surrounding this day. Why are Mondays negative? What do you feel when you think of this day?

monday affirmations

Mondays are Essential

If you have resistance to Mondays, it may be a sign that you need to reprogram your mind and let go of any self-limiting or negative beliefs.

It's just another day that can be used as a source of inspiration, creativity, and freedom.

Mondays initiate the start of a new week, allowing you to let go of the past one. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to clean your slate, start fresh, and begin painting the rest of your life on a new canvas.

Mondays are energizing, refreshing, replenishing, and one of the best days of the week to start over.

Do not fall into the trap of thinking its Mondays are a punishment to be endured just because its the start of the conventional work week. Monday morning affirmations will help shift your attitude, but be sure to consciously internalize this fact.

If you've been feeling like you've been spinning in circles, repeating the same week over and over again, use the positive affirmations listed above to help change your mindset.

Once you've learned to let go of these beliefs, Monday will seem no less than the wonderful gift that it truly is. 


The Lower and Higher Self


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