Is He Thinking About Me Tarot Reading- Beginner Level

It seems that there is nothing more heartbreaking than having to question whether the person you love, is thinking about you. You find yourself staying up late, agonizing over if the person you miss is missing you in return or if they moved on. Everyone, at some point in their life, may find themselves trying to figure out if their special someone is thinking about them.

Fortunately, we have just the solution for you!

Tarot readings are a form of spiritual prediction that uses a deck of tarot cards to gain insight into the past, present, or future. The tarot method has been used for centuries to help people answer life's most pressing questions and guide them through making the right decisions for themselves.

In this post, we'll walk you through a simple tarot reading that will help you answer this burning question that may be pounding your brain: are they thinking about me?

Can a Tarot Card Reading Actually Help in This Situation?

Tarot readings are based on the principle of self-empowerment—a method of divination that involves aligning yourself with your highest self in order to gain insight into the past, present or future.

Divination is the practice of seeking knowledge of the unknown by requesting spiritual guidance. Tarot is a method of divination used to provide you with the realization of your innermost truths and desires. Tarot readings give you insight into what's going on in your personal world that you can not directly see.

Most importantly, Tarot is used to tap into more powerful energies that can give you answers you would normally not have access to. A tarot reading can help you make decisions about your life and your spiritual journey.

Many people use tarot cards to learn about their own future by asking questions about where to configure their energy and which path to go down.

How to Do a Tarot Card Reading On Your Own

There are two things you'll need before you begin a Tarot reading for yourself:

  1. A Sacred space: You will want to find a place where you can sit with a clear mind for your reading. The most important thing is that this space is detached from the stresses and energies of your everyday life. Once you find a place in which you can be undisturbed, you are almost ready for your reading.

  2. A question: After you shuffle the deck with intention, place your palm on the deck then calmly and clearly ask your question. Keep your question simple, specific, and focused. Examples include: "What does (name) think of me?" or "What are (name's) true feelings for me?"

When you're ready, pull three (or more) cards from wherever you feel is best from the deck, usually this is the top or middle of the deck. Next, lay them out in a spread. The most popular spread is the three-card spread; the first card you pull gives insight into your past, second is present and the third is future.

This spread consists of three cards in a row from left to right. Once you've laid out all three of your cards, take a moment to interpret their meaning.

How Can a Tarot Reading Help Me Find Out if They're Thinking About Me?

If you have found yourself wondering if your love is thinking about you, a tarot reading can help you gain some clarity. By asking a specific question and doing a three-card spread, you can gain insights into not only your thoughts and feelings but also theirs.

After you have asked your question, drawn your cards and laid them out in order in front of you, it's time to interpret them. Below are an example of a spread that may reveal that your person is thinking about you.

Let's say you've drawn the following three cards:

The first card, which represents the past, is The Tower. This card suggests that there was an upheaval in the past. An example of this could be a painful breakup or some sort of falling out. This circumstance, whatever it may have been, probably affected you greatly. Do not worry, there is joy to come.

The second card, which represents the present, is The Hanged Man. The presences of this card represents the act of letting go. Remember to let things play out naturally. This card is telling you to have faith and trust in the universe in the unfolding of your life. Do not push things to happen, they will occur the way is best for you and everyone involved.

The third card, which represents the future, is The Two of Cups. This card suggests a strong relationship. There is a love relationship headed your way, keep pushing forward and open yourself up to the love you are about to receive.

Based on this example, the three cards reveal that your special someone is definitely thinking about you. Not only that but you may expect to see the romance of your relationship deepen!

Always remember that Tarot can not predict the future, but it does give you guidance on what to expect.

The Key to Interpreting Tarot Cards

Tarot decks can be interpreted in many ways, but there are a few key things to keep in mind.

First, tarot often answers questions in a symbolic way, so do not be too literal in your interpretation. Do not dwell on a card that seems negative. For example, if you laid out the death card, this does not mean you are going to die. The death card may interpret that the end of a journey is near and the beginning of a wonderful new one is coming.

Second, tarot reflects your own psyche back to you. Therefore, look for clues about your own subconscious thoughts and feelings. Your guardian angels may be trying to tell you something that you have kept hidden from yourself.

Third, if a card is revealed upside down it does contain a different meaning than if it were to be right side up. If you pull a card that is upside down, do not flip it right side up, you could be missing the true message of the card.

Lastly, the message tarot sends you is always changing, so be open to the messages it has for you. You may do two readings in a day and get very different interpretations, you might need all the different revelations to clearly see the path you must go down.

Now that you know how to do a tarot reading, go ahead and give it a try. Remember, tarot is a tool for gaining insights, so trust your intuition and dig deep into your subconscious.

What Tarot Cards Most Represent Him Thinking About You

When it comes to the ups and downs of love and relationships, we can turn to the tarot for guidance. Love is the most meaningful expression humans can experience which heightens its importance within our minds.

Below we discuss the best cards to be drawn when the intention of your reading is, "Are they thinking about me?"

The Lovers Card

Love is often on people's minds because of its importance in the universe, so it is no surprise that the tarot card representing that your special someone is thinking about you is the Lovers card. The lover card represents that your love is thinking about you in a positive light, and could be considering a relationship with you.

When the Lovers card appears in a reading it generally means that the person in question is thinking about love and relationships. The card can also represent an existing relationship or the potential of a new one. There are many different interpretations within the card, but all generally point to the same thing: love is on the querent's mind.

The Lovers card can represent different things depending on the situation. For example, if you are in a relationship, the Lovers card can represent the strengthening of love and connection between you and your partner. 

If you are single, the Lovers card can represent the beginning of a relationship or the introduction of potential partner that you have had your eye on.

In a way, the Lovers card is a reminder that love is always worth pursuing. Whether you are in a relationship or not, love should be a priority in your life due to its importance in the universe and our hearts.

The Two Of Cups Card

Another Tarot Card that would suggest he is thinking about you is the Two of Cups. It signifies a deep connection, both emotional and spiritual.

The Two of Cups card suggests that they are thinking about you often and that they have strong feelings for you. You may want to communicate with them and let them know you are thinking of them, too. Your connection is strong, pursue them but always stay true to yourself.

This card also serves as a reminder to stay true to yourself and to follow your heart. Tarot is a way of unlocking what you may be holding back. At the end of the day, only you can know what is best for you.

What Does It Mean if They are Thinking About You

There are many possible interpretations of what it means if someone special is thinking about you. It could mean that they are interested in you romantically or that they are thinking about you in a platonic way. It could also mean that they may be curious about you or that they are considering you as a potential partner.

When someone is thinking about someone else, they might be doing so because they like them and want to get to know them better. The person may find you attractive and think about you romantically. They might be thinking about dating you or considering asking you out on a date.

The key to interpreting these kinds of thoughts is understanding the context in which they occur, which can be especially tricky when it comes to platonic relationships. Overall, just trust your intuition to guide you in interpreting the meaning of this Tarot Card.

What Is the Point of Tarot Reading?

Some people see tarot readings as a way to predict the future, but that's a common misconception. While it can give you insights into your future, tarot is not a prediction, it is more of a message of guidance from your higher self and your angels.

A Tarot reading can be used as a way to gain insights into the world around you. It is a tool used to help you understand your relationships, your career, and your life purpose. Tarot can tell you where to put your energy and where to decrease energy input.

For example, tarot could provide you with a message about whether you should be removing yourself from a relationship or you should continue moving forward with the person you have been seeing.

Tarot readings can also be used as a form of self-care and mindfulness. By consulting the tarot, you're giving yourself the space to reflect on your life and your journey.

Pro Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Tarot Answers

Tarot readings can be extremely helpful in getting clarity about your life and what direction you should be heading in your spiritual journey. However, it is important to understand how to get the most out of your reading. Whether you are a tarot beginner or a seasoned pro, there are a few things you can do to get the most out of your reading.

  1. Relax and be open-minded. If you want to get the most out of your tarot reading, you need to relax and be open to the interpretations of your reading. This will help you to be more receptive to the messages that the cards and your spirit guide are trying to communicate to you. It is also important to keep an open mind so that you do not discount any information that you receive from your reading. Tarot works best when you're in a state of openness, receptivity and acceptance.

  2. Focus on your question and be specific. Before your reading begins, take a few minutes to relax and think about the question or issue that you would like clarification on. It is important to be specific with your question so that the cards can offer you specific guidance. The more specific you are, the more accurate your reading will be.

  3. Listen to your intuition. During your tarot reading, pay attention to any gut feelings or intuition that you have about the cards. These inner promptings can be a sign from your higher self or guides about what the cards are trying to tell you. You know you the best, trust your consciousness and your intuition.

  4. Take your time. There is no rush when it comes to understanding the messages from your tarot reading, especially when it comes to starting or ending a love relationship. Take your time to really think about what the cards are trying to portray to you. Journaling about your reading or meditate on the meanings of the cards can be really helpful tools to enhance your interpretations of your reading.

  5. Follow up. If you received guidance about a specific course of action, take it! If you are still unsure about what the cards meant, reach out to your tarot reader or another trusted resource for clarification.

  6. Remember, it's just a Tarot Card Reading. There is so much nuance to life and things change every day. So even if you get a discouraging result, keep your chin up!


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