Using Tarot to Tap into your Intuition

In order to be a skilled tarot reader, you have to have a developed intuition, as this is what guides you through a reading. Tarot cards are a wonderful tool that allows you to tap into your intuition, evoking your inner knowing out and into your awareness. Learning tarot card descriptions is important, but that's just one piece of tarot in its entirety. The best part of reading tarot cards is being guided by your inner voice as it weaves together the story of a spread, helping you pick out vital pieces that can help answer even life's toughest questions.

Your intuition is essential, not just in tarot but in every area of your life. Having a strong intuition allows you to make decisions based on wisdom and understanding, rather than just your logic or emotions. As you practice tarot, your intuition will naturally grow stronger, and you'll notice this benefit in your daily life as you begin to better understand the world around you and yourself. In this article, we'll explore the three ways tarot helps you tap into your intuition and benefits your life overall.


Your intuition speaks to you through your thoughts, even if you're unaware of it. Once you've connected with your intuition, you'll understand and recognize how certain thoughts are guiding you, rather than occurring randomly.

When you read tarot, your mind will begin to wander as you explore the different elements within the cards. You'll begin to scan your mind trying to reflect on what you've learned about each card and what relationship they have with each other. These thoughts will begin to strengthen your inner knowing as you set the intention of uncovering the cards' truths. Even before learning the card descriptions, looking at a tarot card will produce certain thoughts in your mind. These thoughts will often always occur, even if they're unrelated to the card's true meaning. It's important to pay attention to these preconceived thoughts, or the thoughts you have during any reading, because they are likely guiding you to the answer that you seek. For instance, imagine you drew The Fool card, which depicts a man walking joyously on his journey. He is nearing a cliff but seems to be oblivious to the fact. You may have a thought: "Is anyone going to stop him?" The true definition of this card is about the man's own unawareness, but in certain readings, your intuition may guide you towards other thoughts or meanings.

You'll find that in a reading, you may have certain thoughts that seem certain, but once you come to the conclusion of the reading, you'll understand what thoughts were accurate and what thoughts were projections. As time passes, your thoughts will become more accurate as your understanding becomes stronger.


Your emotional response to a situation is often your intuition, providing you with an energetic nudge. If your emotions are very strong and fear-based, they may not stem from true intuition. This makes it difficult sometimes to understand whether or not the feeling you have is in your gut instinct or just an emotional response. Luckily, tarot teaches you how to follow your emotional responses. When you are reading the cards, each card will create a subtle emotion within you when you see it. These subtle emotions are your intuition reading their energies. As you progress with your tarot journey, you'll begin to recognize the emotional responses you have towards certain cards and be able to associate those feelings with the different themes the cards symbolize. The themes within tarot play out in everyone's lives, which is why learning the cards can help you in your own life. When you have a feeling that appears out of the blue or a strong emotion that seems to be providing you with a message, you can relate to what tarot cards also create these same feelings within you, which will provide you with guidance and understanding for the situation.


Vision is one of the less talked about aspects of tapping into your intuition. A vision doesn't necessarily mean a premonition or psychic experience; it can be as simple as are image flash within your mind. When you think of an apple, you can imagine it within your mind, much like a thought but without words. Sometimes our intuition will provide us with images to help us better understand a situation. In tarot, each card is full of beautiful imagery. These images being to tell their own story in our minds. When examining the card, you use that mental vision to better understand the answer to the reading and are able to gain information from it because of your focus. In your everyday life, these images come into your mind as flashes, daydreams, and visualizations; most of the time, they fade before they can be examined. Tarot teaches you to pay attention to these visions, observe them, and uncover the hidden answers that they carry.

Master Your Intuition

It's impossible to read tarot without tapping into your intuition. The entire process of this practice is using your intuition to find answers. As you progress, you'll learn about the different patterns within your life and the people around you. Tarot helps describe these patterns through the major and minor arcana. Soon, you'll be able to predict certain experiences before they happen based on how you feel, the thoughts you've had, and the visions you've seen. Tarot allows you to welcome your inner knowing into the center of your being and access the infinite knowledge that's deep inside you.


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