Does He Miss Me Tarot Pulls

Tarot readings are the perfect tool for providing you with answers to life's most dire questions. 

Many times, the journey to tarot is of necessity, searching for a source of power in times of need to help guide and inform you. Tarot cards reveal special information, such as how your special person is feeling about you.

Love readings, such as "does he miss me" questions, can be answered through tarot cards and can be very accurate if you understand how to ask the questions and what the cards truly mean. 

Is it Ethical to Read Tarot About Someone Else?

When it comes to ethics, every tarot reader has a different interpretation of what it means for their practice. 

Everyone has free will, and you can't always gain every finite detail about someone's life. 

But, you can use a tarot deck to give you insight into someone, especially if they play a role in your life. 

You have to determine where you stand on the matter (there is a lot of debate regarding ethical use of the unique powers of Tarot). However, if your intentions are pure and you are looking to inflict no harm, there's nothing to worry about.

Ask the Right Questions

When asking the tarot if someone misses you, focus on asking in a way that provides you with both answers and also guidance.

Try not to ask, "does he hate me" or "does he never want to speak to me again." 

These questions are geared towards negativity and don't leave room for taking action afterward. 

What if it's Been Years Since You've Spoken

The amount of time that's passed in between the last time you've spoken to the person in question doesn't matter. 

Even if it's been years since you've spoken or seen each other, there is still some feeling or association about you in their hearts. 

You can use the cards to draw out this energy and help you better understand where you stand with them. 

But, if you're questioning whether or not you'll be together with a person who you haven't spoken to in a while, you must ask other questions to have an idea of other elements going on in their current life. 

They could have prior obligations that would prevent them from being able to be in a relationship, or maybe they're already in another relationship. 

You don't want to only ask, "does he still love me" or "does he miss me" because even if the answer is yes, you aren't quite sure what else could be doing in their life to prevent them from acting on these feelings. 

Be Prepared For Uncomfortable Answers

When you search for answers in regards to a connection with a lover, or ex-lover, you want to be prepared for what you find. 

Also, the initial reading you draw may not be the full picture, and if you find information that seems out of the ordinary, try asking your question in another way or ask the deck for a clarification card on the situation. 

Do you need a spread?

When asking any questions, you can either use a predetermined Tarot spread or simply pull Tarot cards organically.

Tarot Spreads are a great tool to start with as they can make the reading more cohesive. 

But, in the case of a does he miss me Tarot reading, you're asking a simply question that merits a simple answer. In fact, it's largely about tapping into your former lover's energy.

So here, you can simply draw cards for the Tarot reading. If your first card doesn't make a ton of sense, the second card could clarify it for you. Draw as many or as few cards as you need until it gives you a sign that serves as an indication of whether or not your ex is missing you.

If you are curious about something deeper, such as if someone loves you, then a spread would be most appropriate.

Card Interpretations

While every card in a tarot book can be used to answer the question "does he miss me," there are specific cards intended to accurately answers this type of question. 

Does He Miss Me Tarot

Three of Swords

The three of swords are depicted as a giant heart with three swords puncturing it. This reading can signify that the pain he has suffered regarding the relationship may be overpowering his feelings for you. 

Someone is experiencing heartache, pain, and depression when this card appears. 

Sometimes, these feelings can bleed into how one feels about the other. 

Look for others to decide if there is still love within the connection. 

Two of cups

The two of cups are a positive card, depicting two people cheering their goblets together. 

If this card appears, it signifies that the person in question has a lot of love and respect for you. 

They feel that the connection is balanced, and you both have the same wants and desires for its outcome. 

Communication has been made, and he feels that there is nothing hidden; you both understand and acknowledge the other partner's wants and desires. 

Ten of cups

The ten of cups depict a family standing over a beautiful rainbow. 

Happiness, bliss, and joy are associated with this card. 

The person in question sees you as their perfect partner and even wants to have a long-term future with you. 

They want to have a family, live together, travel, and have your two lives become one.

If this card appears, there is a lot of hope for this situation because the feelings there are very powerful and likely to outweigh anyone else in their life. 

Ten of swords

Many times, the ten of swords appear in a relationship reading when the person in question feels defeated. 

The card depicts a man, lifeless, as ten swords pierce his back. 

If this card appears, the person in question feels as if you've caused them a great deal of pain, to the point where there is no turning back. 

They can't go on right now with the situation, and they may feel empty or absent of any real love or happiness in regards to your connection.

This card only describes how they're feeling in this current state, so if this is the case, you want to find ways to resolve the situation. You can ask for advice from the deck by drawing a few cards for guidance to move forward. 

Eight of cups

The eight of cups depict a man walking away from a stack of cups.

These cups are meaningful and have value, but he is choosing to leave them behind.

This card usually appears when the person in question is ready to move on and walk away from your connection.

The feelings they had may no longer be present due to emotional or psychological pain.

When the eight of cups appear, it's best to allow the situation to play out naturally because even if you have a heart full of love for this person, they're ready to move on. 

Six of swords

The six of swords depict a family drifting away on a boat, leaving their home behind.

They seem to be sad or melancholy because the transition they're making is difficult.

If the six of swords appear for you, it's a sign that even though this connection may no longer be present, they still have feelings for you.

Maybe you're the one that initiated the breakup, or even if they did, they might have regrets.

If the person in question is still in your life, they may feel a distance that is causing them to retract into their life, but it's not exactly what they want. 

The Future Isn't Set in Stone

Always remember, the future isn't set in stone!

If you find answers that you aren't happy with, you can ask the tarot to help you find a way around them or how to gain the results that you want.

Pay attention to the cards to decide whether or not the person in question misses you and if they want to initiate a connection again. 


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What is Tarot