6 of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

The six swords is an important card in the minor arcana. The message of this card is one of surrendering and doing what's best for yourself in your situation. While this card's meaning may be a tough pill to swallow, if you follow the advice it gives, you'll eventually be led to a better place than you are right now.

When the six of swords appear, there's no denying that you're entering a time when not only a decision needs to be made but also an important action. 

While these times may feel cold or difficult, there's always a light at the end of the tunnel. 

Six of Swords Tarot Card Associations:








Moving forward, making steady progress, slow healing, seeking protection, a new life, leaving a difficult period. 


6 of swords meaning tarot

The six of swords showcase a family inside of a boat, floating along a body of water. Their backs are turned to us as if they're moving in the opposite direction. Six swords stand upright in the boat, and the family doesn't seem to be in good spirits. The sky is painted in a pale gray, and the water is pale also, giving this card a bit of a somber feeling. 

How the Six of Swords Tarot Card Meaning is Derived from its Imagery

The six swords in the boat symbolize heaviness, whether you're dealing with mental health issues or struggles in your love life. The people seem to be going away, moving forward, and leaving something behind; the swords suggest that what they're leaving behind still remains present in their minds and heart. While this card often suggests a brighter future, for the time being, the sky is cold and gray, suggesting that while these are necessary transitions, they may not be very comfortable initially. 

The Six of Swords Tarot Card Meanings

The six of swords is a complex card that offers the reader a bit of hope and guidance when it's needed most. 

The Six of Swords Upright Meaning

This minor arcana card peels back the layer of illusion and clearly shows you that it's time to make a change in your life. Just as the people in the card sail across the sea ahead, this card is nudging you to make your own transition. There is something in your life that's no longer serving your highest good and is actually lowering your quality of life.

For example, if you're having financial difficulties, take a look back on your career or sources of income and be honest with yourself about whether or not these projects are realistic. The six swords symbolize a promising future, but only if you're willing to put in the work and make the difficult decision of moving forward and away from what you've previously known. If you continue to stay where you're at, you'll only be met with unhappiness, unfulfillment, and suffering. 

The Six of Swords Upright in Love

In a love tarot spread, the six of swords suggest that the relationship may not be beneficial for you. Even if it seems great initially, this card shows you that in the long run, it will bring you more pain or heartache than you may realize. If you're questioning a relationship that is already on the rocks, this card explains that no matter what you do to resolve your issues, you'll be left with needing to make the decision to end the relationship in the end. 

The Six of Swords in Reverse

The six of swords reversed suggests you're not able to make a necessary transition. The reversed position of this card doesn't necessarily mean you won't make the decision eventually, but you're experiencing some sort of delay or setback. You may also be lacking the strength needed to leave someone or something behind and feel trapped, unable to continue along your journey without it. 

Reversed Six of swords Card for Love Meaning

In reverse, the six of swords tarot card description suggests that you or your partner may not fully be over a past relationship. If you're questioning the longevity of your current relationship, this suggests that a period of healing must take place in order to continue moving forward.

There are memories and emotions from the past that are preventing one of you from committing fully to the other and opening your heart fully as you'd like. This minor arcana card reversed in a love tarot reading suggests there's hope for this connection to be long-lasting as long as both parties involved are committed to having open communication and allowing themselves to heal from their past hurt. 

Significance of the Six of Swords

The six of swords is a very significant card and reminds you that life is always changing. There are other cards in the tarot that symbolize change and transformation, yet this card sometimes goes overlooked. Everything in life is temporary; life itself is, in fact.

The six of swords reminds us of the importance of holding everything with an open hand and knowing when to let go when the time is right.

If someone or something no longer serves you, why cling to it? Why not let it go and allow yourself to blossom into the next chapter of your life without being weighed down by your past? If the six of swords appears reversed, this is a tell-tale sign that you're holding onto something too tightly, and it's up to you to find out what that is. 

The True Six of Swords Tarot card meaning is about taking a leap of faith

Almost everyone has spent too long in a torturous job, relationship, or living situation because of a fear of the unknown. We tell ourselves excuses like, "I really need the money" or "he's going to change and I need the stability" when, truthfully, it's a matter of embracing uncertainty.

If you knew for a fact you had another, better job or person right around the corner, you wouldn't think twice about letting go of what you have already. But fear gets in the way, the what if of whether or not things will pan out.

In this situation, think carefully about what vibration you're emitting. It's not one of pursuing what you want in life or aligning with your True Path. Instead, you are vibrating on the wavelength of holding on to something that isn't right for you because you are worried of what will come next. You want stability and familiarity, yet the thing providing you with those senses of comfort is what's holding you back from what you're truly meant for.

When dealing with uncertainty, you can either fill the void with one of two things: fear, or faith. If something is making you unhappy, it's almost surely not meant for you.

Each Swords Tarot card is about taking action and making decisions. So, the action of letting go of your current state is what will open you up to receiving something so much better.

A Musing on Risk

The Six of Swords Tarot card is about letting go and facing risk. But, let's consider how we look at risk.

In the modern world, there are few risks to our well-being, most of our struggles are related entirely to money, perception, and societal constructions of how things "should" be.

The characters depicted in this Tarot card are paddling away on a small boat filled with swords. They are almost certainly in a perilous endeavor that could have grave consequences.

Imagine the faith and determination the family on the Six of Swords Tarot card needed to have to embark on their journey. When this card emerges, remember that energy. That's what it is urging you to summon. Even in the Six of Swords reversed the card calls on you to ease into whatever transition is taking place.

All Swords tarot card meanings are packed with deep emotion. You can come to find your own meanings depending on what feelings each swords card evokes within you. What is important is that you are trusting your intuition and listening to the faint voice of your heart. In this case, think of something you feel in your heart you must do, but won't because of a fear of letting go. That's your spirit guides leading you to your destiny.

No spirit guide or Tarot card can change things for you. You are the custodian of your own destiny. If the Six of Swords reveals to you what you must do, it's on you to take the action. Believe that fulfillment, satisfaction, and happiness await you on the other side.

Final Thoughts on The Six of Swords Card

If the six of swords appears, whether it's a health reading, a love reading, or a career reading, it's a sign that you're ready to take the next step in your journey.

If you seek to attract positive manifestations in your life, this card can offer you valuable insight into what you need to let go of.

In dream interpretation and symbolism a ship or boat represents new beginnings and fresh perspectives, ones that you adopt for life and potentially turn into new belief systems. This then changes all of your unconscious patterns of behavior, so it's a catalytic thing.

Also, moving forward from toxic relationships, situations, and people or places that limit your spirit. You might be guided by your Higher Self or some other spiritual source to visit a shaman.

Authentic spiritually is called for. You should spend some time in meditation, silent contemplation, and self-reflection to truly uncover the wisdom and subtle insights wishing to make their way to you.

This is a time that may not feel good and may include a few endings in your life, but once you make it to higher grounds, you'll see exactly why you needed to let go of these things from your past. 

Optimistic travel plans

This sword tarot card is always a sign of great news for traveling overseas or hearing of positive messages to move your travel plans forward.

The actual tarot card depicts a woman on a boat sailing away. Unlike the six of swords reversed, the six of swords upright suggests you have or are moving on. You're not stuck in the past and don't want to dwell on negativity.

Painful situations and memories are becoming a distant memory, so rejoice. But don't get complacent or fall into idleness or laziness. This is not a time to become over-excited with this positive transition.

Stay grounded, self-aligned, and focused on your goals. If you need to make money, deal with health issues, or sort out any imbalances in your body or career, now is the time to do so.

To move forward into a better future, we often need to fully integrate the lessons and teachings from previous cycles. This means taking a deep look at ourselves and being honest.

We're responsible for our choices, actions, behaviors, mindsets, and body, career, health, etc. The six of swords tarot card meaning signifies moving to new or nearby land, and getting in a "boat," metaphorically speaking.

This means you've reaped some good karma! You must have done something right in your past to get this abundant and happy space. Good experiences and opportunities don't just come to us out of the blue; we have to put in effort too.

Positively, you're heading in the right direction, moving towards calmer waters, and quite possible travelling overseas for an amazing new experience.

Clearing childhood wounds

Due to the link to femininity and motherhood, the six of swords has another possible meaning. This is a strong inclination toward clearing and releasing childhood wounds.

We often carry heavy emotional baggage and pain. We may be unconscious of these, thus they have become repressed and suppressed overtime.

As a deeply nurturing and caring number, six combines emotional maturity and the wisdom of age and experience with the logic and intelligence of the general swords tarot card meanings.

So, you can tune into both logic & higher reasoning and intuition & spiritual insight to make the most of the messages the divine is trying to bring you.

If you're using this tarot card in your meditation, remember: six symbolizes feminine instincts, intuition, and spiritual self-awareness; swords represents the air element, which includes logic, reason, and intellectual analysis.

Combining the two is what can help you transition from your inner young child to the grown woman or man that you are supposed to come. This tarot card meaning represents a rites of passage, moving from youth to a wiser and older version of yourself.

Six of swords reversed

The six of swords in the reversed position implies slow healing and possible stagnation in whatever it is you're trying to heal or move on from.

If this card emerges in Shadow Work, it is pointing to some kind of wound that's dragging you down and holding back your growth.

Like a young child who doesn't want to grow up, you might be clinging onto a past relationship or past experiences that weren't good for you.

Something is not serving you and you need to release. It may be a behavior, mindset, belief system, or change that you're reluctant to make. You're experiencing resistance, and you may be finding too much comfort in the familiar.

You could be hearing or seeing clear signs from the universe, yet you're not quite ready to take that leap. If you've seen the six of swords reversed in a love tarot reading, a romantic relationship could be going backwards.

You might be blocked sexually, still holding onto painful sexual memories and wounds. There is a high chance that you're struggling with mindful and kind communication- arguments, tension, and disagreements are common.

You may be in a break-up-get back together cycle and now you don't which way to go. The six of swords reversed indicates indecision. At the worst, you're at a stalemate or complete roadblock, where harmony is virtually impossible to come by.

Seen six of swords reversed in a health reading? You're either dealing with a health issue or are about to get news of one. There's some imbalance that needs addressing.

Go for a dental or general check-up, or consult your therapist friend who is always reminding you of the power of crystals, reiki, the moon, metaphysics, and essential oils. Natural and holistic health may be more beneficial to you than pills and pharmaceuticals.

Spiritual Six of Swords Tarot card meanings

Spiritually, the six of swords tarot card meanings signify a brighter future after a period of spiritual enlightenment. The woman on the boat suggests a spiritual journey, spiritual retreat or pilgrimage, or new path embarked on.

Enlightenment literally means finding the light, reaching the light within. Self-discipline is in order. It's time to transcend comfort zones and find new levels of intuitive, spiritual, and possible psychic insight.

This is what's needed to put you on the right direction, transcend feeling stuck, and finally move from the past to the future (without repeating any old and limiting cycles). Each subsequent deck on the swords tarot card meanings are a step up.


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